眶下孔,infraorbital foramen
1)infraorbital foramen眶下孔

1.Observation on the position relation among supraorbital foramen,infraorbital foramen and anterior maxillary foramen of Chinese with 64-lamella CT64层CT扫描观察国人眶上孔、眶下孔、颏孔的位置关系
2.Observation on the positional relationship among supraorbital foramen,infraorbital foramen and anterior maxillary foramen of Chinese with 64-row CT64层螺旋CT三维重建观察国人眶上孔、眶下孔、颏孔的位置关系
3.The Effect of Adriamycin on the Trigeminal Ganglions after Compound Solution of 10% NaCl and 1% Adriamycin Are Injected from the Infraorbital Foramen of Rats大鼠眶下孔注射高渗盐水阿霉素对三叉神经节的影响
4.The autofluorescence in the trigeminal ganglion after injection of compound solution of hypertonic saline and adriamycin to the infraorbital foramen of rats大鼠眶下孔注射高渗盐水阿霉素后三叉神经节内的荧光表达
5.situated on or below the floor of the eye socket.位于眼眶上,或位于眼眶下。
6.Anatomic Study on Surgical Exposure of Supraorbital Keyhole Approach;眶上“锁孔”入路显露范围的解剖学研究
7.Transconjunctival approach to the fractures of the orbital floor and infraorbital rim经结膜切口在眶底和眶下缘骨折中的应用
8.The hair in his nostrils quivered slightly, and as he shook his head his eyes filled with tears.他鼻孔里的毛微微颤动,他摇摇头,泪水盈眶。
9.Microsurgical Anatomy of Anterior Circulation of Willis Circle via Supraorbital Keyhole Approach;眶上锁孔入路Willis环前循环的显微解剖学研究
10.Clinical Studies of Supraorbital Keyhole Approach for Excision of the Sellae Region Lesion经眉眶上锁孔入路治疗鞍区病变的临床研究
11.Endoscopic-assisted clinical anatomy of supraorbital keyhole approach眶上锁孔入路内镜辅助显微镜应用解剖研究
12.Method:15 cases of fractures of the orbital floor and infraorbital rim were treated with the transconjunctival approach.方法 :对 15例眶底和眶下缘骨折采用经结膜切口进行治疗。
13.The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled with tears...男孩坐下了,树欣喜无比,热泪盈眶……
14.There were pouches under the eyes, the skin sagged from the cheekbones.眼眶下面有皱纹,双颊的皮肉松弛。
15.She hung her head and her eyes became moist again.她低下了头,眼眶里又潮湿了;
16.Infraorbital Approach in the Treatment of Zygomatic Complex Fractures眶下进路在颧骨复合体骨折中的应用
17.Implanting hydroxyapatite (HA) under orbital periosteum for correcting enophthalmos and eyeball-sink.眶骨膜下植入羟基磷灰石矫正眼球内陷及下陷
18.Cribra Orbitalia on the Bronze Age Skulls from Yanghai Cemetery in Shanshan,Xinjiang新疆鄯善洋海青铜时代居民眶顶板筛孔样病变的调查

infraorbital foramen injection眶下孔注射法
3)Transorbital keyhole眶上锁孔
1.Transorbital keyhole approach to cerebral contusion and laceration in frontal lobe;经眉切口眶上锁孔开颅脑挫裂伤减压术
4)Supraorbital foramen眶上孔
5)Formane meningo orbitale脑膜眶孔
6)foramen zygomaticoorbitale颧眶孔
