特种部队,special army
1)special army特种部队
1.The operation capability of special army are discussed.讨论建立特种部队作战能力评估模型面临的问题,并将"胜任力"引入特种部队作战能力评估模型。
2.In the paper,based on the methods of document search,logistic induction and so on,the training characteristic of Israel special army was studied,so as to prove theory reference for the development of our special army.特种部队强调以少胜多、以奇制胜,具有常规部队不可替代的作用。

1.a soldier who is a member of the United States Army Special Forces.美国特种部队中的士兵。
2.And in the special army units there are quite a few battalion cadres who have taken part in combat operations.特种部队打过仗的营的干部还不少。
3.Infantry, artillery, armored force, communication unit, special troops, reconnaissance troops and so on.步兵、炮兵、装甲兵、通信部队、特种部队、侦察部队等等。
4.Study on the Physical Fitness Training of Israel Special Army;以色列特种部队体能训练特点及启示
5.Special troops will be garrisoned all along the coast to watch out for enemy airplanes.沿海都要驻上特种部队,以监视敌机。
6.CAS and artillery are the major force multipliers for SF troops.CAS和火炮是为特种部队配备的火力。
7.I know that the special forces can rescue hostages and POWs, too.我知道特种部队也营救人质和战俘。
8.The Enlightments of Combat Training of the U.S. Special Forces to Our Army;美军特种部队格斗训练对我军的启示
9.Study on Interventing the Mental Health Education of Special Army Soldier特种部队战士心理素质教育干预研究
10.Troops in the special arms, puppet troops, communications police and peace preservation corps numbered about 1,200,000.特种部队、伪军、交通警察、保安部队等约一百二十万人;
11.Most special forces are equipped with sophisticated weapons.大多数特种部队都拥有精良的武器装备。
12.What qualities and skills should the soldiers have for the special forces?特种部队的士兵应具备什么素质和技能呢?
13.Cobra unit took part in The Battle of Normandy, Allied Forces' side.“眼镜蛇”特种部队以联军身份参与诺曼底战争。
14.Riot Police on Israel Frontier(3)--Antiterroristic Special Troops of Israel以色列边境防暴警察(三)——以色列反恐怖特种部队
15.Fighting terrorist activities also becomes one of the missions for the special forces.打击恐怖活动也成了特种部队的任务之一。
16.Local officials said that US special forces were also hunting down Omar in the area.地方官员说,美国特种部队也在当地追缉欧玛。
17.US special force ends the first stage anti-terrorist task in South-east Asia美国特种部队结束第一阶段东南亚反恐任务
18.Small armored task forces had reconnoitered the area.一小股装甲特种部队已对这一地区进行了侦察。

special force特种部队
1.This article conducts a complete analysis of Tai Boxing in Tai troops,and hope to learn some practical revelations and experience, which can improve PLA special force combat training level.泰拳是泰国特种部队格斗训练的主要内容,泰拳以其凶狠、实用而名闻天下。
3)special force corps特种兵部队
1.[Objective]To explore the risk factors of training injury in a special force corps,provide evidence for effective prevention of the injury.[目的]探讨特种兵部队训练损伤的危险因素,为有效防治提供依据。
2.[Objective]To explore the incidence, causes, training courses at high risk and location of the body of training injury in a special force corps, provide evidence for effective prevention of the injury.[目的]探讨特种兵部队训练损伤的发病率、损伤原因、损伤高危科目、损伤发生部位,为有效防治提供依据。
4)U.S.Special Forces美军特种部队
1.This article has a thorough analysis of the characteristics of the combat training of the U.认真分析了美军特种部队格斗训练的特点,从提高实战能力出发,注重吸收借鉴美军特种部队格斗训练的成效,提出了我军格斗训练应把握住训练的本质和核心问题,以期有效地开展格斗训练,掌握格斗技能,全面提高部队官兵的实战格斗能力。
5)foreign special forces外军特种部队
6)CO STAR Unit特种部队指挥官
