1.The contribution culture is favorable to molding good humanity,and it is the lubricant of the social stability,the fast progress of contribution is the mark of the social progress.捐献文化有利于塑造善良人性,是社会和谐稳定的润滑剂,日益繁荣的捐献文化是社会进步的标志。

1.The act of contributing.捐献捐款或捐献的行为
2.someone who contributes (or promises to contribute) a sum of money.捐献(或允诺捐献)钱的人。
3.To contribute to a joint or common purpose.捐助为共同的目的而捐献
4.And it needs your contributions of furniture,而且也需要你捐献家具,
5.She contributed to the fired with all open heart.她慷慨地捐献救济基金。
6."I have something for you!""我有点东西要捐献你呀!"
7.an endowment for the singing of Masses.供教堂做弥撒用的捐献
8.to pledge a donation (to a charity)承诺(向慈善机构)捐献
9.someone who gives blood to be used for transfusions.捐献血液用于输血的人。
10.philanthropic contributions.See also Synonyms at kind慈善捐献参见同义词
11.a contribution of money or assistance.辅助款或捐献的财物。
12.To give or supply in common with others;give to a common fund or for a common purpose.捐资者与他人一起捐出或提供;为公共基金或共同目的捐献
13.An anonymous American donor has contributed $10 million to the charity.一位美国匿名捐献者向该慈善机构捐献了1,000万美元。
14.In the event total contributions collected exceed the provision point, rebate rules determine the fate of excess contributions.如果总捐献超过提供点,退还规则决定超额捐献的命运。
15.Now that anonymity is no longer possible, there has been a huge decline in the number willing to donate.现在匿名捐献已经不可能了,自愿捐献的人数少了很多。
16.She is a Paul Harris Fellow, Foundation benefactor, and Major Donor.她是位保罗?哈里斯之友、扶轮基金永久基金捐献人与巨额捐献人。
17.Some donors prefer anonymity; the wishes of any donor who desires his or her gift to remain confidential will be respected.有些捐献人希望匿名;捐献人希望他或她的捐款保密,关于这一点基金会将予以尊重。
18.Donate your leftover paint to a community project.把你没有用完的油漆捐献给社区项目。

5)organ donation器官捐献
1.Research on the Citizen Education about Organ Donation;关于器官捐献的公民教育研究
2.Research on the Incentive Mechanism of Human Organ Donation我国人体器官捐献的激励机制研究
3.Organ donation is a special practice resulted from perfect merger of modern technology and humanistic spirit.器官捐献移植发展史证明,公民逝世后器官捐献值得大力推广。
6)contributing cornea角膜捐献
1.Owing to be influenced by multi-sided factors such as being confined by the traditional ideas and religious believes,such as being lack in social propaganda and lagging statutory rules,now corneal transplantation meets an embarrassing situation that brings about being short of cornea in that the crowd consciousness of contributing cornea is of low level.因此,我们需要通过各种各样措施促使群众不断正确认识和客观评价角膜捐献
