联勤,joint service
1)joint service联勤
1.The author analyzed the problem existing in joint services, and proposed that a general hospital should do as follows; establishing extensive health view to advance service mode, enhancing the cooperation with grass -root institutes based on the improvement of service quality, providing technology and training support for grass roots with its own advantage.作者分析了联勤卫生服务存在的一些问题,提出了军队大型综合医院应建立大卫生观,改进服务方式;立足提高服务质量,加强与基层医疗机构的合作;利用自身优势,为基层提供技术和人才培训支持。
2.To adapt the deployment of joint service, the author introduces the experience of passing through the grind in period of joint service successfully by laying good foundation, paying attention to key points and holding principles.为适应我军联勤体制的医院联勤合并是中央军委的总体部署。

1.Study on the Build of Aviation Sanitation Support under Combined Service System;联勤体制下航空卫生保障建设的研究
2.Research on the Distribution Transport Path Optimization of Joint Logistics in the Theater of Operations战区联勤配送运输路径优化问题研究
3.Research on Dynamic Model Army for Joint Service and Army-Civilian Combined Supply of the Military Vehicle Parts;军用车辆器材联勤联供系统仿真模型研究
4.The introduction of the joint logistics system is a major reform of the logistical support system of the PLA.实行联勤保障,是军队后勤保障体制的一次重大改革。
5.Management Mechanism of Special Service Recuperation under Joint Service System联勤体制下特勤疗养全维保障管理机制构建与实践
6.An Analysis of New Institutional Economics on the PLA s Reformation of Combined Service Force System;我军联勤保障体制改革的新制度经济学分析
7.Research on Training Model of Military Medical Talent for Joint Logistics;三军联勤军事医学人才培养模式的研究
8.Make full use of the advantages of joint logistics to deepen social security reform of real estate;发挥联勤优势 深化房地产社会化保障改革
9.Views on Establishing Rural Policing Model by Luliang Local Public Security Bureau;对陆良县公安局创建驻村联勤警务模式的思考
10.Construction and discussion on the mode of psychological training in sanatorium under the background of joint services system联勤体制下疗养院心理训练模式的构建与探讨
11.Statistical Analysis of Research Achievements in ten years of Middle and Small Hospital Affiliated to Certain Joint Logistics Division联勤某分部中小医院10年科技成果分析
12.Disscussion on Coordination of Theater Medical Information Service and Scientific Research under Joint Logistics System联勤体制下战区医学情报服务与科研协作探索
13.It is essential to persist in building the army through diligence and thrift and establishing and improving an integrated logistic support system for the three armed services, for both military and civilian purposes and for both peacetime and wartime.坚持勤俭建军,建立和完善三军一体、军民兼容、平战结合的联勤保障体制。
14.Study on the Status Quo of the Employed Nurses in Hospitals of a Certain Military Region and Management Countermeasures;某军区联勤某分部医院聘用护士现状与管理对策研究
15.Research on Optimizing Transportation Route with Highway Transportation of Logistic Guarantee as a Condition of Small Batches of Tasks at Peacetime;基于平时小批量运输任务的联勤公路运输路径优化研究
16.United Nations Joint Logistics Centre联合国联合后勤中心
17.We should stress the need both to build up the country through thrift and hard work and to be industrious and thrifty in managing a household. It is not right just to stress one of the two.勤俭建国、勤俭持家一定要联起来,只提一个不够。
18.United Nations Field Security Handbook: Systemwide Arrangements for the Protection of United Nations Personnel and Property in the Field联合国外勤安全手册保护联合国外勤人员和财产的全系统安排

