医院船,Hospital ship
1)Hospital ship医院船
1.Study on the classification of sea-war wound in hospital ship;海上医院船分类工作初探
2.Study on nursing procedure and responsibilities in the operating room on hospital ship;海军医院船手术室护理流程及职责初探
3.Medical treatment process and general arrangement design for hospital ship;医院船医疗流程与总布置设计探讨

1.Research on Female Sailors Anti-seasickness and Physical-psychological Health Interventions in Hospital Ship.;医院船女船员抗晕船与心身健康干预的研究
2.Simulated Marine Rescue Practice of Medical Team on Hospital Ship医院船医疗队海上医疗救护模拟展开研究
3.In the Malvinas War, Britain employed civilian ships for medical use.在马岛之战中,英国动用了民船作为战时医院船
4.Development and Design of Simulation System for Medical Treatments on Hospital Ship医院船医疗救治模拟仿真系统的设计与开发
5.The biggest medical ship was refitted with more than1,000 beds.最大的一艘医院船是改装的,能容纳1,000多张床位。
6.A study on relativity among personality features,coping style,and psychological health of nurses in hospital ship医院船护理人员个性特征、应对方式及心理健康的相关性研究
7."The Red Cross emblem is now used by many medical services of hospitals, ambulances, and hospital ships. "现在,红十字会的标志用在医院、救护车、医疗船上。
8.Four officers were injured in the crash and were taken to Prince of Wales Hospital, where they were treated and discharged.四名警员在撞船意外中受伤,送往威尔斯亲王医院,经敷药后出院。
9."Will you kindly turn the horse around, Captain Butler? I wish to go back to the hospital.""请你把马掉转头来好吗,巴特勒船长,我想回医院去了。
10.The battle had been still going on but he had received a slight wound and was being ferried back to a hospital ship.战斗仍然在进行,但是他因受了点轻伤就被转运到轮船上的医院里。
11.a medical student, school医学院学生、 医学院
12.Nosocomial Infecion of Inpatients in 20072007年医院住院患者医院感染分析
13.He had been a valet, and a hospital orderly, and a cook, and for many years was a table steward on the Anchor Line.他当过侍仆,当过医院里的看护,当过厨师,还在“锚线”号船上餐厅里当过多年的侍者。
14.Foreign Medical Sciences Series of Hospital Management国外医学.医院管理分册
15.The hospital is staffed with good doctors.这家医院配有好医生。
16.Our hospital is staffed with 30 doctors.我们医院有三十名医生。
17.There are ten women-doctors in this hospital .这家医院有十位女医生。
18.This hospital is attached to the medical college nearby.这个医院是附近那所医学院的附属医院。

hospital ships医院船
1.Problems about old refitting hospital ships were analyzed, and countermeasures were provided.分析旧医院船改装中存在的问题,提出相应的对策。
3)hospital ship医务船;医院船
4)evacuation hospital ship后送医院船
5)HisHer Majesty's Hospital Ship英国医院舰船
6)nurses in hospital ship医院船护理人员
1.A study on relativity among personality features,coping style,and psychological health of nurses in hospital ship医院船护理人员个性特征、应对方式及心理健康的相关性研究

医院船  具有以战伤外科为主的分科医院设备和技术力量的非武装勤务船。用于在海洋上对伤病员进行早期或专科治疗。满载排水量一般为 1万吨左右,自给力较强。有专科救治的设备,良好的生活设施,多种救生设备和器材。通常在舷梯、起吊装置和停机坪附近设检伤分类部。船中部设手术室、 X光室、检验室、抗休克室和绷带交换室等。船尾设传染病房和太平间,并有独立的通风和污物处置系统。按1949年《改善海上武装部队伤者病者及遇船难者境遇的日内瓦公约》规定,医院船壳体的水线以上涂白色,两舷和甲板标有红十字(或红新月或红狮与日),悬挂本国国旗和白底红十字旗,在任何情况下不受攻击和捕拿。全船工作人员持有国际上规定的身分证和佩带特制的臂章。第一次世界大战期间,各国的医务船只仅用于后送伤病员。第二次世界大战期间,出现了正规的医院船,在海上卫生勤务保障中起了重要作用。