耐寒锻炼,cold tolerance training
1)cold tolerance training耐寒锻炼
1.Investigation on effect of cold tolerance training on index of vaso-response to cold in young men coming from different region;耐寒锻炼对不同地区青年寒冷反应指数影响

1.Seedlings that are hardened off in a hotbed放在温床中经受耐寒锻炼的幼苗
2.What's the best way to hard off potted plants?盆栽植物进行耐寒锻炼用什么办法最好?
3.These are the seedlings that are hardening off in a hotbed.这些是放在温床中经受耐寒锻炼的幼苗。
4.Potted plants should be hardened off before planting out.盆栽植物应经耐寒锻炼才能移植到室外。
5.Changes of Ventilatory Function of the Young Soldiers Coming from Different Regions During Cold-tolerance Training不同地区青年耐寒锻炼前后肺通气功能的变化
6.Simultaneously also should take cold resistant toexercise, enhances the protection against the cold and thedisease-resistant ability, prevents the respiratory tract disease tooccur.同时还应重视耐寒锻炼,提高御寒及抗病能力,预防呼吸道疾病发生。
7.practise economy, patience, self-control, etc厉行节约、 锻炼耐性、 锻炼自制力.
8.Physiological and Biochemical Process of Freezing Tolerant Improvement in Seedlings of Ammopiptanthus Mongolicus under Cold-hardening;低温锻炼提高沙冬青抗寒性的生理生化基础
9.Relation between Parameters of Electrical Impedance Spectroscopy and Frost Hardiness in Pinus Bungeana Stems and Needles during Frost Hardening;抗寒锻炼期间白皮松茎和针叶的电阻抗参数与抗寒性关系研究
10.The Influence of Short-day on the Frost Hardiness and Electrical Impedance Parameters in Ligustrum Vicaryi during Frost Hardening;短日照对抗寒锻炼期间金叶女贞抗寒性与电阻抗参数的影响
11.Well, any way I think mountaineering is very conductive to exercising courage and stamina.不管怎么说,登山对于锻炼勇气与耐力很有帮助。
12.Effects of lifestyle and physical exercise on impaired glucose tolerance in middle-aged men;生活方式、体育锻炼与中年男性糖耐量减低
13.How aerobic dynamic training can improvecollege students physique;有氧耐力锻炼对改善大学生体质的研究
14.A research on improving college students blood-fat through aerobic training;有氧耐力锻炼对改善大学生血脂的研究
16.The act or an instance of exercising.锻炼锻炼的行为或事例
17.Thai boxing can train the body, mind and heart, and also show patience and persistence.泰拳可以锻炼人的身体、意志和身心,还可展示人的耐心和耐力。
18.In order to improve and exercise myself ability of social communication, to Help our university to recruit new students in summer and winter vacation.帮助学院进行寒暑假招生,以提高和锻炼自己的社会交际能力.

Cold hardening抗寒锻炼
1.Acrossing cold hardening,SOD and POD activities of 4 different populations of centipe degrass were increased,,MDA contents decreased.选用4个居群的野生假俭草(Erem ochloa opiurodes)进行抗寒锻炼,测定SOD、POD活性和MDA含量的变化。
3)Cold acclimation抗寒锻炼
1.The quantitative analyses to the cold acclimation of both turfgrasses were studied.采用电导法测定低温处理下不同类型草坪草电解质透出率的变化,并拟合Logistic方程求冰冻半致死温度(LT50),对草地早熟禾和沟叶结缕草抗寒锻炼过程进行数量化分析。
4)frost hardening抗寒锻炼
1.During frost hardening (from September 2006 to January 2007), we studied the parameters of electrical impedance spectroscopy (EIS), frost hardiness (FH) and the physiological parameters of one-year-old stems and needles of P.在抗寒锻炼期间(2006年9月至2007年1月),每月对北京十三陵苗圃的北京蟒山、甘肃两当和山西孝义3个种源的白皮松进行一次茎和针叶的电阻抗图谱(EIS)分析、抗寒性测定及生理指标的测定。
2.During frost hardening (from September 2007 to January 2008), we studied the parameters of EIS, and the content of soluble sugar and starch.在抗寒锻炼期间(2007年9月至2008年1月),进行了5次电阻抗参数的测定,并测定了针叶和茎的淀粉及可溶性糖含量。
1.Effects of Salt-acclimation on Salt-resistance and Expression Difference of Proteins and POD Isozymes of Wheat Seedlings耐盐锻炼小麦幼苗的抗盐性及蛋白质和POD的表达差异
6)aerobic dynamic training有氧耐力锻炼
1.How aerobic dynamic training can improvecollege students physique;有氧耐力锻炼对改善大学生体质的研究
