碱式氯化铝,polyaluminum chloride
1)polyaluminum chloride碱式氯化铝
1.Study on preparation and analysis of polyaluminum chloride;6%),但也引进了其它金属离子,优点是所制备碱式氯化铝A lb含量较前二者高(三者A lb含量比例为1∶9。

1.aluminium chlorhydroxide碱式氯化铝(树脂整理催化剂、凝聚剂)
2.Discussion on the recirculating economy of chlor-alkali chemical industry of Shandong Aluminum Corporation;山东铝业公司氯碱化工循环经济探讨
3.cassel yellow (lead oxychloride)氯化铝黄(氯氧化铅)
4.Research on the Drying Kinetics of Basic Magnesium Chloride Nanorods碱式氯化镁纳米棒的干燥动力学研究
5.Studies on the Technology of Preparing Magnesium Oxide Whiskers wih Basic Magnesium Chloride by Sintering Method碱式氯化镁烧结法制备氧化镁晶须的工艺研究
6.The Study on Preparation of the Pure Basic Magnesium Carbonate and Magnesia by Bischofite;水氯镁石制备优质碱式碳酸镁及氧化镁的研究
7.Preparation and Surface Modification of Basic Magnesium Chloride Nanorods;碱式氯化镁纳米棒的制备及表面改性研究
8.Application of refrigeration technology by lithium bromide absorption in chlor-alkali production溴化锂吸收式制冷技术在氯碱生产中的应用
9.colour fastness to to carbonizing with aluminium chloride耐氯化铝炭化色牢度《毛》
10.aluminium(iii) chloride, hexahydrate氯化铝(iii) (六水合物)
11.aluminium powder chlorinated rubber anti-rust paint氯化橡胶铝粉防锈漆
12.compound choline chloride injectio复方氯化胆碱注射液
13.PAFC PAC and comparative study of the effect of water purification聚合氯化铝和聚合氯化铝铁净水效果对比研究
14.Physiochemical Properties of Tribasic Copper Chloride and Its Biological Effect on Broiler;碱式氯化铜的理化特性及其对肉仔鸡的生物学效应
15.Synthesis of Mullite with Al_(13) and Aluminum Chloride as Aluminium Sources以Al_(13)和氯化铝为铝源合成莫来石
16.Modes of neuroblastoma cell death induced by aluminum氯化铝致神经母细胞瘤细胞不同死亡的方式及意义
17.Some manufacturers used a little fumed litharge and basic lead sulfate here also.有些制造厂也用少量细质的一氧化铅和碱式硫酸铝。
18.Determination of the Drying Kinetics Equations and Parameters for Basic Magnesium Chloride Nanorods碱式氯化镁纳米棒干燥动力学方程及参数的确定

basic aluminium chloride碱式氯化铝
1.The paper discusses the effected factors in reducing fluoride by using basic aluminium chloride in the region where the water has high fluoride content in Ningxia and determines corresponding countermeasures for fluoride reduction in different water source conditions in the light of working practice.结合工作实践,探讨了在宁夏高氟水地区利用碱式氯化铝降氟时的影响因素,并确立了不同水源条件下采用相应的降氟对策。
1.Producing of PAC and Applying to Waste Liquor Treatment;碱式氯化铝的生产及在废水处理中的应用
2.)shows that polyaluminium chloride (PAC)is most suitable for the clarification of green tea liquor.比较了明矾、硅胶、高岭土、碱式氯化铝和聚丙烯酰胺5 种物质对绿茶汁的澄清效果, 发现碱式氯化铝的澄清效果较好; 通过L9 (34) 正交实验优化, 碱式氯化铝澄清绿茶汁适宜的条件为: pH= 6 , 用量0-1 % 和温度15 ℃。
4)complex polyaluminum chloride复合碱式氯化铝
1.Study on pretreatment of landfill leachates using complex polyaluminum chloride coagulant;应用复合碱式氯化铝对垃圾渗沥液进行预处理的研究
5)Aluminum chloride hydrocarbon complex碱式聚合氯化铝
6)Aqueous Basic Aluminum Chloride液体碱式氯化铝
1.Studies on the Application of Polyacrylamide in Preparing Aqueous Basic Aluminum Chloride;聚丙烯酰胺在液体碱式氯化铝制备过程中的应用研究

碱式氯化铝[Al2(OH)nCl6-n]m 淡黄色或灰绿色的粉末或细粒。是一种金属络合物,铝是中心离子,氢氧根及氯根是配位体,通过羟基起架桥聚合作用构成络合物的群体.水溶液是介于三氯化铝和氢氧化铝之间的水解产物,灰色略带混浊,带胶体电荷,对水中的悬浮物有极强的吸附性。 应用领域 是一种重要的混凝剂。主要用于自来水和工业污水(包括含铁、氟、油等特殊污水)的净化。与无机低分子混凝剂硫酸铝相比,对被处理的原水适应性强,尤其对高浊度水效果更为显著,能快速结成矾花,颗粒大而重,容易沉淀,投入量低;水温低时,仍能保持稳定的混凝效果;净化后水的色度和铁锰含量较低,对设备腐蚀作用小。也用作失蜡浇铸硬化剂,此外,还可用于铸造、造纸、医药、制革等领域。