空运,air transportation
1)air transportation空运
1.There are two parts for service providers of air transportation,one is passenger transport and the other is freight.空运服务供应商分为客运和货运两个方面,如何正确、合理地评价和选择适合自己的空运服务供应商一直是旅客和货运代理商所关心的问题。
2.In the fury evaluation of air transportation loading plan,firstly,the index system of air transportation loading plan should be established,then,the weight based on AHP should be ascer- tained,and the subjection should be calculated by the fuzzy mathematic theory,Lastly,the example validates that the fuzzy evaluation method of air transportation loading plan is efficient.在空运装载方案摸期评估中,先构建了空运装载方案评估指标体系。

1.Air Transport Bureau航空运输局(空运局)
2.Will the goods be sent by air or sea freight?货物是空运还是海运?
3.Institute of Air Transport航空运输学会(航运学会)
4.They shipped the merchandise out by air.他们以空运运出货品。
5.We can send it by air/sea freight.我们可以空运[海运].
6.shipper's letter of instructions(air)托运人说明书(空运)
7.Air Carriers Immunity空运承运人免责事项
8.Air Carriers Limitation of Liability空运承运人责任限制
9.Period of Air Carriers Responsibility空运承运人责任期限
10.IATA cargo agent国际空运协会货运代理
11.To transport troops, civilian passengers, or supplies by air.空运空运军队、乘客或物品
12.International Air Transport Association国际航空运输协会国际航空运输协会
13.To transport by air, as when ground routes are blocked.空运陆上交通断绝时空中运输
14.International transportation service: sea, air, inland transportation, air & sea multi transportation, and transshipment at the 3rd country.国际运输服务:海运、空运、陆运、海空联运,以及第三国中转运输服务。
15.Air freight service:air to air or sea to air, door to door services.空运服务:空空联运及海空联运,门到门的一条龙服务。。
16.To transport(people or goods) especially by aircraft.运送,空运尤指用飞机运输(人或货物)
17.No, air freight's too expensive. They can go by sea.不,空运的运费太贵了。它们可以用船运。
18.You can freight your belongings by air or sea.你可把东西经空运或海运运去.

air freight空运
1.With the development of air freight, the reform of air clearance is necessary.根据航空货运业的发展,空运通关改革势在必行。
3)air freight空运;空运费
4)air transportation[运]航空运输
5)air consignment note空运托运单
6)air freight bill空运单空运提单
