生活保障,living security
1)living security生活保障
1.The paper focuses situation of peasants living security in the process of fast urbanization,taking the case of suburbs in Pudong new area of Shanghai.本文以上海浦东郊区为例研究快速城市化进程中农民生活保障问题的现状,分析了城市化对提高农民生活水平的贡献,同时也指出了快速城市化过程中农民生活保障方面存在的不足和问题。
2.Fishermen\'s minimum living security system is a part of the social security system.渔民最低生活保障制度是社会保障体系的一部分。

1.The Right to Exist and Its Protection Models;最低生活保障权的性质及其保障模式
2.Employment and Social Security就业和社会生活保障
3.guarantee of subsistence allowances for urban residents城镇居民最低生活保障
4.On the Equal Protection to Minimum Living Security最低生活保障权平等保护简论——城乡居民最低生活保障制度一体化
5.Study on Secutity Effect of Minimun Living Security System;城市居民最低生活保障制度保障效果研究
6.The Healthcare Guarantee System of the City People with the Allowance for the Lowest Living standard;城市最低生活保障人口的医疗保障体制
7.The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for urban residents will be improved to upgrade gradually the insurance of a minimum standard of living.完善城市居民最低生活保障制度,逐步提高最低生活保障水平。
8.The Present Situation and Prospect of the Lowest Social Security in Shenzhen;深圳最低生活保障的现状和前瞻——兼论非户籍居民的最低生活保障
10.In towns and cities, three forms security system have been gradually established: the minimum living standard for citizens, the basic living security for laid-off and workers, and the insurance fund for the unemployed.城镇建立了城市最低生活保障、下岗职工基本生活保障和失业保险基金三大保障线。
11.seek status and security追求社会地位和生活保障
12.B.Formulation of subsistence security standard at various localities(二)各地制定最低生活保障标准的情况
13.A.Recipients of the subsistence security allowances(一)最低生活保障对象的情况
14.C. Implementation of the guaranteed subsistence allowances(三)最低生活保障资金落实情况
15.China Establishes Urban Subsistence Security System中国建立城市居民最低生活保障制度
16.The system for ensuring a minimum standard of living for urban residents shall be standardized.规范城市居民最低生活保障制度。
17.Everyone who is old can have security.每一个老年人都能得到生活保障
18.guarantee of Basic cost of living allowances for workers laid off from state-owned enterprises国企下岗职工基本生活保障

subsistence allowances最低生活保障
3)minimum living guarantee最低生活保障
1.A Thought about Perfecting Minimum Living Guarantee of the Urbanite in Xinjiang;完善新疆城市居民最低生活保障制度的思考
4)lowest living security最低生活保障
1.Different from other research work on the lowest living security in China,this paper tries to make a comprehensive view on the lowest rural security system and puts forward a serious of measures and policy suggestions whi.对农村最低生活保障制度进行了界定 ,重点分析了目前在我国建立农村最低生活保障制度的必要性及可行性 ,提出了农村最低生活保障制度建设中应注意的问题 ,包括科学确定保障标准、合理筹集保障基金、正确界定保障对象及恰当选择资金管理方式
2.This paper points out the problems existing in carrying out the system of the lowest living security,and points out that the differences in the recognition must be solved in order to carry well out this system.阐述了实施最低生活保障(简称“低保”)制度中存在的问题,指出为了更好地实施这一制度,必须解决好认识上的差距。
3.At present, the urban lowest living security is the core of Anti-poverty System in urban areas in China.城市居民最低生活保障制度是我国目前城市反贫困制度的核心,它在保障城市贫困群体基本生活、缓解由经济社会转型带来的社会分化起到了很重要的作用。
5)guarantee the basic life基本生活保障
1.Although the measures of guarantee the basic life of peasants who are taken over land have been established by central government and local governments,the process of taking over land and compensation measures still has many deficiencies.如,完善基本生活保障体系构建,在区分土地公益性使用与非公益性使用的基础上改革非公益性使用土地的程序,强化政府功能引导被征地农民就业和自主创业,引入资产信托机构用以保值增值其基本生活保障资金。
6)minimal living security system最低生活保障制
1.The minimal living security system for rural areas is a social relief system established by the state to maintain the minimal basic living of the rural poverty-stricken population,of which the important significance lies in the promotion of stable,coordinated development of the rural social economy.农村最低生活保障制度是国家为保障难以维持最低基本生活的农村贫困人口而建立的社会救济制度,其重要意义在于促进农村社会经济稳定协调发展。
