一专多能,expert in one and good at many
1)expert in one and good at many一专多能
1.Deepening of education reform of organic experiment to foster high quality persons being expert in one and good at many;深化有机化学实验教学改革,培养一专多能高素质人才

1.Using the thinking of a profession with many abilities to set up construction engineering course system;以一专多能思路构建建筑工程专业课程体系
2.Discussion to Strengthen Personnel Training of "Good at many Things and Expert in One" in an Enterprise;论如何加强企业“一专多能”人才培养
3.Adapt Enterprise Management Innovation Train Talent of Specialized Subject and Kinds of Ability;适应企业管理创新 培养一专多能人才
4.On Physical Teachers "Expert in One Thing and Good at Many" in New Situations;论新形势下体育教师的“一专多能
5.Practical study of cultivating characteristic vocational talents with single specialty but multi-abilities“一专多能”特色职教人才培养的实践
6.Modern Editors Should Be Specialized and Versatile;现代科技编辑应成为“一专多能”的复合型人才
7.Some Reflections on Training Qualified Personnel with One Specialty and Multiple Skill in Local Colleges and Universities;地方高校培养一专多能新型人才的思考
8.Role of General Practitioners in Earthquake Rescue“一专多能”原则在野战医疗队抗震救灾中的应用
9.On construction of the talent-cultivation system about "master many skills while specializing in one" abllity of architectural engineering technology in higher vocational colleges高职建工技术“一专多能”人才培养体系的构建
10.The target is to train compound talents with speciality, capability and knowledge.其培养目标是造就知识与能力并重的一专多能的复合型人才。
11.Regarding Sports as Main Subject,Infiltrating Sports and Iatrology,Combining Sports with Humanism Education,Cultivating Applied Talent of "One Major with Multi-Capabilities";以体为主,体医渗透、体文结合,培养“一专多能”应用型人才
12.The effective approach to develope the versatilities of lab-instructors through the cooperative instructing system(CIS);主辅制是培养实验教学人员一专多能的有效途径
13.Deepening of education reform of organic experiment to foster high quality persons being expert in one and good at many;深化有机化学实验教学改革,培养一专多能高素质人才
14.Of special major should add try professional class, general major not class of major of check on work attendance, mostly majority of liberal art major is to take an examination of writing ability.非凡专业的要加试专业课,一般专业都不考勤专业课,大多文科专业多数是考写作能力。
15.Practice Research on the Calisthenics-Specialized Courses System of "Many Abilities a Particularly" in Jilin P.E.Institute;吉林体院“多能一专”的健美操专修课程体系的实践研究
16.Rational Speculation on "Mastering Many Skills While Specializing in One" in Reform of Teaching Plan of Physical Education Specialty;体育教育专业教学计划改革中“多能一专”的理性思考
17.Listen to Crazy English professional tapes as much as possible.一定要尽可能多地听专业的疯狂英语录音带。
18.The streets are often blocked by heavy traffic.不学太多的专门规则也能精通一门外语。

expert in one thing and good at many一专多能
1.To solve this prob-lem, teachers colleges should reform its teaching mode to reinforce the teaching of cultivating people with ability who are expert in one thing and good at many.中小学音乐教师存在着一专多能者少,缺乏研究思想和创新精神等不适应状况。
3)mastering many skills while specializing in one一专多能
1.Higher vocational education should be based on human,and practice the construction of training system that is mastering many skills while specializing in one.高等职业教育应"以人为本"推进"一专多能"的培养体系建设。
4)many abilities a particularly多能一专
5)All-in-one vocational training一专带多能
6)teachers of experting in one thing and good at many一专多能新型教师

专专1.用心专一。 2.形容精神专注。 3.专门;特地。