人工重力,artificial gravity
1)artificial gravity人工重力
1.Aim: To explore the effects of three intermittent artificial gravity on simulated weightlessness rats.目的 :比较三种间断性人工重力对抗措施对模拟失重大鼠的影响。
2.Then,an overview of the physiological effects and requirements for the two types of artificial gravity (AG),i.本文首先对现用以运动为主对抗措施的局限性以及将来可能采用以人工重力为主对抗措施的科学依据进行了阐述。

1.artificial gravity spacecraft simulator人工重力航天模拟器
2.artificial gravity performance assessment人造重力条件下工作能力的评定
3.One who does menial or trivial work;a drudge.作粗重工作的人一个做体力劳动或不重要工作的人;干重活的人
4.A man who performs heavy manual or industrial labor.从事重体力或工业劳动的人
5.an executive who was pressurized By a heavy workload.一位承担过重工作压力的行政人员
6.Strengthenning Humanistic Qualities in Teaching Engineering Mechanics in Vocational College重视高职《工程力学》中的人文素质教育
7.Work Analyzing: an important basic work in the administration of personnel resources工作分析——人力资源管理重要的基础性工作
8.Pressure Monitoring of Senile Critical Patients Accepted Artificial Airway Gasbag and Nursing Care of Them老年危重病人人工气道气囊压力监测及护理
9.Three Dimensional Reconstruction of Femur and Study on Biomechanics of the Artificial Hip Prosthesis;股骨三维重建与人工髋关节生物力学研究
10.The Reinventing Human Resource Management Mode of ICBC in the Post-reform Era: A Case Study on the Sichuan Branch of ICBC;股份制改革后工商银行人力资源管理模式重构
11.Fulfill the Obligation of Class Supervisor and Train Talents;高度重视人才培养 努力做好班主任工作
12.On the Iimportant Role of Ability Cultivation in Colleges and Universities;论能力培养在高校教书育人工作中的重要作用
13.Pay much attention to human capital investment and vigorously develope the state-owned industrial enterprises in Guangxi;重视人力资本投资 振兴广西国有工业企业
14.Fermentation Kinetics of Producting Recombination Human-like Collagen in Pichia Pastoris重组类人胶原蛋白基因工程菌发酵动力学
15.Older employees, though, some of whom had grown soft in their jobs, had a good deal more to worry about.可是年纪较大的职工,其中有些人已经力不从心,都顾虑重重。
16.During the industrial age, however, brainpower began to count for more than muscle power.然而在工业时代,人脑的力量开始比肌肉的力量更为重要。
17.I'm afraid my uncle's stressful job has turned him into a basket case.我担心叔父的压力沉重的工作会使他变成一个毫无气力的废人。
18.The exercitation teaching of electrics and electronics is an important step for the training of talented personnel with the ability of engineering practice.电工电子实习教学是培养具有工程实践能力人才的一个重要环节。

Intermittent artificial gravity间断性人工重力
3)artificial gravity simulator人工重力模拟器
4)artificial gravity spacecraft simulator人工重力航天模拟器
5)artificial reconstruction人工重建
1.According to the magnitude of natural forces and manpower, can the main approaches of vegetation construction be divided into natural restoration, the natural restoration with the aid of manpower, and the artificial reconstruction.根据自然力与人力的作用大小,可将植被建设的主要途径划分为自然恢复、人工促进自然恢复和人工重建3种。
6)Artificial heavy concentrate人工重砂
1.Artificial heavy concentrate tests were conducted on chemical analysis spare sample from Relangze Lead-Silver Mine.对热朗泽铅银矿矿石化学分析副样进行了人工重砂试验。

人工受精与人工授精人工受精与人工授精artificial fertilization and artificial insemination 我国学者把“人工受精”与“人工授精”两名词区别开来:前者指人工体外受精而言,后者指把精液注入到妇女的阴道或宫颈管、宫腔内,使精、卵在体内相遇。人卵体外受精与胚胎移植后出生的婴儿俗称试管婴儿。