恢复阶段,Restoration stage
1)Restoration stage恢复阶段
1.Community structure of soil macro-fauna at different restoration stages of an opencast coalmine;露天煤矿不同恢复阶段大型土壤动物群落结构
2.The precautions for athletes\' sports injuries should be provided throughout the athletes\' training stage,competition stage and restoration stage.运动员运动损伤的预防应贯穿于运动员的训练阶段、比赛阶段和恢复阶段

1.Dynamics of Community Study on Forest Vegetation in Restoration Stages森林植被恢复阶段群落研究动态综述
2.Community Dynamic Characteristics and Effect Evaluation of Different Restoration Stages in Hongchiba Region, Wuxi County;巫溪县红池坝不同恢复阶段群落动态特征与恢复成效评价
3.The Effect of Botulinum Toxin Type A(BTXA) on Brunnstrom Stages of Upper Limb after a Stroke;A型肉毒毒素对偏瘫上肢Brunnstrom运动恢复阶段的影响
4.Soil Enzyme Activity of Different Restoration Stages in Karst Degenerative Forest喀斯特退化森林不同恢复阶段土壤酶活性研究
5.Multi-phase Transportation Network Reconstruction Plan for Natural Disasters灾后恢复阶段多期道路交通网络重建规划
6.Finally, in our progress toward a resumption of work we require two safeguards against a return of the evil of the old order;最后,在恢复阶段中,我们需要避免旧秩序弊端重新出现的两项保证;
7.Study on Vegetation and Soil Characters at Different Ecological Restoration Stages in Eroded Degradation Area of Shale;页岩侵蚀退化区不同生态恢复阶段植被与土壤特征研究
8.Study on Soil Microorganism of the Evergreen Broad-leaved Forest in Different Reforestation Stage in Western Sichuan;川西常绿阔叶林不同恢复阶段土壤微生物区系研究
9.Comparison Study on Landscape Pattern of Different Restoraton Watersheds in Hilly-Gully Region of Loess Plateau;处于不同恢复阶段的纸坊沟与县南沟流域景观格局比较研究
10.The Investigation of the Relevance between the Staging Typing of Cerebral Infarction and Traditional Chinese Medicine Syndrome in Convalescence Stage;脑梗死恢复阶段分期分型与中医证候的相关性研究
11.The Correlation of Western Medicine s Staging and Typing with Syndrome Differentiation of TCM in Recovery Phase of ICH;脑出血恢复阶段分期分型与中医证候的相关性研究
12.Water Holding Capacity of Litters in Different Vegetation Restoration Stages in Dagou Area,the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River岷江上游大沟流域不同恢复阶段植被枯落物的水源涵养效应
13.Distribution Characteristics of labile organic carbon in soil aggregates in different stages of vegetation restoration of grassland in Yunwu Mountain云雾山草原区不同植被恢复阶段土壤团聚体活性有机碳分布特征
14.To revert to an earlier type or stage in one's past.恢复恢复到某人过去的类型或阶段
15.During this time menses return.在这个阶段女性的月经恢复。
16.Rolling back dead transactions as part of SMON recovery. This phase is called transaction recovery.SMON自动回滚失败的事务。这个阶段叫事务恢复。
17.Ecological Characteristics of Shrub Stage in Natural Vegetation Recovery Process in the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River, Southwest China岷江上游植被自然恢复灌丛阶段群落生态特征
18.The puerperium extends from the time of expulsion of the placenta until the maternal organism returns to its normal nonpregnant state.产后期是指从胎盘排出,母体生殖器官恢复到正常不孕的阶段。

recovery stage恢复阶段
1.The species composition and diversity of moths were studied in the coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forests with Pinus koraiensis at different recovery stages in the Changbai Mountains, Jilin, China, and the associations between the composition of families of moths and forest stands were also analyzed.研究了长白山地区不同恢复阶段的红松阔叶林内蛾类的物种组成和多样性,分析了蛾类科属组成与林分不同恢复阶段间的关系。
3)two phase key recovery两阶段密钥恢复
1.This paper presents a two phase key recovery method based on the elliptic curve cryptosystem.本文提出一种基于椭圆曲线密码体制的两阶段密钥恢复方案 ,实验结果表明该方案安全高效。
4)the voltage recovery period恢复电压阶段
5)This phase is called cache recovery.这个阶段叫恢复。
6)different restoration stages不同恢复阶段
1.To explore the changing regulation of soil enzyme activity in different restoration stages of degenerative forest,the research selected grassplot,frutex and grassplot,frutex,arbor and frutex,arboreal and top-level communities restoration stages as a subject,which forest sites were similar and were typical degenerative forests in Karst.本文以典型喀斯特退化森林不同植被恢复阶段为研究对象,采用空间代替时间序列的方法,选取立地条件基本相似的草坡、灌草、灌木、乔灌、乔木和顶级六个植被恢复阶段,并以坡耕地为对照,通过调查取样和实验分析,探索了退化森林不同恢复阶段土壤酶活性的变化特征。

《关于在越南结束战争、恢复和平的协定》  简称《关于越南问题的巴黎协定》。越南民主共和国、 越南南方共和临时革命政府、 美国和西贡当局于1973年 1月27日在巴黎签订并生效。协定包括序言和正文26条及4个议定书。主要内容为:美国和其他国家尊重1954年日内瓦协议所承认的越南的独立、主权、统一和领土完整;完全停止敌对行动,按规定时间撤出美国和其他外国军队、军事顾问、军事人员;按规定时间、地点交换被俘的军事人员、外国平民以及被俘和被监禁的越南非军事人员;越南南方人民在国际监督下进行真正自由和民主的普选;越南的统一将在没有外来干涉的情况下,通过和平的方法逐步实现。4个议定书是《关于对越南民主共和国海域、港口及水道的水雷进行排除、使之永远失效和销毁的议定书》,《有关在越南南方实现停火和联合军事委员会的议定书》,《有关交还被俘和被监禁的越南非军事人员的议定书》,《有关国际监察和监督委员会的议定书》。    1954年法国殖民主义者在印度支那遭到失败,被迫签订了日内瓦协议并撤离印度支那(见印度支那停战协定)。然而美国撕毁了这一国际协议,取代法国,利用军事和经济援助,扶植亲美势力,派遣军事顾问,建立军事基地,轰炸越南北方,封锁港口,直至派出大量美军(人数最多时达55万人)入侵越南、老挝和柬埔寨。印度支那三国军民奋起反抗,进行了将近20年的抗美救国战争。中国人民为支援越南人民的抗美战争,向越南提供了多方面的、巨大的、不附加任何条件的经济和军事援助,并在其最困难的情况下先后派出工程、防空和运输部队32万人,为越南人民赢得抗美救国战争的最后胜利,作出了巨大贡献。在中国和世界爱好和平人民的援助下,印度支那三国军民打败美国侵略军,迫使美国签订了《关于越南问题的巴黎协定》。为保证协定的实施,于1973年 2月26日,在巴黎召开由中、美、英、苏、匈、印尼、波兰、加拿大、越南民主共和国、越南南方共和临时革命政府和西贡当局参加的国际会议,并于同年3月2 日签署了以确认、赞成和支持《关于越南问题的巴黎协定》为主要内容的《关于越南问题的国际会议的决议书》。