溃疡油,Ulcer oil
1)Ulcer oil溃疡油
1.Part two:clinical studyObjective:To study the effects of ulcer oil in prevention and treatment of the malignant tumor patients who used radiotherapy and had acute radiodermatitis.临床研究目的:观察溃疡油防治急性放射性皮炎的临床作用。
2)Oral ulcer oil口腔溃疡油
1.Oral ulcer oil was used in group A and po.目的 观察口腔溃疡油临床疗效。
1.Synthesis and protective effect of zinc chlorin P_6-6-N-ethylamide-7, γ-dimethylester on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats;二氢卟吩P_6-6-(N-乙基)酰胺-7,γ-二甲酯锌的合成及对吲哚美辛诱发大鼠胃溃疡的保护作用
2.Establishment of animal model of diabetic foot ulcer;糖尿病足溃疡动物模型的建立
3.Shu Kang Bo treats the chronic ulcer to nurse the experience;舒康博治疗慢性溃疡的护理体会

1.To become infected with or as if with canker.受到溃疡感染被溃疡感染的或仿佛被溃疡感染
2.of or relating to or characterized by ulceration.属于或关于溃疡的,或有溃疡特点的。
3.To attack or infect with canker.使患溃疡溃疡攻击或感染
4.Ulceration of the mouth and lips.口唇溃疡,口疮口腔或嘴唇的溃疡
5.Stomach ulcer More than 70 percent of duodenal and stomach ulcers are caused by a bacterium called helicobacter pylori.胃溃疡有70%以上的十二指肠溃疡和胃溃疡是由幽门螺杆菌引起的。
6.Marked by or infected with canker;ulcerous.溃疡感染的具有溃疡特征的或感染上溃汤的;溃烂的
7.bovine ulcerative mammillitis virus牛溃疡性乳头炎病毒
8.bacterial canker and leaf spot of cherry甜樱桃溃疡及虫斑病
9.idiopathic ulcerative colitis自发性溃疡性结肠炎
10.Vincent gingivitis急性坏死溃疡性龈炎
11.The remaining ulcer is epitheliazed.遗留的溃疡表皮化了。
12.No acid, no ulcer.没有酸就不会溃疡
13.The ulcer of the patient has perforated病人的溃疡已穿孔。
14.Gastric Ulcer Complicated with Bleeding10.胃溃疡并发出血
15.marginal ulcer of gastroenteric stoma胃肠吻合口边缘溃疡
16.For several days, he has had an exacerbation of ulcer symptoms.近日他溃疡病症状加剧。
17.varicose ulcer of leg小腿静脉曲张性溃疡
18.infectious serpent ulcer of cornea感染匐行性角膜溃疡

Oral ulcer oil口腔溃疡油
1.Oral ulcer oil was used in group A and po.目的 观察口腔溃疡油临床疗效。
1.Synthesis and protective effect of zinc chlorin P_6-6-N-ethylamide-7, γ-dimethylester on indomethacin-induced gastric ulcer in rats;二氢卟吩P_6-6-(N-乙基)酰胺-7,γ-二甲酯锌的合成及对吲哚美辛诱发大鼠胃溃疡的保护作用
2.Establishment of animal model of diabetic foot ulcer;糖尿病足溃疡动物模型的建立
3.Shu Kang Bo treats the chronic ulcer to nurse the experience;舒康博治疗慢性溃疡的护理体会
1.Gene expression of platelet derived growth factors and their receptors in dermal chronic ulcers;皮肤溃疡中血小板源性生长因子及其受体基因表达的变化
2.A Preliminary Study on Rat Model of Diabetic Ulcers;大鼠糖尿病溃疡动物模型的初步研究
3.Objective:To observe the clinical effect of Binghuangyao Gel on patients with ulcers in diabetic foot.目的:观察利用冰黄药凝胶中西医结合治疗糖尿病足溃疡的临床疗效。
1.Clinical Experience on Treating Edezematous Ulceration with MEBO.;湿润烧伤膏治疗湿疹性溃疡的临床分析
2.X-ray diagnosis of ulceration in outer duodenum orb——analysis of 50 cases;十二指肠球部以外溃疡X线诊断50例分析
3.Clinical application of MEBO in the treatmem of stasis eczema complicated by ulceration;MEBO治疗瘀积性湿疹伴发溃疡的临床观察
