成长期,growth stage
1)growth stage成长期
1.In line with the characteristics and crisis at the initial stage,growth stage and development stage of insurance companies,the author put forth suggestions that the ind.针对公司在初创期、成长期、发展期的特征和危机,提出了转变经营观念,变粗放式经营为集约化经营;加快创新步伐,改进保险营销方式;强化管理意识,提高管理质量和水平:加强保险队伍建设等对策。
2.They must see the growth stage is the Key period which the enterprises become bigger and stronger.企业必须正确认识新经济体制下成长期是企业做大做强的关键时期,正确把握企业在这个时期内所处的发展阶段以及每个发展阶段遇到的障碍,这是是企业健康成长的关键。
3.The medium and small software enterprise has the periods of a high risk, high miss ratio at growth stage, all sorts of problem faced could is it solve it is medium and small software enterprise that could succeed in key that start an undertaking effectively to have to go to growth stage.中小软件企业成长期是一个高风险、高失败率的时期,成长期所面临的种种问题能否得到有效解决是中小软件企业能否成功的关键。

1.Analysis and Suggestion of TBT S Trade Effect during the Period of Growth and Maturity;成长期和成熟期TBT的贸易效应分析及建议
2.seminal ideas of one discipline can influence the growth of another.幼年时期的纪律观念能够影响另一个成长期
3.Young people go through a period of fast growth, called puberty.青少年会经历一段快速成长期,称为青春期。
4.I don't want them to grow up我不希望在他们成长期
5.introduction, growth, maturity and decline.推介期、增长期、成熟期和衰退期。
6.Growth is rapid in infancy.幼儿期的成长相当快。
7.On Long Wave Theory and Periodicity of Cultural Industry;论技术长波理论与文化产业成长周期
8.It 's a hard task to break up long habit in a short time .长期养成的习惯,短期难以纠正。
9.An Anylyses on the Growing Circle and Pace of An Industry;产业成长周期与产业成长速度特征分析
10.of long [short] duration长期 [短期] 的
11.Increase task duration, so the work is done over a longer period of time.延长任务工期,使工作在更长时间内完成。
12.Increase task duration, so the additional work is done over a longer period of time延长任务工期,使附加的工作在更长时间内完成
13.Life cycle - more investment in introductory and growth stages than the mature stage.生命周期-在推出和增长阶段的投入比成熟期多。
15.the accumulative effects of eating too much长期饮食过量造成的后果.
16.And so a democratic style of work has evolved over the years.所以,长期以来,形成了一种民主作风。
17.Added operating costs because of more deduction points and long pay back period扣点多、收款期长增加营运成本
18.What constitutes the good life is a perennial question.幸福生活的形成是一个长期的问题。

growing period成长期
1.Analyses of Chinese civilian-run groups expanding impulses during their growing period;中国成长期民营企业集团的扩张冲动分析
2.Through an analysis of living examples, the author discusses theoretically how to adopt a corresponding Ad strategy for a product in different stages of the product′s lifecycle (guided period, growing period, autumn period, declined period ).初步认为 :在产品的导入期 ,广告策略应在使消费者尽快了解产品特性的基础上 ,确立其品牌知名度 ;在产品的成长期 ,广告策略应分析同类竞争产品的广告 ,保持已占领市场 ,并努力拓展潜在市场 ,继续维持并提升品牌形象 ;在产品的成熟期 ,广告策略应以维持、巩固产品的品牌知名度 ,并赋予品牌独特的个性意义 ,使之植根于消费者心中 ;在产品的衰退期 ,广告策略应着眼于呵护品牌形象 ,图谋企业日后的发
3.Why? Why not health industry is respectable and trustable as others? Why outside enterprise come here be successful? In view of this problem, this essay point out the disadvantages and advantages of marketing strategy in growing period, that has the direct rel.为什么保健品行业不能像传统行业一样,出现一批让人信赖的产品,出现一批让人尊敬的企业?为什么在本土企业纷纷败阵之际,国外军团却粉墨登场,独占鳌头,差距到底在哪里?针对这些问题,本文主要从保健品在国内的发展历程,经营环境及目前经营现状进行分析,从成长期营销策略设计这一角度,指出产品成长期营销策略设计的好坏,不仅对其产品自身生命周期有着直接关系,而且对品牌与企业发展也有着很大的影响。
3)Growth Period成长期
1.In China,most of the medium-size and small-size high technology enterprises stand in the growth period of the whole development phase, so the analysis on financing channels and strategies of medium-size and small-size high technology enterprises standing in the growth period has great academic value and practical significance.我国的中小型高技术企业大多处于发展阶段中的成长期,因此,针对成长期的中小型高新技术企业融资渠道进行分析是具有很高的学术价值和实践意义。
4)Growth Options成长期权
1.Pricing Theory in the Evaluating the Value of CM&A Based on Growth Options Theory;基于成长期权的企业并购价值评估方法
2.A Firm Valuation Model Based on Growth Options;基于成长期权的企业价值评估模型
5)growth option成长期权
1.Using option game method,it is explored that how the investment growth option affects the debt financing decision of firm.本文利用期权博弈方法,探析投资成长期权如何影响公司债务融资决策问题。
6)a long-term success长期成功

成熟长期趋势成熟长期趋势secular trend in maturation 成熟长期趋势(secula「trend in matura-tio“)一代人与先前几代人相比,身体发育更快、更大和性成熟提前或前倾的趋向。这个趋向约在100年前开始。男女性成熟的年龄均有提前,而且是个全球性的现象。这与生活水平的提高有关。遇到经济危机或饥荒时,发育成熟呈倒退趋向则是一个反证。交通发达使人口流动到各地,就像“自行车效应”一样,频繁的棍血使高个子基因扩展到更多的地区和更多的人,使人的身材普遍增高,提前达到成人的身高也是原因之一。成熟的前倾使儿童期正在缩短。有些疾病,如青春期常见的精神病也有可能提前出现。另外,性成熟提前,相对心理成熟和社会成熟落后了。两者发展的不平衡给青少年的适应带来不少问题。如青少年违法年龄下降以及性违法行为增加可能一与此有关。 (刘金花撰曹子方审)