文职护士,civilian nurse
1)civilian nurse文职护士
1.Objectives: To discuss the function of comprehensive evaluation to the civilian nurse.目的:探讨文职护士综合考评在强化文职护士管理中的作用。
2.Objective To investigate the self-recognition of civilian nurses taking tasks of onboard health care service.目的了解担任海上卫勤保障任务的文职护士对自我定位、需求期望及参与卫勤保障任务的认知情况。

1.Research on Self-efficacy and Coping Style of Non-commissionel Civilian Nurses非现役文职护士的自我效能感及其应对方式
2.Needs Investigation and Analysis on Pre-service Training of Civilian Nurses in Military Hospitals军队医院文职护士岗前培训需求的调查与分析
3.Investigation on Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment and Turnover Intention of Non-active Civilian Nurses in Military Sanitarium军队疗养院非现役文职护士工作满意度、组织承诺与离职意愿的调查
4.She chose nursing as her vocation.她选择护士为职业。
5.Effect of the head nurse in nurses' career planning and management护士长在护士职业生涯规划管理中的作用
6.What is the duty of a doctor, of a nurse, of an orderly?医生、护士、护理员的职责是什么?
7.Survey and analysis on the status of vocational protection of chemotherapy for clinical nurses临床护士化疗职业防护现状调查分析
8.The occupational hazard for the nurses In out-patient service infusion rooms and protection门诊输液室护士职业危害与防护对策
9.Bachelor of Nursing [Chinese University of Hong Kong]护理学士〔香港中文大学〕
10.Master of Nursing [Chinese University of Hong Kong]护理硕士〔香港中文大学〕
11.Neonatal intensive care unit nurses,occupational hazards and protection新生儿重症监护室护士职业危害与防护
12.Management Function and Leadership Skill of Head Nurse论当代护士长的管理职能与领导技巧
13.He considered it to be his duty as a gentlemen to patronize the institution of public worship.他认为,维护公共礼拜堂是绅士的天职。
14.Investigation of vocational tress and psychological adaptation of nurses护士职业压力与心理适应的调查研究
15.Master of Science in Health Care with a specialism in Occupational Therapy医疗护理学理学硕士──职业治疗学专业
16.A Correlative Study of Occupational Stress and Mental Health in Nurses;护士职业应激与心身健康的相关研究
18.Study on relation between nurses' working pressure and turnover intention护士工作压力与离职意愿关系的研究

civil nurse文职护士
1.The role of nursing department in the employment of civil nurses;护理部在招聘文职护士中的作用
2.The methods and effect of training on the role transition of civil nurses;聘用护士到文职护士角色转变的实施方法与效果
3.The practice and effect of the phased training program for civil nurses;分阶段培训文职护士的做法与效果
3)non-active civilian nurses非现役文职护士
1.Objective To study the non-active civilian nurses\' job satisfaction,organization commitment and turnover intentions as well as their interrelation and the affecting factors.目的了解军队疗养院非现役文职护士的工作满意度、组织承诺状况以及离职意愿,同时探讨三者的影响因素以及三者之间的相互关系。
4)high vocational and nursing education高职护士
5)nursing profession护士职业
1.The process of nursing student developing a self-identity for socialization to nursing profession;护生对护士职业自我认识的发展过程
6)nurse's function护士职能

文职1.文官的职事。 2.指文官﹐对"武职"而言。