基层部队,grass-roots unit
1)grass-roots unit基层部队
1.Discussion on construction of medical equipment in grass-roots unit;浅谈基层部队卫生装备建设的现状

1.Exploring treatment model of severe multiple injuries in basic-level hospital基层部队严重多发伤的救治模式探讨
2.On the Education Quality of Graduate Cadres at the Grass-roots Units in Our Army关于我军基层部队研究生干部培养质量的思考
3.The Dialectical Thought of the Grass-roots Troops Increasing the Effects on the Thought Political Educations;提高基层部队思想政治教育效果的辩证思考
4.Practice of Group Counseling in Mental Health Education of Basic Unit Military;团体辅导在基层部队心理健康教育中的应用
5.On the Innovation and Practice of Mission Performance by Laws;论消防基层部队依法执勤理论创新与实践
6.The Compilation of Personality Trait Questionnaire for Chiel Officers of Grass Root Units of PLA.部队基层连队干部人格特征问卷的初步编制
7.Strengthen the Practice of the Construction of Leading Cadres at the Grass - Roots and its Consideration;加强基层干部队伍建设的实践与思考
8.First Try of Five - man Football Match in the Army;部队基层开展“五人制”足球竞赛初探
9.Fire Brigade Building of Grass-roots Public Relations消防部队基层单位公共关系构建初探
10.Study on Expert System for the Ideological and Political Work in Grass-Roots Units部队基层思想政治工作专家系统研究
11.A Survey and Research on Psychological Health Conditions of Grass-roots Cadre of Army;对部队基层干部心理健康状况的调查研究
12.Difficulty and countermeasure of CME in basic troop部队基层继续医学教育工作难点与对策
13.The overall quality of the contingent of rural grassroots cadres has improved significantly.农村基层干部队伍的整体素质明显提高。
14.Study on the Vocational Level Evaluation System of Medical Staffs from the Roots Units of the People s Liberation Army;部队基层军医业务水平评估指标体系的研究
15.A Study on the Army Grass-Roots Political Officers Power of Non-authoritative Influence;军队基层政工干部非权力性影响力研究
16.Research of Service Model of General Practice in Military Grass Roots;部队基层军医全科医学服务模式的研究
17.Primary Restriction and Prevention Factors and Countermeasures to Grass-level Unit Auditing Working Development of the Fire Army;基层消防部队审计工作存在的问题及对策
18.On the Practices and Thinks of Directing the Construction of the Basic Level Units with the Concept of Scientific Development;用科学发展观指导部队基层建设的实践与思考

basic-level troops部队基层
3)grass-roots cadre of army部队基层干部
1.Objective To learn psychological health education conditions of grass-roots cadre of army and provide reference foundation for launch in psychological education practice among grass-roots cadre of army.目的了解某军部队基层干部心理健康状况,为在部队基层干部中开展心理教育训练提供参考依据。
4)grass-roots fire group基层消防部队
1.Problems and its countermeasures in scientific culture education of grass-roots fire group in new period;新时期基层消防部队科学文化教育存在的问题及对策
5)the construction of the basic-level group of cadres基层干部队伍
1.The implementation of these measures made the construction of the basic-level group of cadres good progress.延安时期 ,为了巩固政权、动员民众 ,陕甘宁边区政府采取了一系列措施加强基层干部队伍建设 ,主要是加强对基层干部队伍的学习教育 ;派工作团 (组 )到基层帮助指导工作 ;制订规章制度、加强民众监督、约束干部行为等。
6)medical staff in army root units部队基层军医

独立坦克部队(见预备坦克部队)独立坦克部队(见预备坦克部队)separate tank units duli tanke budui独立坦克部队(separate tank。nits)见预备坦克部队。