身体耐力,physical endurance
1)physical endurance身体耐力
2)Physical Violence身体暴力
3)physical ability身体能力

1.To deprive of capability or effectiveness, especially to impair the physical abilities of.使无能力使丧失能力或使无效,尤指损害身体能力
2.Sleep refreshes the body.睡眠能使身体恢复活力。
3.Five, immunity and ability to support the body's health.五,免疫能力,人体自身维持健康的能力。
4.Physical or mental strength, energy, or force.体力,精力,活力身体或精神上的力量或能量
5.A physical or mental disability.身心的缺陷体力或智力上的无能
6.the quality of being salubrious and invigorating.能促进人的身体健康,能使人精力充沛。
7.Enhances the functioning of white blood cells, helping to strengthen the body's immune system.改善白血球的机能,增强身体免疫能力。
8.Regular physical exercises can strengthen one's resistance against illness.经常锻炼身体, 能够提高人体的抵抗力。
9.The cultivation of Cultural Accomplishment of PE and the Improvement of the Life_long Capabilities of PE;培养体育文化素养,提高终身体育能力
10.Impact on Athlete s Bodyfunction and Performance of Weightcontrol;体重控制对运动员身体机能和运动能力的影响
11."But they may cause disease when the body's resistance is low for any reason. For example, bacteria called streptococci are often present in a person's throat."但当身体抵抗力降低时可能引起疾
12.loss of the ability to move a body part.失去移动身体部位的能力。
13.Used to indicate physical or mental ability.用于表示身体或精神上的能力.
14.It robs the body of its protections against disease.它破坏了人体自身抵抗疾病的能力。
15.She's handicapped but very self-sufficient.她身体有缺陷, 但很有自立的能力.
16.He is no longer in good health,and his ability to work is limited.他身体不好了,他的工作能力有限。
17.Based on Health to Cultivate Students’ Ability of Lifelong Physical Training;以健康为本培养学生的终身体育能力
18.On the Life-long Learning System of Overall Promotion Employment Ability;论全面提升就业能力的终身学习体系

Physical Violence身体暴力
3)physical ability身体能力
4)earnestly practise身体力行
1.As long as we grasp the essence of "Three Represeatatives" and earnestly practise it,we can effectively solve these new probloms and handle the new situation with ease.只要我们认真学习、深刻领会、身体力行“三个代表”的重要思想 ,就能有效地解决“多样化”给我们提出的新课题 ,就能正确地应对新形势给我们提出的新挑战。
5)body power身体权力

耐力耐力  坚持的能力。