对死亡的态度,Attitude to Death
1)Attitude to Death对死亡的态度

1.Each of them, however, faces it with a different attitude.不过他们对死亡的态度却很不一样。
2.On the Death Attitude of Chinese People -- Death Mystery;中国人死亡态度之探讨——死亡的神秘化
3.Study of Attitude to Death or Death Incidents and Influening Factors by Children in Kindergarten大班儿童对死亡或死亡事件的态度及其影响因素研究
4.On Attitude to Death of Chinese People--Political Character of Death;中国人死亡态度之研究——死亡的政治化特征
5.It requires a strong effort of historical imagination to understand the Roman attitude to death.要想理解罗马人对待死亡的态度,必须要有很强的历史想像力。
6.Study on the attitude and it's influencing factors of the medical staff towards the treatment of advanced cancer and death医护人员对癌症终末治疗和死亡的态度及其影响因素的研究
7.Simulations of a Mortality Plateau in the Penna Model;用Penna模型对死亡率稳定状态的模拟
8.Investigation on influence factors of attitude towards treatment of terminal cancer and death among different people不同人群对癌症终末治疗及死亡态度影响因素
9.Inquiry into Death-an Exploration of Types of Death in Contemporary Novels面对死亡的生命追问——当代小说死亡言说形态探析
10.Investigation and analysis on attitude to death for nursing students in college nursing specialty高校护理专业学生的死亡态度调查和分析
11.Investigation on the Factors Influencing Cancer Patients' Attitudes Towards the End-staged Treatment of Advanced Cancer and Towards the Death癌症患者终末治疗和死亡态度影响因素的调查
12.Fear of death is worse than death itself.对死亡的恐惧比死亡本身更可怕。
13.As the saying goes, @Fear of death is worse than death itself.俗云:“对死亡的恐惧比死亡本身更可怕。”
14.Death and Freedom;死亡与自由——对海德格尔死亡观的解读
15.The writer presents Morrie's uplifting take on depressing topics such as death in a down-to-earth manner while managing to steer clear of tear-jerking sentimentality.作者笔下的莫里以积极的态度面对诸如死亡等如此沉重的问题,同时避免了惹人掉泪的伤感。
16.A child's response to death will vary not only in accordance with parental attitudes, but also in accordance with age.孩子对死亡的反应,不仅随父母的态度,而且也随他们的年龄而有所不同。
17.Little do town-dwellers know how the semi-starved masses of Indians are slowly sinking to lifelessness.处于半饥饿状态的印度人民大众在慢慢地掉进死亡的深渊,城市居民对此一无所知。
18.A Study on the Life View of College Students: An Investigation of Life Goal and Attitude Towards Death Among College Students;大学生的生命观问题研究——基于对大学生生活目标和死亡态度的调查

Attitude to death or death incidents对死亡或死亡事件的态度
3)attitude toward death死亡态度
1.Objective To investigate the attitude toward death among nurse students so as to provide information for delivering death education for them.05);护生对死亡态度认识较科学,但在心理、知识和能力上还未做好与死亡接触的准备。
4)Attitude to death死亡态度
1.Its influence on the attitude to death of Chinese people is inevitable and political fe.中国文化是一个政治性极强的文化 ,政治在人们生活中占据中心的位置 ,故而必不可免地影响到中华民族的死亡态度 ,从而形成死亡政治化的特征 ,其最主要的表现之一在于 ,中国从古至今绵延不绝的有关死亡价值论的说教。
5)On the Attitude of Death死亡态度论
6)View on the Death对死亡的透视

教师对问题行为的态度教师对问题行为的态度teacher's attitude toward the behavior problem  教师对问题行为的态度(teaeher,sattitude toward the behavior problem)学生的问题行为有攻击型和退缩型两大类,而教师对这两类问题行为的态度不一致。20世纪20年代末,美国心理学家威克曼恤ickman,E.K.)发现,在更重视哪些问题行为这个问题上,教师与心理学家的态度是不同的。教师认为最严重的是恋爱、说谎、,不服管教等外向攻击的行为,最不严重的是抑郁、沉默、不爱社交这些内向退缩的行为。而心理学家的意见截然相反。20世纪70年代,有人用同样方法进行了调查,发现教师的态度虽有所变化,但还是更重视攻击型行为。教师的这种态度是由教师工作的特点所造成的,教师首先要使学生成为良好的社会成员,所以更重视那些具有捣乱性、破坏性、影响他人的不道德行为。但是,内向退缩行为虽然不会给社会带来损害,却会造成心理疾病,影响人格的健康发展,也应引起教师足够的重视。 (周国帕撰成立夫审)