财经管理,Financial and economic management
1)Financial and economic management财经管理
1.Based on the analysis of the present situations and existing problems of financial and economic management of universities,this thesis discusses the necessity of establishing and improving the economic responsibility system in universities and further puts forward the structure of the economic responsibility system.文章从分析目前高等学校财经管理的现状和问题着手,进一步探讨高等学校建立和完善经济责任制的必要性,提出了高等学校经济责任制的构建体系,旨在提高高等学校经济管理者对经济责任制的认识,推动高等学校经济责任制的贯彻落实。
2)financial management of fund经费财务管理
3)be in charge of financial affairs经管财务
4)the experience of be entrusted Projects of Basic Construction financial Management受托建设财务管理经验
5)Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析经理/主管

1.Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析经理/主管
2.An Analysis of Funds Allocation and Financing Management System in University我国高校内部经费分配与财务管理制度分析
3.Topics include working capital management and financial statement analysis.主题包括营运资金的管理及财务报表分析。
4.Business Objective:Difference and Judgment Between Economics and Financial Management;企业目标:经济学与财务管理学的分歧与评析
5.Finish monthly finance analysis, cost analysis report, and provide suggestion to management personnel.完成月度财务分析,成本分析报告,并向公司经营层提出管理建议。
6.The Analysis of the Financial Crisis Alarm System in the Company s Financial Risk Management;企业财务风险管理中的财务危机预警分析
7.Analysis on the Financial Supervision System under the Centralized and Decentralized Financial Management Mode;集分结合财务管理模式下的财务监督机制探析
8.Exploration into the Application of Auditing Software in Finance and Economy Management;财政、财务及经济管理中审计软件的应用探析
9.Business Strategic Financial Management--A brief analysis of objectives of business financial management under the new economy situation;企业战略型财务管理——浅析新经济形势下的企业财务管理目标
10.Economic Analysis of Financial Governance of Non-profit Organizations;非营利组织财务治理的经济理论分析
11.Financial Administration:An Economic Analysis of its Central and Decentral Authority;财务治理:集权与分权的经济学分析
12.Assistant Secretary-General for Financial Services主管财务助理秘书长
13.Instructor: Financial Master , Financial manager experience from 5OO Strongest company, consulting manager, involved in SGM cost system development.参加对象:财务总监、财务经理/主管、预算专员、成本控制经理及财务相关人员。
14.An Analysis on the Problems and Strategies of the Financial Management in Syndicate at the Age of Knowledge Economy;知识经济时代大型企业财务管理问题与对策分析
15.A Procasting Analysis Study on XIAO LANG DE Water Control Project During Operation;小浪底水利枢纽运行管理财务经济预测分析研究
16.Trend Analysis on the development of Financial report;以管理者为基础的财务报告研究分析
17.Study on the Teaching Method of the Course of the <Case Analysis of Financial Management>;《财务管理案例分析》课程教学法研究
18.Application of CIMS to Financial Management;CIMS环境下企业财务管理系统分析

financial management of fund经费财务管理
3)be in charge of financial affairs经管财务
4)the experience of be entrusted Projects of Basic Construction financial Management受托建设财务管理经验
5)Financial Analysis Manager/Supervisor财务分析经理/主管
6)financial manager财务经理
1.On qualities of financial manager in modern enterprises;浅谈现代企业财务经理应具备的素质
2.The connotation of financial administration has been enlarged and the financial manager of enterprises has become a strategic posi ion only next to CEO in importance.随着我国市场经济体制的不断完善,企业的市场主体地位不断加强,财务管理的内涵扩大了,企业财务 经理在地位上具有了战略性,其重要性也仅次于CEO,因此对财务经理的素质提出了更高的要求。
