子宫附件疾病,adnexal diseases
1)adnexal diseases子宫附件疾病
2)adnexal diseases/SU子宫附件疾病/外科学
3)Adnexal Diseases/pathology/surgery子宫附件疾病/病理学/外科学
4)Uterine diseases子宫疾病
1.Objective: To study the clinical value of transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasonography in uterine diseases.目的:探讨经阴道三维超声评价子宫疾病的临床意义。
2.Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of three-dimensional ultrasonography(3D-US) for uterine diseases and intrauterine device(IUD) dislocation.目的:探讨三维超声(Three-dimensinal ultrasound, 3D-US)诊断子宫疾病和宫内节育器(intrauterine device, IUD)位置异常的临床应用及价值。

1.Studying the Application of Total Hysterectomy in Fascia in Treating Womb Diseases筋膜内子宫全切除术在子宫疾病治疗中的应用研究
2.Analysis of 70 Female Patients with Hysterectomy Via Vagina for Treatment of Metropathy阴式子宫切除术治疗70例女性子宫疾病临床分析
3.Clinical Values of Three-Dimensional Ultrasound in the Diagnosis of Uterine Diseases and Intrauterine Device Dislocation;三维超声诊断子宫疾病和宫内节育器位置异常的价值
4.Hematological malignant diseases rarely affect the uterine cervix as primary malignancies.子宫颈原发性血液恶性疾病相当罕见。
5.The diagnostic value of electronic colposcope in the cervix diseases电子阴道镜在宫颈疾病中的诊断价值
6.Expression of Maspin in endomertial proliferative diseasesMaspin在子宫内膜增生性疾病中的表达
7.bleeding from the uterus that is not due to menstruation; usually indicative of disease (as cervical cancer).非月经的子宫流血:通常是疾病的症状(如子宫颈癌)。
8.Endometriosis: Disorder of the female reproductive system in which endometrium (uterine lining) grows in an abnormal location子宫内膜异位症: 女性生殖系统疾病,子宫内膜生长在异常位置。
9.It is an ideal method to treat benign uterine diseases.是一种较理想的治疗子宫良性疾病的手术方式。
10.Transcatheter uterine artery embolization in the treatment of gynecological and obstetrical diseases经导管子宫动脉栓塞术治疗妇产科疾病
11.Clinical value of transvaginal hysterectomy in gynopathy阴式子宫手术治疗妇科疾病的临床价值
12.Value of Digital Colposcope and RCI in the Diagnosis of Cervical Diseases.;电子阴道镜及Reid阴道镜评分对子宫颈疾病的诊断价值
13.The Use of PCT and TVS in Postmenopausal Asymptomatic Women to Detect Endometrial Pathology;孕激素刺激试验和阴道超声对绝经后妇女子宫内膜疾病的筛查
14.Relationship among HPV Infection, Deletion of E6TP1 and Rap1GAP Genes Exons in Cervical Disease;宫颈疾病中HPV感染与E6TP1、Rap1GAP部分外显子缺失关系的研究
15.The Study of the Relation between Human Decidual NK Cells and Hypertensive Disorder Complicating Pregnancy子宫蜕膜NK细胞与妊娠期高血压疾病关系的研究
16.The Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Comparision among Minor Invasive Surgical Approaches to Hysterectomy for Benign Gynecological Diseases良性疾病全子宫切除术微创术式比较的系统评价和荟萃分析
17.Study Progress on the Relationship of Hysterectomy and Pelvic Floor Dysfunction子宫切除术与盆底功能障碍性疾病的关系研究进展
18.Expression of Skp2 protein and PTEN protein in endometrial cancer and their relationshipSkp2蛋白和PTEN蛋白在子宫内膜疾病中的表达及相关性研究

adnexal diseases/SU子宫附件疾病/外科学
3)Adnexal Diseases/pathology/surgery子宫附件疾病/病理学/外科学
4)Uterine diseases子宫疾病
1.Objective: To study the clinical value of transvaginal three-dimensional ultrasonography in uterine diseases.目的:探讨经阴道三维超声评价子宫疾病的临床意义。
2.Objective: To evaluate the diagnostic value of three-dimensional ultrasonography(3D-US) for uterine diseases and intrauterine device(IUD) dislocation.目的:探讨三维超声(Three-dimensinal ultrasound, 3D-US)诊断子宫疾病和宫内节育器(intrauterine device, IUD)位置异常的临床应用及价值。
5)uterine disease子宫疾病
1.Bacteria including E coli (74), Streptococcus (27), Aeromonas hydrophila (8), Proteus (6), Staphylococcus (9), Klebsiella (6) and Salmonella (4) were isolated from the uterus of 37 live sows and 22 culled sows with uterine disease.无菌采集37例患子宫疾病母猪的子宫阴道分泌物和22例淘汰母猪的子宫及卵巢内容物,通过细菌分离鉴定,确诊大肠杆菌74株,链球菌27株,嗜水气单胞菌8株,变形杆菌6株,葡萄球菌9株,克雷伯氏菌6株和沙门氏菌4株,其中60株大肠杆菌能致死小鼠。
6)Adnexa uteri子宫附件

子宫附件子宫附件  子宫附件系指输卵管及卵巢。