1.Cryoanalgesia group(n=29): cryoanalgesia on intercostal nerves were freezed at -50℃ ~-70℃ for 90 seconds; Control group(n=26): Morphine given irregularly intra-muscularly.肋间神经冷冻止痛组(冷冻止痛组n=29)采用K-520型冷冻手术治疗机冷冻,冷冻部位为切口上下各一肋间以及放置引流管之肋间神经根部,每根肋间神经冷冻温度为-50~-70℃左右,冷冻时间为90s;对照组(n=26)不用冷冻治疗,采用临时肌肉注射吗啡。
3)To bite or sting with the cold;chill.使冻伤或刺痛;使寒冷
1.A randomized comparison of clinical efficacy of PCEA with routine analgesia for post-prostatectomy pain;硬脊膜外腔连接微量止痛泵预防前列腺切除术后膀胱痉挛
2.Development of an analgesia apparatus for birth-control operation;一种计划生育止痛仪的研制及应用
3.A clinical observe on analgesia induced by microencapulated bovine chromaffin cell implantation to the spinal subarachnoid spce in cancer patients;微囊化嗜铬细胞对癌症病人止痛作用研究

1.An agent, such as an analgesic drug, that relieves pain.镇痛剂一种药剂,如止痛药,减轻疼痛
2.Capable of soothing or eliminating pain.止痛的,镇痛的能消除或去除疼痛的
3.These pills bring relief from pain.这些药丸可以止痛.
4.Please give me an injection of pain killer.请给我打一针止痛针。
5.the soothing properties of an ointment一种油膏的止痛性能
6.heavily dosed with pain-killing drugs大剂量地使用了止痛药.
7.remove oBstruction, smooth circulation and stop pains with aromatics芳香开窍,理气止痛
8.It acts as an excellent anodyne and anti-itching remedy for the relief of cold, influenza, rheumatism, gout, neuralgia, headache, toothache, mosquito bites and insect stings.有止痛止痒的功效,用于减轻伤风感冒、筋骨酸痛、痛风、神经痛、头痛、牙痛、蚊叮虫蛟。
9.This drug gives rapid relief to sufferers from gout.这药封痛风患者的止痛效果神速。
10.A medicine, such as aspirin, that relieves pain.止痛剂可减缓疼痛的药,如阿斯匹林
11.This medicine regulates the stomach-qi and alleviates pain, specializing in the treatment of all stomachaches.本药和胃止痛,专治各类胃痛。
12.Capable of easing pain or discomfort.止痛的、缓和的能缓解疼痛或不适的
13.Experimental Study on Pain Relief and Anti-inflammatory Action of Xiaoyuzhitong Sparying Agent消淤止痛喷雾剂抗炎镇痛的实验研究
14.A medication that reduces or eliminates pain.止痛药,镇痛剂一种减缓或消除痛苦的药物
15.A synthetic narcotic drug, C19H27NO, used as a nonaddictive analgesic, often in place of morphine.镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
16.Two types of drugs ease pain:analgesics reduce or eliminate pain without causing unconsciousness or deadening the nerve centers.有两类药止痛:(1)止痛药,(2)麻醉剂。止痛药减少或消除疼痛而不造成昏迷。
17.P: I only feel mild pain. I don't think a pain-killer is necessary. The pain is very severe. I can't stand it. Please give me a pain-killer at once.我只感到有轻微的疼痛,我想用不着吃止痛片。痛得很厉害。我简直受不了;请立即给我止痛片吧。
18.However, after I took some soothing pills, the pain subsided.亨: 不过在吃过几粒止痛丸之后,痛感消失了。

3)To bite or sting with the cold;chill.使冻伤或刺痛;使寒冷
1.A randomized comparison of clinical efficacy of PCEA with routine analgesia for post-prostatectomy pain;硬脊膜外腔连接微量止痛泵预防前列腺切除术后膀胱痉挛
2.Development of an analgesia apparatus for birth-control operation;一种计划生育止痛仪的研制及应用
3.A clinical observe on analgesia induced by microencapulated bovine chromaffin cell implantation to the spinal subarachnoid spce in cancer patients;微囊化嗜铬细胞对癌症病人止痛作用研究
1.Experimental study on releasing injury soft tissue anti-inflammatory and acesodyne effects of compound Huangmaodaofuchai liniment;复方黄毛豆腐柴搽剂抗软组织损伤及抗炎止痛的实验研究
2.The Study of Tramadol injected sacral canal in Acesodyne after Anorectal Operation;骶管注入曲吗多用于肛肠术后止痛的对比研究
3.Efficacy Observation of Artificial Abortion Acesodyne by Combining Using of Meperidine and Lignocaine;哌替啶联合利多卡因对人流止痛的效果观察
6)pain relief止痛
1.Objective:To compare the influence of paracervical block(PCB)or PCB combined with intrauterine infusion(Ⅱ)with lidocaine on pain relief during suction evacuation for early pregnancy termination.结果:(1)两组的止痛效果无明显差异(P=0。
2.Objective: To explore the pain relief effect with a single fraction and multifraction radiotherapy for bone metastases.目的:研究单次放射治疗与多次分割放射治疗对于骨转移性疼痛止痛效果。
3.Objective To observe the pain relief effect with conventional fraction and hypofraction radiotherapy for bone metastases.目的观察骨转移癌常规分割放疗组与低分割放疗组的止痛效果。

疮疡止痛法疮疡止痛法 疮疡止痛法   疮疡治法之一。见《外科精义》卷上:“夫疮疽之证候不同,寒热虚实皆能为痛。止痛之法,殊非一端。世人皆谓乳、没珍贵之药可住疼痛,殊不知临证制宜,自有方法。盖热毒之痛者,以寒凉之剂折其热,则痛自止也;寒邪之痛,以温热之药熨其寒,则痛自除矣;因风而有痛者,除其风;因湿而痛者,导其湿;燥而痛者,润之;塞而痛者,通之;虚而痛者,补之;实而痛者,泻之;因脓郁而闭者,开之;恶肉侵溃者,引之;阴阳不和者,调之;经络秘涩者,利之。临机应变,方为上医。不可执方,而无权也。”临证中当详审因证,细辨脉治。