合作项目,cooperative project
1)cooperative project合作项目
1.A ShadowNet-based communication mode was designed,and some related activities planned and carried out,for an experimental cooperative project between two universities in China and the US.以"如影随形网"为基础的中美两国大学间实验性合作项目设计了双文化交流模式并进行了一些相关活动。
2.Based on the analysis of 27 samples,the author put forward the problems of hospital medical cooperative project.本文通过对27个医疗合作项目的论证分析,分析了医院医疗合作项目存在的问题,并提出调整规范的方法与措施,取得了良好效果,为军队医院加强医疗合作项目管理提供经验。
3.The author points out that the federal express is a typical Chinese and foreign cooperative project,analyzes this project,discusses problems existing in the cooperation,differences between ideas of Chinese and foreign designer,differences of architectural expression and abilities needed to promote of Chinese architect,thus solving problems existing in Chinese and foreign cooperative design.指出"联邦快递"是一个典型的中外合作项目,对这个项目进行了剖析,论述了合作中遇到的问题,中外设计师观念的不同,建筑表达的差异以及国内建筑师需要提高的能力等,从而解决了中外联合设计中存在的问题。

1.total technical cooperation project expenditures技术合作项目支出总额
2.Technical Cooperation Project Trust Fund技术合作项目信托基金
3.The Conception and Planning of China - Foreign Cooper ation Design Contract中外合作项目设计合同的构思与策划
4.He had met her while doing a corporate job.他是在一次合作项目中遇到她的。
5.Cooperative Project for Seismic Risk Reduction in the Mediterranean Region地中海减少地震危险合作项目
6.Specific cooperative projects will be launched in financial and other fields.在金融等领域启动具体合作项目
7.the engineering students at a five-year cooperative program,属于5年合作项目的工程学学生
8.Development and Research of Part SPC System for International Cooperation Program;国际合作项目零件SPC系统开发研究
9.New Idea of Railway Investment--PPP Project Financing;铁路投资新理念——公私合作项目融资
10.Summarization of the International Solar Energy Cooperation in Qinghai Province Qinghai Provincial New Energy Research Institute;青海省太阳能利用国际合作项目综述
11.The Search and State Value in Cooperative R&D;合作研发中项目的搜寻与项目的状态价值
12.Joint European Project欧洲联合项目(联合项目)
13.Cooperation Game Analysis of Joint Real Estate Development Projects;房地产联合开发项目的合作博弈分析
14.Give information on the project management structure and of the tasks and role of proponent and each business partner in the project.介绍项目管理机构的情况,以及项目中每个合作单位的任务和作用。
15."Job Site means the place where the Contract Plant is located, namely____________,________________ city,________________ Province, PRC."工作现场:执行合同项目的场所,即__________(地点)。
16.we worked together on the project.我们在这个项目上共同合作。
17.Technical Cooperation Network on Agricultural Project Management农业项目管理技术合作网
18.Project supported by the Major International (Regional ) Joint Research Program of China(Grant No.国家重大国际(地区)合作研究项目.

Project Cooperation项目合作
1.Selection of Project Cooperation Members Based on Fuzzy Multi-granularity under Strategic Alliance;战略联盟下基于模糊多粒度语言评价的项目合作成员选择
3)Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project中荷合作项目
1.Applying the Sino-Dutch Cooperation Project could facilitate development of the precise technology of herbicide application,facilitate the improvement of the consciousness for pesticide application in China.开展中荷合作项目将有利于精准施药技术的发展,有利于施药理念的更新。
4)joint development project合作开发项目
1.Research purposes: With identifying and estimating the risks among the joint development project with government,the measures are pointed out for avoiding the major risks to enterprise.研究目的:本文通过识别、评价与政府合作开发项目运作中的风险,提出工程企业风险规避的主要措施。
5)cooperative project of China and Finland中芬合作项目
6)agriculture machine cooperate project农机合作项目
1.By analyzing the chance and challenges, the virtual enterprise based agriculture machine cooperate project management model is proposed in this paper.文章通过分析我国农机化发展所面临的机遇与挑战,提出了基于动态联盟的农机合作项目管理模式,在研究动态联盟的成功因素的基础上,深入分析了动态联盟合作伙伴的选择和评价问题。

法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团法国储蓄合作社和信贷合作社集团  【法国储蓄合作杜和信贷合作社集团】集团中有:(l)向所有公寓住宅建筑商以及取得住宅者提供必需的信贷援助的专门机构—住宅信贷组织。(2)从事研究和为促进旅游和社会业余娱乐事业提供资金的业余娱乐装备合作同盟。(3)为各类职业合作社提供担保基金,以便进行风险上的互助的职业装备合作社。