运动会,sports meeting
1)sports meeting运动会
1.Reformation framework of substituting sports festival for traditional school sports meeting;以体育节取代普通高校传统田径运动会的改革构想
2.Enlightenment of the Evolution and Characteristics of the School "Sports Meeting" in Japan;日本学校“运动会”的演变及特点的启示
3.So as to how about seting up optimizing, the reasonable sports meeting administrative system is launched, combine practice, follow the design step of database bevelopment, design a modemized university sports meeting administrative system.以如何建立优化、合理的运动会管理系统展开,结合实践,遵循数据库开发的设计步骤,设计一个现代化的高校运动会管理系统。

1.National Games [China]全国运动会〔全运会〕〔中国〕
2.a track, swimming meet田径、 游泳运动会.
3.So the Olympic Games consist of the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics?这么说奥运会包括夏季运动会和冬季运动会喽?
4.An association of teams.体育运动会的联合会
5.The sport meet is presided by the student union(association).体育运动会学生会主持。
6.Wang Ping: The full name for the Asian Games is the Asian Games Federation.王平:亚运会全称亚洲运动会联合会。
7."Olympic Games are sports meets for amateur sportsmen, other individual games allow professionals to take part in. "奥运会是业余运动员运动会。许多单项运动会允许职业选手参赛。
8.Annie: The short form of the Olympic Games is the Olympics.安妮:奥林匹克运动会简称“奥运会”。
9.Then the spokes: sports, sports, sports: and the hub big: college.辐条上排列起“运动会运动会运动会”字样,轮毂上标上“学院”两个大字。
10.a trained athlete who participates in swimming meets.参加游泳运动会的运动员。
11.The sports field is marked out for an athletic meeting.准备开运动会的运动场地已被划好。
12.The trade union movement, especially its officials.工会运动工会运动,尤指其正式运动
13.an athlete who participates in the Olympic games.参加奥运会的运动员。
14.Parliamentary Council of the European Movement欧洲运动议会理事会
15.Pati Kongre Nasyonal Mouvman Demokratic Yo民主运动大会党(民运大会党)
16.Congres National des Mouvements Democratiques全国民主运动大会(民运大会)
17.Party of the National Congress of Democratic Movements全国民主运动大会党(民运大会党)
18.Comite National du Congress des Mouvements Democratie民主运动大会国民委员会(民运委)

1.Design and implementation of web news issue system of games;运动会新闻发布系统的设计与实现
2.Development of Track and Field Games Management Information System in Universities;普通高校田径运动会管理信息系统的开发
3.Charcteristics and innovation of the performances in the opening ceremonies of great national games and their influences on the society;我国大型运动会开幕式表演的特点及其对社会的影响
3)Sports Meet运动会
1.The Design and Realiation of Track and Field Sports Meet Uttered by Computer Management System;田径运动会计算机管理系统的设计与实现
2.In this paper, by studying the relations among the norms and parameters in arranging the schedule of the track and field sports meet, the mathematical model and the algorithm for seeking the frame work of the sports meet s schedule have been established.本文对田径运动会竞赛日程编排工作中各种参数,准则等之间的关系进行了研究。
3.In recent years,some problems which are not in conformity with the educational reform have been exposed in the sports meet in vocational colleges.近年来高职院校运动会逐渐暴露出与教育改革不相符的一些问题,运动会的观念陈旧、项目传统、竞技性强、学生参与的积极性差。
4)sports games运动会
1.Less prominence to athletics,more focus on ability and more participation ——Reform and innovation of college sports games;淡竞技、重能力、多参与——论高校运动会的改革与创新
2.This paper made theoretical discussion on application of folk style performance in opening ceremony of large-scale sports games,pointed out that it could display our profound national culture,promoted the forming of ethical attribution,increased the artistry of performance and was benefit to develop the regional character economics,discussed the three forms of application of folk style.对民间文体形式在大型运动会开幕式表演(团体操)中的运用进行了理论上的探讨。
5)anthem of the games运动会会歌
6)flag of the games运动会会旗
