轨道偏心率,orbital eccentricity
1)orbital eccentricity轨道偏心率
1.The results show that KBOs congregate in the resonant region and resonant KBOs have big orbital eccentricity;Orbital inclination distribution of classical KBOs is bigger than resonant KBOs;Perihelion dista.对当前已观测到的具有可靠轨道根数、位于30~50 AU的Kuiper主带和50 AU以外Kuiper散射带的轨道半长径、轨道偏心率和倾角的分布特性分别进行了统计作图分析。
2.The main tectonic events and climatic changes which occurred in the last 3Ma coincide with the Earth s orbital eccentricity changes having a period of about 0.4Ma周期上与地球轨道偏心率变化存在一致性。

1.The Variable Feature of Orbital Eccentricity and its Influence on Orbital Lifetime卫星轨道偏心率的变化特征及其对轨道寿命的影响
2.The present-day eccentricity of the orbit is small.目前,轨道的偏心率不大。
3.Deviating from the proper or expected course.越轨的,脱轨的偏离常规或预定轨道的
4.Deviating from a circular form or path, as in an elliptical orbit.偏离轨道运行的偏离圆周轨道或路线,如椭圆轨道
5.If accretion takes place in eccentric orbits as well, the rotation will be prograde and of the right order of magnitude.如果吸积发生在偏心轨道,则自转将是正向的,且快慢也合适。
6.Generally Spiral Trajectory Curvature Center of Curvature and Torsion一般螺线曲率中心轨迹的曲率与挠率
7.Why Does My Behavior Go Off the Normal Track?;为什么我的行为会偏离正常的轨道?
8.The research suggests that, every 26m years, the star's eccentric orbit brings it within one light year of the solar system.研究表明,每经过2600万年,这颗星的偏心轨道就将它带到距太阳系1光年的范围内。
9." Experiments show that the trajectory of the scattered particle is a hyperbola and that, as the Bombarding particle is aimed more closely toward the scattering centre, the angle of deflection decreases."实验证明,散落的粒子的轨道呈双曲线,而入射粒子越对准散射中心,偏转角就越大。
10.A Study on the Switching and Its Controlling of the Switch and Nose Rails in High-Speed Turnout;高速道岔尖轨与心轨转换及控制研究
11.Deviation Percent Model to Analyze Target Hitting of Actual Horizontal Wellbore Trajectories水平井实钻轨迹中靶效果分析的偏差率模型
12.Effect of Eccentricity on Material Removal Rate in Certain Eccentricity Polishing偏心距在偏心抛光中对去除速率均匀性的影响
13.W is the radian frequency deviation from the center frequency△W是角频率与中心频率的偏离值。
14.△W is the radian frequency deviation from the center frequency.△W 是角频率与中心频率的偏离值。
15.Analysis of NO.18 Moveable-Turnout Insufficient Displacement;18号可动心轨道岔心轨不足位移仿真分析
16.Transfer Structure Optimization of First Drawing Point in Turn-out with Movable-point Frog可动心轨道岔一动心轨转换结构优化研究
17.On-Orbit Modification of Pointing Error for Imager in Geostationary Satellite Based on Star Sensing基于恒星观测的静止轨道成像仪指向偏差在轨修正
18.Vocational education can t deviate from the track of quality education;职业技术教育不能偏离素质教育的轨道

small eccentricity orbit小偏心率轨道
3)highly eccentric orbit大偏心率轨道
4)eccentricity of satellite orbit卫星轨道偏心率
5)eccentric orbit偏心轨道
6)highly-elliptic orbits高偏心轨道

在AutoCAD中偏心圆锥与偏心圆台实体的画法现在要画一个偏心圆锥,底面在WCS的XY平面上,圆心(0,0,0),半径100,顶点(300,0,400)在ZX平面上. 1)连接PA,PB. A(-100,0,0) B(100,0,0)图1在当前坐标下: 2)延长PA到C,使PA=CA;延长PB到D,使PB=DB;3)连接CD;4)以CD为直径画圆;5)用XLINE命令中的二等分选项作角CPD的角平分线PO,交CD于O;6)过O作CD的垂线,交圆于E,F;图27)用三点UCS命令,取三点为:O,P,C; 8)过点O作PO的垂线GO,交PC于G;图39)再次用三点UCS命令,取三点为O,F,G; 10)现在就可以画椭圆锥了!cone-e-c-捕捉O点-捕捉F点-捕捉G点-a-捕捉P点;图411)回到WCS,剖切椭圆锥 SL-选择椭圆锥-回车-XY-回车-捕捉P点.12)删除辅助线条.图5