后方医院,rear hospital
1)rear hospital后方医院
1.According to the medical service characters in emergency operation,a mathematics model was set up to distribute the wounded in rear hospitals in which the numbers of hospital,the bed and the allocation were fixed.本文根据后方医院收治伤病员的卫勤保障特点,建立后方医院伤病员分配数学模型。
2.This paper sums up the key points of condition observation in the rescue and treatment of 53 earthquake casualties by the rear hospital.总结了53例地震伤员后方医院救治过程中的病情观察要点。
3.Conforming to the principle training for the war,the author introduced the characteristics and regularity of military medical support of rear hospitals considering the mission of rear hospitals,supposed task,medical support content,procedure and methods during the stage of campaign implement.遵照"战时怎么用,平时就怎么练"的原则,结合后方医院使命保障任务,想定作业,演练战役筹划、战役实施阶段卫勤支援保障内容、程序和方法,探索后方医院卫勤支援保障的特点、规律。

1.During a lull in the fighting the Mobile Units can work at the Base Hospitals.在战斗暂时停止时,战地医疗队可以在后方医院工作。
2.He’d been left for dead on the battlefield, but later on he turned up at the base hospital.人们以为他已死在战场上了,但后来他却出现在后方医院
3.Bethune launched a nurses'training school, tidied up the local base hospital.白求恩举办了一个护士训练班,整顿了当地的后方医院
4.Strategy study on psychological crisis intervention for wounded patients from earthquake-stricken area in base hospital后方医院在收治地震灾区伤员过程中心理危机干预的策略研究
5.Characteristics of Wenchuan earthquake casualties in rear hospital and treatments汶川地震后方医院救治的患者病情特点及治疗对策
6.He was pronounced dead at a hospital, a police spokesman said.警方发言人说,受害人在送往医院后宣布死亡。
7.Functions of Military Three-class Hospitals in Rear Medical Rescue in Wenchuan Earthquake Areas军队三甲医院在汶川地震后方救治中的作用
8.Study on the Landslide Mechanism and Support Scheme of the High Slope Behind Qianwei Hospital in Sichuan;四川犍为县医院后边坡滑动机理及治理方案研究
9.The employee must hospitalize in the appointed hospital by the employer.受聘方须在聘方指定的医院就医,在非指定医院就医费用自理。
10.It was after two o'clock in the morning when the surgeon arrived at the hospital in Glens Falls.凌晨2点之后,医生赶到了医院。
11.As soon as the doctor saw her he shipped her off to hospital.当医生看完她后,他将她遣送到医院。
12.Exploration on operation mode for private hospital be purchased by public hospital公立医院收购民营医院后运行管理模式探析
13.Berger realized that she wanted to work in this field when she was in the middle of a post–medical school fellowship at the Yale University School of Medicine.柏格还在耶鲁大学医学院接受医学后训练之时,就已经知道自己想从事这方面的工作。
14.After that, foreign doctors can receive a visa to stay in the United States, at least for the training period.考试通过后,外国医生方可获得至少可以保证住院医师在培训期间驻留美国的签证。
15.The Discussion of Methodes and Situation for Study of Traditional Chinese Medicine Teaching in Western Institutions西医院校中医学教学现状及方法探讨
16.Direction of Transformation and Construction of Medical Data Exchange in Hospital医院医疗数据交互的转变和建设方向
17.Methods and experience of specialized nurse training in TCM hospitals中医医院专科护士的培训方法与体会
18.Co-construction and Sharing of Collection Resources among Medical University and Local Hospital Libraries高等医学院校与地方医院馆藏资源的共建共享

Station hospital后方医院
1.Rescue strategies in Wenchuan earthquake region by station hospital;后方医院参与汶川地震医疗救援的行动策略
3)rear hospital in theater战区后方医院
4)campaign rear hospital战役后方医院
5)hospital logistics医院后勤
1.The discussion about the hospital logistics reformation —reinforce the medical equipment department management under marketing economic situation;对医院后勤体制改革的探讨——加强市场经济条件下医疗设备科的管理
2.This article discusses with the development of the health system reform,the rising expectation for hospitals and higher demands for medical service,the hospital logistics department should adapt ourselves to this situation,update concepts of service delivery,service aim and service quality,make a point of"all for patients"ideas.针对医院后勤运行保障工作在医疗活动中的重要性以及存在的问题,分三个方面阐述了怎样去面对问题和解决问题,从而为医院走上规范经营、健康有序的发展轨道提供强有力的保障。
6)hospital logistic医院后勤
1.Application on behavior management in hospital logistics socialization quality inspection;行为管理在医院后勤社会化服务质量监管中的应用
2.Property management:a new way for hospital logistic reform;物业管理:医院后勤改革的新途径

后方医院后方医院rear area hospital houfQng yiyuan后方医院(rear area hospital)战时配置在后方地域的固定性医疗机构。具有驻地稳定、分科设置、装备齐全、专科技术力量强、收治能力大等特点。主要任务是:收容从集团军(一线)医院或战区基地(二线)医院转送来的伤病员,进行专科治疗和康复治疗。中国人民解放军于1930年将医院分为野战医院和后方医院。在抗日战争、解放战争及社会主义革命和建设时期的历次作战中,都设过后方医院。后方医院主要配置在战役后方的战区基地或战略后方,由当地的军队医院和支前的地方医院担任。根据所处的位置和具体任务不同,后方医院可分为:分类后送医院、综合医院、专科医院和康复医院。这些医院共同组成后方医院网。分类后送医院设在医疗后送线的交通要道上,负责对来到后方医院网的伤病员进行检伤分类和卫生整顿,对危重伤病员进行急救或留治观察,对传染病员或疑似传染病员进行隔离治疗,对其他伤病员根据伤病情需要,分别指定转送到后方医院网内各有关医院。(张维基)