
1.To form or cause to form a kink or kinks.打结打成或导致打成一个或多个结
2.testing methods for determination of types of knots in hand-made carpets手工打结地毯的打结类型鉴定试验法
3.automatic wire tying device自动式铁丝打结装置
4.This wire is too stiff to knot easily.这线太硬不容易打结
5.This string knots easily.这根细绳很容易打结
6.The outcome of the war was that he was beaten.打的结果,他打输了。
7."Do you want to marry me or do you not?" she asked him.“你到底打算不打算跟我结婚?”她质问他。
8.Researches on the Sanshou System about Combination of Combat and Exercise;关于“打练结合”的散打实践体系研究
9.My thread has knotted.我的线打起结来了。
10.carpet-beater of plaiting caterials编结材料制地毯拍打器
11.He makes a knot in the end of the string.他在绳子末端打了个结。
12.He has no intention of marrying yet.他还没有要结婚的打算。
13.You would better put the idea of marriage out of your head .你最好打消结婚的念头。
14.He has honorable intentions.他有正式结婚的打算。
15.His home run decided the game.他的央刨打于比赛结束。
16.To check the results of keypunching.检查击键打孔的结果。
17.He is going to marry Jane in May.他打算五月和珍结婚。
18.The game ends in a tie .比赛结果打成平局。

1.A new way is presented to restrain the SMA fibers from being unglued that the fiber is knotted at the both ends.本文提出,将纤维打结后复合在基体中,克服纤维的脱胶,使纤维的形状记忆效应得到充分的发挥,从而有效的控制裂纹。
2.On basis of a thorough comprehension and analysis of the overseas smart composite structure study,this paper focus on the experimental study of extended effect of v-notch in composite materials controlled by knotted shape memory alloy fiber and the test of material characteristic parameters.本文在了解和分析目前国内外智能复合材料结构研究现状的基础上,对打结形状记忆合金纤维控制复合材料中V型缺口扩展的作用进行了实验研究,主要工作包括材料特性测试,以及打结形状记忆合金纤维控制基体中V型缺口扩展的实验研究。
4)raise a mouse打结打肿
5)Striker Structure打手结构
6)knot strength打结强力
1.The phenomena that the hook strength decreases continuously and the knot strength increases at first, and furthermore decreases with the twist increases have been observed through the knot strength and the hook strength experiments of the twisted aramid filaments.对不同捻度的两种不同线密度的芳纶长丝的打结强力和钩接强力进行测试。

打结1.在条状物上打疙瘩。 2.同"打劫"。