软预算约束,soft budget constraint
1)soft budget constraint软预算约束
1.Transition Economy,Soft Budget Constraint and Fiscal Decentralization;转轨经济、软预算约束与财政分权
2.Policy burden,adverse selection and soft budget constraint of HEIs;政策性负担、逆向选择与高校软预算约束

1.Reviewing the Soft Budget Constraint--A Discussion of the Soft Budget Constraint in Transition Economies;重新解读软预算约束——兼论转轨经济中的软预算约束问题
2.The Determinant of Soft Budget Constraint: Theory and Empirical Evidence;软预算约束的决定因素:理论与实证
3.Privatization, Bank Reform and the Soft Budget Constraint of Enterprises;私有化、银行改革与企业的软预算约束
4.On the Soft Budget Constraint of Military Expenditure: Causality Analysis and Model Expound;军费软预算约束成因分析及模型解析
5.On soft budget constraint and financial decision-making right of public colleges;高等学校的软预算约束与财务自主权
6.The Cure of SBC in China:theories and Policies;我国软预算约束的治理:理论与政策
7.Moral Hazard,Sunk Cost Effect and Soft Budget Constraints道德风险、沉淀成本效应与软预算约束
8.Research of Commercial Banks Reform in China under Dual Soft Budget Constraint;双重软预算约束条件下我国商业银行改革研究
9.Soft Budget Constraints and the Study of Non-performing Assets of Our Commercial Banks;软预算约束与我国商业银行不良资产研究
10.Soft Budget Constraint and the Shareholding Reform of Chinese State-owned Commercial Banks;软预算约束与我国国有商业银行股份制改革
11.The Research on Bank Risk Supervision under Soft Budget Constraint;软预算约束下银行业风险监管问题研究
12.Policy burden,adverse selection and soft budget constraint of HEIs;政策性负担、逆向选择与高校软预算约束
13.Soft Budget Constraints in the Large State-owned Enterprises: A Behavioral Economics Appraoch;大型国有企业软预算约束的行为经济学分析
14.Soft Budget Constraints and Transformation of the State-Owned Enterprise :Factor Input Analysis;软预算约束与国企改革:从要素投入的视角分析
15.Banks,Stock Markets and the Soft Budget Constraint in Transition Economy;转轨经济中银行上市后的软预算约束及监管
16.Inverted Soft Budget Constraint: Extrabudgetary Resource-Seeking in Local Governments;“逆向软预算约束”:一个政府行为的组织分析
17.A New Vewpoint of Soft Budget Constraint:Application of the Coorerate Game Theory;软预算约束的新视角:合作博弈理论的应用
18.Stock Pyramids, Soft Budget Constraint and Debt Governance;金字塔控股、预算软约束与债务治理

soft budget constraints软预算约束
1.This paper researches the behavior difference among government,banks and enterprises and how it affects soft budget constraints of enterprises and non-performing loans of banks based with dynamic game.从银行信贷的相关利益者的动态博弈出发,建立一个政府、银行和企业之间的三方博弈模型来分析它们之间的目标和行为差异从而对企业软预算约束成因及其影响。
2.It can be helpful for the local government to curb their predatory hand on market,and harden the traditional soft budget constraints.而现实局限为在地方政府仍控制大量经济资源下会产生新的软预算约束,以及忽视本土企业的发展,从而对长期推动经济增长造成威胁。
3.Using a dynamic game model of incomplete information,this paper discusses the relations among financial crisis,regulator s soft budget constraints and banker s moral hazard.本文利用不完全信息动态博弈模型,探讨了金融危机、监管者的软预算约束与银行道德风险之间的关系。
3)soft budget constraints预算软约束
1.In this paper, we analyze the reasons of credit risk by the theory of Soft Budget Constraints.我国国有商业银行信用风险的形成有着独特的体制性的根源,本文运用预算软约束理论对其信用风险成因进行分析。
4)soft budget constraint预算软约束
1.Soft Budget Constraint,Financial Risk of Firms and Audit Pricing;预算软约束、企业财务风险与审计定价
2.Debt,Soft Budget Constraint and Investment;银行负债、预算软约束与企业投资
3.State Ownership, Operational Risk, Soft Budget Constraint, and Firm Performance: Empirical Evidence from China s Listed Companies;国有股权、经营风险、预算软约束与公司业绩:中国上市公司的实证发现
5)inverted soft budget constraint逆向软预算约束
6)Dual soft budget constraint双重软预算约束
