恐怖袭击,terrorism attack
1)terrorism attack恐怖袭击
1.Study on relation between consequence of explosive terrorism attacks and crowd massing situation;爆炸性恐怖袭击后果与人群聚集状态的关系研究
2.The risk from man-made destructions(typically terrorism attacks) is included in the range of major hazard installation assessment, and existing assessment index system is .将人为破坏(恐怖袭击)引发事故的风险纳入重大危险源风险评价的研究范畴,对现有的评价指标体系进行了改进。
3.As one of the critical infrastructure, Electric Power system is the preference of terrorism attack.电力系统作为国家的关键基础设施,是恐怖袭击的重点目标之一。

1.Anti-terrorism Situation of Subway under Terrorist Menace;恐怖袭击下地铁反(防)恐研究概况
2.Domestic surveillance increased after the attacks of September 11, 2001.在911恐怖袭击之后,国内监视增多了。
3.A Research on Countermeasure of Chinese Government Against Bio-Terrorism;中国政府防范生物恐怖袭击对策研究
4.Dose calculation method using the puff model during radiological dispersal devices attack“脏弹”恐怖袭击烟团剂量计算方法
5.SUFFERING from a tsunami or terrorist attack comes in stages.海啸或恐怖袭击带来的破坏是一个接一个。
6.New Yorkers initially braced themselves for another terrorist attack.纽约人原本以为他们面临着又一次恐怖袭击
7.The people interviewed on TV said that compared to a terrorist attack,电视上被采访的人说,和恐怖袭击比较起来,
8.Security was strengthened at the embassy as a precaution against any terrorist attack.该使馆同时加强警卫,以防范遭恐怖袭击
9.This level indicates that U.S. is facing a 'pretty high' risk of terrorist attacks.这个级别表明美国面临“相当大”的恐怖袭击风险。
10.Songs on The Rising also express anger about the attacks.《上升》里的歌还表达了对恐怖袭击的愤怒,
11.The September 11th terrorist attack is denounced by people of all countries.“9·11”恐怖袭击事件,受到了各国人民的共同谴责。
12.Can Osama bin Laden carry out such an act in America?拉登能够在美国发动这样的恐怖袭击吗?
13.The september eleventh 2001 terrorist attacks led to more restrictive visa requirements.2001年9月的恐怖袭击后,导致签证要求更为严格。
14.Implementation of Medical Rescue Information System for Bioterrorism Attack;生物恐怖袭击医学救援信息系统的建立
15.The Research on Munich Terrorist Attack Affair and American Policy;1972年慕尼黑恐怖袭击事件及美国对策研究
16.a sneak attack By terrorists.恐怖分子的突然袭击
17.Terrorists attacked two soldiers on patrol.恐怖分子袭击了两名正在巡逻的士兵.
18.I am haunted with a horrible fear.我受到一种恐怖感觉的袭击。

terrorist attack恐怖袭击
1.Reflections on terrorist attack rescue;对生化恐怖袭击抢险救援的思考
2.In the aftermath of the September 11 Attacks,terrorist attacks have caused grave endangerment to the world.11"事件以来,恐怖袭击给世界带来了严重危害。
3.Based on research of decision making process, the architecture and some factors of emergency decision support system facing biological and chemical terrorist attacks are designed in subway or subway station.分析了化学恐怖袭击时相关部门和人员决策和执行过程,探讨了地铁这一类特殊环境下应对化学恐怖袭击的应急决策支持系统的功能要素和总体框架。
3)terror attack恐怖袭击
1.Progress of risk assessment for terror attacks on industrial facilities;工业设施受恐怖袭击风险评价方法研究进展
2.In this paper, we elucidate the definition and classification of terror attacks.近年来 ,恐怖袭击活动在世界范围内蔓延 ,已成为人类社会的公害。
3.As we all know, much greater concern has been shown to the terrorist attacks by government, mass media as well as the general public because terror attack occur constantly lately.近年来不断发生的恐怖袭击事件引起了各国政府、媒体和公众的广泛关注,地铁车站由于人群密集、易于袭击及社会影响广泛等特点成为恐怖分子袭击的首选目标。
4)terrorist attacks恐怖袭击
1.Due to the large number of participants,complex identities and difficulties of the safety security work,large mass activities are easy to become the main target of the terrorist attacks.应对大型群众性活动可能发生的恐怖袭击事件,需要全社会民众的共同参与,应从加强宣传、情报收集、现场控制、反恐实战演练等几方面入手进行防范。
5)nuclear terror raid核恐怖袭击
1.The characteristics of injuries and medical protection in nuclear terror raid;核恐怖袭击人员损伤特点与医学防护
6)explosive terror attack爆炸恐怖袭击
1.The explosive terror attack is the most frequent in all terror activities in the world.本文介绍了当今国际爆炸恐怖袭击的现状及我国面临的现实威胁 ,系统阐述了爆炸恐怖袭击的种类、所致损伤的伤类伤情特点、爆炸现场伤员的紧急救治原则与内容、掩埋伤员的搜寻与挖掘、伤员的搬运与医学后送及其特殊要求。
