1.Objective To explore the clinical effect of treating patients with hoarseness after hyperthyreosis operation by traditioanl Chinese Medicine.目的探讨中医辨证治疗甲状腺机能亢进术后声音嘶哑的临床疗效。
2.Results:Hoarseness was found in 5 cases(1. 4%);hypocalcemia was 4 cases(1. 2%);Postoperative bleeding,dyspnea,cough and low- ering sound 1 case each,rate of occurring was 0. 28% each;subcutaneous edema was 2 cases(0. 56%).结果:声音嘶哑5例,发生率1。

1.He has hoarse and has lost his voice sometimes.他声音嘶哑,有时失声。
2.I talked until I was hoarse.我一直说到声音嘶哑
3.said Morrel in a hoarse voice.莫雷尔问她,声音嘶哑
4.His voice was thick with fear.他因恐惧而声音嘶哑
5.speak in a loud, rough, husky, gentle, etc voice大声地、 粗声地、 声音嘶哑地、 柔声地...说话
6.3 hoarseness: lung metastases laryngeal nerve compression will enable SBC Bi vocal hoarseness result.声音嘶哑:肺癌转移灶压迫喉神经,可使声带单板机痹而致声音嘶哑
7."Laryngitis: Inflammation of the larynx, causing hoarseness"喉炎: 造成声音嘶哑的喉部炎症。
8.I talked until I was hoarse.See Usage Note at till我一直说到声音嘶哑参见
9." Laryngitis: Inflammation of the larynx, causing hoarseness"喉炎:造成声音嘶哑的喉部炎症。
10.Occasionally, recurrent laryngeal nerve involvement causes hoarseness.有时,喉返神经受累引起声音嘶哑
11.talk oneself hoarse (out of Breath)讲得声音嘶哑(喘不过气来)
12.for if it had any influence on that hoarse companion,要说它对那个声音嘶哑的伙伴有什么影响,
13.Functions of respiration and deglutition are good but existent hoarseness.术后吞咽、呼吸功能恢复好 ,但有声音嘶哑
14.said he in a hoarse voice.他用一种嘶哑的声音说。
15.make a hoarse, rattling sound.发出嘶哑的咔嗒的声音。
16.The baby cried itself hoarse.婴儿哭得声音都嘶哑了。
17.To utter a low, hoarse sound.发低哑声发出低而嘶哑的声音
18.To speak with a low, hoarse voice.低哑地说用低而嘶哑的声音说话

a hoarse voice嘶哑的声音
3)Postponent Hoarseness迟发性声音嘶哑
4)She's got a husky voice.她的声音嘶哑。
5)His voice sounded hoarse.他说话声音嘶哑.
6)to talk oneself hoarse讲得声音嘶哑
