1.Psychological and technical synchronizing training method for shooters;射击运动员心理、技术同步训练方法探讨
2.Personality characteristics of women shooters;女子射击运动员个性特征的研究
3.By application of questionnaire and literature the authors analyse the main factors which affect the shooter s mental state in and before competition .采用问卷调查及查阅文献资料的方法,分析影响射击运动员赛前、赛中心理状态的主要因素。

1.The marksman squeezed off successive rounds and every shot told.射击运动员连扣板机,弹无虚发。
2.Analysis of Psychological Controlling Training of Juvenile Shooter;青少年射击运动员心理控制训练探析
3.A Probe into the "3、3、2" Physical and Psychological Control Training for Shooters;射击运动员“3、3、2”身心控制训练初探
4.On the Recovery-Stress Questionnaire for Chinese Shooters《中国射击运动员恢复——应激问卷》的编制
5.Analysis of the Psychological Factors that Affect Shooters Sports Result;影响射击运动员运动成绩心理因素的分析
6.The Research of Paychologlcal Training of Yunnan Shooters in the Eighth National Games;八运会云南省射击运动员心理训练的研究
7.Whst do you think of the standard of the top Chinese shooters?你认为中国尖子射击运动员的水平如何?
8.Twenty-eight is not an old age for a shooter.28岁对一个射击运动员来说年龄并不算大。
9.Effects of Brain Neurotransmitter on Short-Term Intensive Load of Shooting Athletes;短期强度负荷对射击运动员脑神经递质的影响
10.Monitoring and Adjustment of Shooters Heart Rate and Hitting Percentage;射击运动员心率与命中率的监测与调控
11.Stress Research on Shooting Athletes before and after Competition;射击运动员比赛前后生理应激的初步研究
12.Psychological and technical synchronizing training method for shooters;射击运动员心理、技术同步训练方法探讨
13.Study on Factors Affecting Shooters Mental Stability in Competition;影响射击运动员赛中心理稳定性因素的研究
14.Research on Mental Selection Index of High Level Shooter;高水平射击运动员心理选材指标的研究
15.Psychological Consultation and Training for Sichuan Shooting Players;对四川省射击运动员的心理咨询和训练
16.Building of a model of the "Choking" mental mechanism for teenage shooters青少年射击运动员“Choking”心理机制模型建构
17.A Study on How to Improve the Psychological Regulating Ability for Shooters in Competitions提高射击运动员比赛心理调控能力的研究
18.Comparative Research on EEG α Wave Test Results of the Different Level Shooters不同水平射击运动员脑电α波测试结果的比较

1.Analysis on the Achievement Motivation of Shooters;射击运动员的成就动机特点分析
2.It monitored the relation of shooters heart rate in training and competitions to their hitting percentage with telemeter of heart rate.采用遥测心率仪监测射击运动员训练、比赛中心率与命中率的关系。
3)shooting athlete射击运动员
1.Characteristics of and indexes for evaluating the balancing stability of excellent shooting athletes in China;国家优秀射击运动员平衡稳定性特点及评价指标
2.The changes of brain neurotransmitter after a short-term intensive load in 16 shooting athletes of Guaugdong Province were monitored,and the results show that Ach activity was significantly higher,Glu,5-HT,DA with a rising trend,GABA,NE with a downward trend.对16名广东省射击运动员短期大强度负荷后的脑神经递质的变化情况进行了监测。
3.The study carries on the mental training of the teenage shooting athletes of Shenyang military sports academy.采用心理测量法,个案分析法、实验法,对8名沈阳市军事体育运动学校的青少年射击运动员进行了41周心理训练。
4)shooting athletes射击运动员
1.Due to the insufficiencies of evaluation method on the state of athletes training adaptation,we researched the state of the shooting athletes training adaptation from the perspective of neurobiology and self-organization theory,using self-organizing neural network models.研究目的:针对现有的运动员训练适应状态评价方法的不足,从神经生物学角度,依据自组织理论,采用自组织竞争人工神经网络模型,对射击运动员训练适应状态水平进行研究。
5)teenage shooter青少年射击运动员
1.Building of a model of the "Choking" mental mechanism for teenage shooters青少年射击运动员“Choking”心理机制模型建构

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