致贫影响,poverty impact
1)poverty impact致贫影响
1.Studying the poverty impact of out-of-pocket health payments;居民个人现金卫生支出的致贫影响研究

1.Studying the poverty impact of out-of-pocket health payments in Z province;Z省居民个人现金卫生支出的致贫影响研究
2.Studying the poverty impact of out-of-pocket health payments;居民个人现金卫生支出的致贫影响研究
3.Effect of Erythropoietin on Chemotherapyinduced Anemia and Chemosensitivity;红细胞生成素对化疗所致贫血及化疗敏感性的影响
4.Impact Brought to Rural Women by Micro-finance Aiming to Poverty Reduction;扶贫小额信贷对农村贫困妇女的影响
5.Research on the depolymerization reaction to improve the combustion properties of the lean coal and meagre coal解聚对贫煤和贫瘦煤燃烧性能的影响
6.After rural residents shake off poverty and set out on the road to prosperity, the development that their consumption idea will influence the village to travel directly.当农村居民脱贫致富之后,他们的消费观念将直接影响乡村旅游的发展。
7.The Influence of Anemia Pellet on Erythrocyte Immunity of the Anemia Model Rats;贫血颗粒对贫血大鼠红细胞免疫的影响
8.The Egyptian poor are deeply imbued with teachings of Islam.埃及贫民深受伊斯兰教教义的影响。
9.The Impacts of Growth and Inequality on Poverty Dynamics in China;收入增长与不平等对我国贫困的影响
10.Analysis of the Inner Factors Affecting the Anti-poverty and Development of Baotou City;影响包头市扶贫开发的内部环境分析
11.Effects of Economic Increments and Inequality upon Poverty;经济增长、不平等对贫困影响的分析
12.An Analysis on How Poverty Affects Urban Residents Income in Shanxi Province;贫困对山西城镇居民收入的影响分析
13.Gap between the Rich and the Poor: Psychological Impact and Relevant Measures;中国贫富差距的心态影响和治理对策
14.The Influence of FDI and Hot Money to the Gap between the Rich and the Poor of ChinaFDI和热钱对我国贫富差距的影响
15.Study on the Influence of Human Capital on Rural Family Poverty人力资本对农村家庭贫困的影响研究
16.Research of the ImPact to Poverty Women Development by the Micro-Credit and the Risk Aviod;小额信贷对贫困妇女脱贫的影响及风险规避的研究
17.The PinXue Pellet s Influence to the Red Blood Cell Immunity of Children IDA;贫血颗粒对小儿营养性缺铁性贫血红细胞免疫功能的影响
18.In addition, hospitals will be built in most of the poor townships, and clinics in most of the poor villages, so as to basically control the main endemic diseases seriously affecting the life and production of those areas.做到大多数贫困乡有卫生院、贫困村有卫生室,基本控制影响贫困地区群众生活生产的主要地方

poverty impact贫困影响
1.Poverty impact analysis is a main part of equity research in health area.现金卫生支出的贫困影响方法研究是卫生领域公平性系列研究的重要组成部分。
3)Poverty Impacts扶贫影响
4)attracting impact引致影响
5)effectiveness on causing disasters致灾影响度
6)Influence factors of poverty贫困影响因素

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