眼战伤,eye injuries
1)eye injuries眼战伤
1.Treatment strategy of eye injuries in contemporary regional high-tech war;现代高技术局部战争中眼战伤救治策略初探

1.Vitrectomy for Intraocular Foreign Bodies and the Treatment Strategy of Ocular Wound in Modern War;玻璃体切割手术救治球内异物伤的预后因素研究和眼战伤救治策略初探
2.a toxic war gas that raises blisters and attacks the eyes and lungs.一种起泡的战争用毒气,能伤害眼睛和肺。
3.this paper reported that clinical observation of 20 casesof vitrectomy in perforating ocular injuries of war wound.本文报告了玻璃体切除术治疗战伤性眼球穿通伤20例的临床观察。
4.Experimental Study on Ocular Trauma of Animals in Specific Environments: Confined Armored Space and Rapidly Advance Towards High Altitude;特殊环境—作战兵器密闭舱室内及急进高原动物眼创伤的实验研究
5.This glaring light hurts eyes.这耀眼的灯光伤眼睛。
6.pad worn over an injured eye to protect it(保护受伤的眼睛的)眼罩
7.Journal of Injuries and Occupational Diseases of The Eye With Ophthalmic Surgeries眼外伤职业眼病杂志(附眼科手术)
8.One soldier told me of seeing Mao give his coat away to a wounded man at the front.有一个战士告诉我,他曾经亲眼看到毛泽东把自己的上衣脱下来给一位在前线受伤的弟兄穿。
9.Penalty shoot-outs raise heart risks“伤心”的点球大战
10.tears that testified her grief可见她悲伤的眼泪.
11.Both his eyes were severely burned.他的双眼都严重烧伤了。
12.Small print tries the eyes.印刷字体太小伤眼睛.
13.a sentimental melodrama赚人眼泪 [伤感] 的通俗剧
14.Strobe lights assaulted my eyes.灯光刺伤了我的眼睛。
15.To read in the glaring light hurts one's eyes.在耀眼的光线下看书伤眼睛。
16.Experimental Study on the Effects of Gefarnate Eye Drops on Ocular Surface Alkali Burn;Gefarnate滴眼液治疗眼表碱烧伤的实验研究
17.A Clinical Analysis on 43 Admission Cases of Secondary Glaucoma Associated with Ocular Trauma;眼外伤后继发性青光眼43例临床分析
18.Fundus Fluorescein Angiography in Ocular Contusion;眼挫伤的眼底荧光血管造影临床分析

war wound战伤
1.A survey of 52 gas gangrene cases from war wounds in subtropical areas;亚热带战区52例战伤伤员气性坏疽的调查分析
2.Self-rescue and mutual rescue training of war wound in grass-roots unit;基层部队战伤自救互救培训分析研究
3.Code of war wound is the base of the information construction of medical service.统一的战伤代码是战场卫勤信息化建设的基础。
3)Battle Wound战伤
1.The experience and effectiveness of rescue training for battle wounds in the field of gobi and desert;戈壁沙漠条件下战伤救护训练与效果
4)war trauma战伤
1.Digital method indiagnosis of war trauma;战伤诊断数字化方法研究
5)war injuries战伤
1.Experimental study of survival time and mortality in war injuries complicated by seawater immersion;战伤合并海水浸泡生存时间及死亡率的动物实验研究
2.Study on characteristics and early treatment of war injuries with seawater immersion;海战伤合并海水浸泡伤的伤情特点及救治技术研究进展
6)battle damage战伤
1.Integral bonded repair for aircraft structures with battle damage of double battle-holes was studied in this paper.结合飞机战伤实际可能出现的多弹洞损伤整体修补问题,本文以双弹洞损伤结构为研究对象,采用Farhad Tahmasebi胶接弹簧元修补模型进行了数值模拟,详细分析了两种典型类型的双弹洞损伤整体胶接修补结构中双弹洞相对位置、补片尺寸以及厚度对修补后强度的影响。
2.Survivability and battle damage assessment of aircraft under the threat of enemy missiles are of significance for aircraft battle damage repair(ABDR).空战对抗中,我方飞机在敌方导弹威胁下的损毁状态及战伤情况分析对我军战时战伤抢修和战场备件筹措,提高飞机的作战能力具有重要意义。
3.This paper presents the principles and requirements and the basic evaluation process for battle damage diagnosis and repair,and defines a computer aided battle damage diagnosis and repair system.概述了战伤诊断与修复的基本情况,对战伤诊断和修复的过程进行了简要说明,定义了战伤诊断与修复计算机辅助系统,同时利用关系型数据库语言Vc 6。
