体育干预,sports intervention
1)sports intervention体育干预
1.Muscle tone changes in zero gravity state and sports intervention training;失重环境下肌肉张力变化及体育干预训练
2.At the same time,sports intervention is helpful to the establishment of adoption and stimulation resistance for se.并强调不应仅限于对有问题困扰的个体进行心理支持,更应关注群体的心理健康教育,同时认为体育干预有助于建立适应和对抗应激的自我保护机制,并以充满活力的身体活动作为改善心境状态的最佳手段。
3.The paper puts forward that action research of sports intervention on infants,connecting with theoretical study and practical action,is a powerful auxiliary method of educational intervention and has good effect on autistic children.采用行动研究法对处在幼儿期的自闭症儿童进行体育干预研究,将理论研究与实践行动密切结合。

1.Communicative behaviors of autistic infants and physical education intervention strategies;自闭症幼儿沟通行为及体育干预策略
2.An Experimental Case Study of Exercise Intervention on Infantile Autism;自闭症幼儿的体育干预实验案例研究
3.The Psychological Health and Physical Education Countermeasures;大学生心理健康状况及体育干预措施
4.On the Intervening Patterns of Physical Education in College Students’ Psychological Crisis大学生心理危机体育干预模式的探讨
5.Physical Constitution Research for Male Studnts in Sci-tech Colleges Before and After Sports Intervention;理工科大学男生体育干预前后体质状况的研究
6.Study on PE Intervention of the Physical Health and Mental Health of the Obese Female College Students;肥胖女大学生身心健康的体育干预研究
7.On the Effective Strategies of How PE Affects Students Body and Mental Health;论学校体育干预学生身心健康的实效性策略
8.A Research of University Students Mental Healthy States of Time Characteristic and Sport Intervention;大学生心理健康状况的时相特征及其体育干预
9.The Case Study of Sports Intervention for the Teenagers Addiction in the Internet;青少年学生网络成瘾行为的体育干预个案研究
10.Study on Four Series of Moral Education and Physical Education Effect;论德育教育的4个层次及体育教育干预
11.Evaluation of the Effectiveness of Education Intervention on the Individual Patients with Diabetes;个体化糖尿病教育干预及其效果评价
12.The Researching of Rural Sports of Hunan Provincial Strategies of Government Intervention;湖南省农村体育的政府干预策略研究
13.Research report on college students depressed mood and sports traing interference;大学生抑郁情绪与体育锻炼干预实验
15.Experimental Studies on the Intervention Effect of Physical Education on University Students Net Addiction;体育教育对大学生网络成瘾干预的实验研究
16.Research of university students mental health and intervening of P.E.;对大学生心理健康与体育教育干预的研究
17.The Use of Sports Treatment in Promoting the Psychological Health of College Students Majoring in Physical Education体育专业大学生心理健康教育的运动处方干预
18.A Study on the Intervention to the Mental Health of Impoverished Undergraduates by Exercise and Cognitional Intervention;体育锻炼和认知干预对贫困大学生心理健康的干预研究

PE intervention体育干预
1.Study on PE Intervention of the Physical Health and Mental Health of the Obese Female College Students;肥胖女大学生身心健康的体育干预研究
2.Using the method of action study,the authors conducted a PE intervention on the behaviors of 2 autistic children,with experiments and intervention harmoniously integrated in the process.采用行动研究法,对2名自闭症幼儿的沟通行为进行体育干预研究,在研究过程中使实验与干预有机结合。
3)sport interference体育运动干预
1.The situation of personality of undergraduates from the rural areas in Zhejiang province and the value of sport interference;浙江省农村大学生的人格状况及体育运动干预价值
4)physical health interference体育健康干预
5)intervenient measures of sports体育干预对策
6)Group Education Intervention团体教育干预
1.Effect of Group Education Intervention in Self-control on Schizophrenics以自我管理为核心的团体教育干预对精神分裂症患者的影响

洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(Paul Ziffren Sports Resource Center, Amateur Athletic Foundation of Los Angeles) 洛杉矶业余体育基金会保罗·齐夫伦体育资料中心(panl Ziffren SPorts Resource Center,Amateur AthletieFoundation or LoS Angeles)藏有历届奥运会的正式报告书、大量的国际奥委会出版物、布伦戴奇文献资料的缩微胶片、1984年洛杉矶奥运会和19%年亚特兰大奥运会的详细资料、一些申办城市的申办报告和1988年以来奥林匹克运动会的声像资料。 通讯地址:2141 w.Adams Blvd.Los Angeles,CA900 18,USA;电话:213 730 9696:传真:213 7309637:电子信箱:library@aafla.org:因特网址:www.aafla.eom。