区域网络,regional network
1)regional network区域网络
1.In addition,an iterative algorithm is used to determine the optimal size of regional networks,which will be of benefit to Mobile IP networ.此外,还用递推的方法找到了最优化的区域网络规模,这种优化方法对移动IP网络规划有重要的理论意义和实用价值。

1.wide area network [WAN]宽广区域网络〔广域网〕
2.metropolitan area network [MAN]城市区域网络〔城域网〕
3.storage area network存储区域网,[港]储存区域网络
4.Minnesota Regional Network明尼苏达州区域网络
5.local area network adapter局部区域网络适配器
6.local area network administrator局部区域网络管理员
7.local area network multicast局部区域网络多址广播
8.A fourth type connects things in a“ personal-area network” or PAN.第四类用于个人区域网络或周边区域网络连接。
9.NAS and SAN;网络附属存储NAS与存储区域网络SAN
10.local area network gateway局部区域网络网间连接器
11.subregional network of francophone population research centres in Western Africa西非法语人口研究中心分区域网络
12.LAN (local area network)局域网,[台]局域网络,[港]地区网络
13.Regional Seismological Network in South-East Asia东南亚区域地震学网络
14.Corporation for Regional and Enterprise Networking区域和企业网络公司
15.Two Basic network types are local area networks (LANs) and wide-area networks.两种基本的网络类型是区域性网络(LAN)和广域网络。
16.Regional Informatics Network for Africa非洲区域信息网络(非洲网)
17.Regional Informatics Network for South and Central Asia南亚和中亚区域信息网络(南中亚网)
18.Analyzing the Relationship between Managers' Social Network and Region Innovation Network Take Tianjin Binhai Newly Developed Area for Example经理层社会网络与区域创新网络的关联分析

NSFNET Regional NSF网络区域网
3)Local Area Network (LAN)区域网络;部份区域网络
4)network of region区域网络化
1.Its main development direction to realize the network of manufacturing industry of China is by the development of network of industry, or by the development of network of region, or by the development of integrated network of industry and region.其发展途径主要包括行业网络化的发展、区域网络化的发展及行业和区域网络化的集成发展。
5)regional entropy区域网络熵
6)trans-regional networks跨区域网络
1.To change the fragmentation and administrative division, we need to construct the trans-regional networks between the economic dimensions of counties and cities and of provinces.要改变过去“各自为政”、“行政分割”的状况,要求在县市域经济层面、省域经济层面进行跨区域网络构建,并通过完善跨区域网络构建中的节点建设,打破行政区划的锁定状态,实现优势资源的跨区域共享与合理分工,引导产业集群走向高端道路。
