人员选用,personnel selection
1)personnel selection人员选用
2)Personnel selection)人员选用(Personnelselection)
3)(Personnel selection)人员选用(Personnel selection)
4)Personnel selection人员选拔
1.Analysis on relationship between L scale of MMPI and military personnel selection test;MMPI测验L量表分与人员选拔测验结果间相关性分析
2.There exist some inaccuracy sources in organizational personnel selection, which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the organization s recruiting a nd placement.在组织人员选拔中存在着一些不准确性来源 ,这些不准确性直接影响组织人员招募与配置的效果。

1.Researches on the Application of Five-Factor Model in Structured Employment Interviews人格测量在人员选拔中应用的研究进展
2.Optimization Method of Public Administration Department Human Resource Employment and Allocation Based on AHP and GP Model;AHP和ZOGP组合应用于公共部门人员选拔配置研究
3.A Study on the Measurement Scale for the Selection of Credit Card Sales Staff of Bank A;A银行信用卡销售人员选拔量表编制研究
4.The Experiment of Implicit Cognition Research in Recruitments;人员选拔决策中的内隐认知机制的实验研究
5.An Experimental Research of Implicit Cognition in Recruitments;人员选拔决策中内隐认知机制的实验研究
6.The Validity Judgment of Personnel Selection Based on the Triangle Model;基于三角互动模型评判人员选拔的有效性
7.Establishing the Selection Mechanism Fit for Modern Enterprises System of National Corporations;国有企业领导人员选拔任用机制的探讨
8.A Research on the Measurement Scales for Selection of Electronics Retail Salesperson电子产品零售业销售人员选拔量表的编制
9.The role inborn thought processes plays in staff selection and retention.运用人与生俱来的思维产生方式进行人员选拔和维持。
10.Analysis on relationship between L scale of MMPI and military personnel selection test;MMPI测验L量表分与人员选拔测验结果间相关性分析
11.To appoint public servants, consisting of selecting of appointing, means to select someone to take charge of some governmental duty.人员的任用由选拔和任命构成,是指选拔人员担任一定的政府职务。
12.The selection committee plumped for the safe, conservatively inclined candidate.选拔委员会选中那位稳健、保守倾向的候选人。
13.selection committee (committee appointed to select eg the members of a sports team)选拔委员会(如选拔运动员的).
14.If we properly resolve the question of retirement, we can easily utilize talented people.把退休人员的问题处理好,便于我们选拔人才。
15.Three years of Experience in personnel recruiting, screening and interviewing.有3年的人员招募、选拔和面试方面的经验。
16.Study on Open Selection of Middle-Level Management Staffs in ChangQing Bureau;长庆局公开选拔中层管理人员方法研究
17.Selection and Performance Examination for the Ordinary Staff of Commercial Bank;商业银行基层人员的选拔和绩效考核实务
18.Assessment System Design to the Manager of FAW-Volkswagen;一汽-大众公司管理人员测评选拔体系设计

Personnel selection)人员选用(Personnelselection)
3)(Personnel selection)人员选用(Personnel selection)
4)Personnel selection人员选拔
1.Analysis on relationship between L scale of MMPI and military personnel selection test;MMPI测验L量表分与人员选拔测验结果间相关性分析
2.There exist some inaccuracy sources in organizational personnel selection, which has a direct impact on the effectiveness of the organization s recruiting a nd placement.在组织人员选拔中存在着一些不准确性来源 ,这些不准确性直接影响组织人员招募与配置的效果。
1.Based on the case studies in Chinese manufacturing companies implementing CE and the investigations for foreign counterparts, the paper analyzed and summarized the human resource management practices (such as selection for team members and leader, training, performance evaluation and motivation ,etc.根据对我国实施并行工程企业的案例调查以及对国外情况的了解,分析并总结了我国企业实行并行工程中在人力资源管理( 人员选拔和培训、绩效评价和激励等) 方面的具体作法和存在的问题,并探讨了解决的措
6)selecting and appointing cadres选人用人
1.On countermeasures of reducing failure to supervise subordinates in selecting and appointing cadres of all ranks at colleges;高校选人用人减少失察失误的对策研究
