野战手术车,field operation vehicle
1)field operation vehicle野战手术车
1.Discussion on problems and improvement methods of field operation vehicle;野战手术车存在的问题及改进方法探讨
2.Objective To summarize our experiences in utilizing new field operation vehicle.目的:总结新型野战手术车的使用经验。

1.Experience on Expansion of Field Battle X-ray Diagnosis Vehicle and Field Battle Operation Vehicle野战X线诊断车和野战手术车快速展开体会
2.Discussion on problems and improvement methods of field operation vehicle野战手术车存在的问题及改进方法探讨
3.Application of New Field Operation Instrument Set in Rescuing the Wounded on the Sea新型野战手术器械盒在海上救护手术中的应用
4.Design of Structural Dynamic Optimization of Field Medical Vehicle;野战卫生技术车辆结构动力优化设计
5.Simulation Modeling of the Operation Process of Field Aid Station and Its Application Using MedModel野战医疗所手术流程仿真模型及应用
6.Status quo and prospect of field surgical unit野战外科手术器械包发展现状及趋势
7.The organization and experience of field surgery during earthquake rescue抗震救灾野战手术的组织管理与体会
8.Technical parameter of field digital dental care vehicles野战数字化口腔医疗车的技术参数的研究
9.Application study on modularization design of operation instrument set used in field medical point野战医疗所(队)手术器械包模块化设计应用研究
10.Simulation Modeling and Application on the Operation Process of Field Medical Station and Based on MedModel基于MedModel的野战医疗所手术流程仿真模型及应用
11.Development for A Field-based Operating Astral Lamp with Light-Emitting Diodes一种野战型发光二极管手术无影灯的研制
12.Study on Acoustic Stealth Technology of Diesel Generator-set for Fielded Communication;野战通信车车载柴油发电机组声波隐身技术研究
13.Application of Ultrasound in Traumatic Brain Injury Operation under the Conditions of the Field Hospital超声在模拟野战医疗所部分条件下颅脑损伤手术中的应用研究
14.Research Enlightenment of Airdropped Field Medical System in U S Forefront Surgical Team美军前沿外科手术队对空投型野战医疗系统研究的启示
15.Design and Implementation of Vhicles Management System in Field Forces野战部队车辆管理系统的设计与实现
16.Can combine with #8137 Booster Beast or #8138 Phantom Crasher to make two different ultimate racing vehicles!可以结合8137号狂野战车或8138号幻影甲车构成两个不同的终极赛车!
17.Design of Field Medical Card Based on RFID基于RFID技术的野战医疗卡设计
18.Cruise Control for an Off-Road Vehicle with Automated Mechanical Transmission装有AMT的越野车辆巡航控制技术研究

field surgery野战手术
1.The organization and experience of field surgery during earthquake rescue抗震救灾野战手术的组织管理与体会
3)battle surgical units野战手术包
4)field handbook野战手册
5)field forklift truck野战叉车
1.Layout and selection calculation of medium transmission shaft of field forklift truck;野战叉车中传动轴布置与选型计算
6)field medical vehicle野战卫生技术车辆
1.Based on the development of field medical vehicle in the nation, this thesis is probed into the method of design of structural dynamic optimization that based on the finite element method.本文根据国内野战卫生技术车辆研制现状,研究了基于有限元分析技术的结构动力优化设计方法。

野战化验车  野战条件下分析毒剂和测定放射性活度的技术车辆。主要用于化验毒剂、毒物、毒素,测定染毒浓度、消毒效果及消毒剂的质量,测定空气、粮秣、水的放射性活度等。车上装备有色谱仪、光谱仪、质谱仪和放射性沾染测量装置,各种玻璃器皿、试剂、溶剂,以及采样、供水、供电、通风和采暖等设备。可对各种受染样品进行分离、提纯,测定各组分的物理化学性质,分析有毒物质的化学结构及含量(见彩图)。在野战化验车无法到达的染毒地域,进行化验和采集染毒样品时,可使用野战化验箱。箱内装有分析仪器、试剂及溶剂,以化学方法检定常见毒剂、毒物,测定消毒剂的质量。