Combined service force联勤
1.Combined service force brings new developing opportunities to scientific research of military sanatorium;联勤后军队疗养院科研工作面临的机遇与挑战
2.Currently, it is the problem of the key and difficulty point in the hospital management that developing the hospital culture construction adaptive into combined service force system.发展与联勤相适应的医院文化建设 ,是当前医院管理的重点和难点问题。
3)joint Logistics联勤
1.The author introduced the special recuperation service mode under the system of joint logistics which was composed of three system: organization system,structure system and standard system.作者在联勤体制下,从组织体系、结构体系和标准体系三个模块构建特勤疗养质量管理模式,实现了管理程序更加规范、评价体系更加科学、管控要素更加系统、质量意识更加深入的研究与实践目标。
2.Objective: To explore the experience of military training of the medical personnel in joint logistics hospital.目的:探讨联勤条件下做好军队医院医务人员军事训练。
3.According to the real condition of the sanatorium after joint logistics,the article put forward and established the mutual flow model of serving the army.本文结合联勤后本单位"疗医合编、疗疗合编、医医合编、多军兵种合编"的实际,提出、构建并实践了为部队服务双向互动模式,有效提高了医院与疗养院合编单位服务的质量和效益。
4)joint services联勤
1.From the view of the whole,the practice of joint services of health services reformation of Jinan military area command is going on successfully which helps to improve the ability of health suppor.济南战区大联勤保障体制改革试点按照“联勤机关三军合编、保障力量集中统管、保障内容通专合一,计划与供应相一致、保障与管理相结合”的要求,构建了三军一体的新型保障模式。
5)army joint service and army-civilian combined supply联勤联供
6)joint service hospital联勤医院
1.With the implementation of joint service system,the task of medical support at sea in the future should be charged with joint service hospital.未来海上卫勤保障大部分将由联勤医院承担,而海上卫勤保障有其特殊性,除原海军医院人员实际参加过海上军事演习、科学研究、远洋探险等卫勤保障工作外,联勤医院的很多人员从未进行过海上训练,没有海上生活、工作经验。

《中国人民解放军联勤条例》《中国人民解放军联勤条例》Joint Logistics Regulations of the Chinese People's Liberation Army  人民共和国中央军事委员会常务会议通过,同年10月8日中央军事委员会主席签署命令发布。自2000年1月1日起施行。是中国人民解放军组织实施联勤工作的基本依据。分为总则,联勤职责,联勤保障区划分,通用与专用保障范围,联勤保障方式,联勤建设,联勤工作制度,附则。共8章50条。主要内容有: ①各级联勤机构的职责。总后勤部在中央军事委员会领导下,主管全军联勘工作;军区联勤部主管战区内的联勤:[作,主要是领导本战区财务、军需、卫生、军事交通运输、物资油料、基建营房等专业通用保障的实施_[作及通用保障设施的规划与建设,组织领导本战区教育训练、科学研究与后勤装备:[作,组织领导本军区所属部队后勤工作等;联勤分部是联勤保障的基本力量,主要负责组织实施保障区域内诸军科t、兵种部队通用保障。 ②联勤保障区划分。根据战区部队战备任务和联勤保障能力等情况,按照与部队部署、后勤力量布局、地理交通条件相适应,利于后勤资源优化配胃,利于就近就便实施保障的要求划分。联勤保障区一经确定,应保持相对稳定,如需调整,要按规定的权限和程序实施。 ③通用与专用保障范围。根据诸军种、兵种联合保障需要,保障标准化程度和联勤保障能力,按照统分结合、以统为主的原则确定,并逐步扩大通用保障范围。对财务、军需、卫生、军事交通运输、物资油料、基建营房等专业的通用保障和专用保障范围分别作了具体规定。 ④联勤保障方式。联勤保障要根据联勤范围和职责分工,按照及时、准确、优质、南京军区某联勤部工作人员到舰艇上为海军官兵定做服装 陶伟摄Zhongguo Renmin JiefQngiun LiaTIQ0li《中国人民解放军联勤条例》(Logisties Regulations ofthe Chinese pe‘乙iberation八矛.刀。)1999年9月15日n日s七卜[In,引飞11。z召]L(口了叮千卞之干目确高效的要求组织实施。军种、兵种和总装备部部队通用保障由联勤系统按区域组织实施,专用保障由军种、兵种和总装备部后勤系统按建制组织实施。对各级后勤机关通用保障计划的制定和实施进行了规范。 ⑤联勤建设。对通用战备物资的储备,通用后勤装备的研制,通用保障设施设备的建设,联勤应急保障力量的组织,联勤机部的配备和联勤人才的培养等,作了规定。 ⑥联勤工作制度。