
1.Correlation between TCM Symptom and Hypercoagluability of the Elder People;老龄人群中医证候类型与血液高凝状态相关性研究
2.Clinical Research of Blood Hypercoagulabale State of Patient Who Plan Making Radical Resection of Rectal Carcinoma in Period of Operation and Ulinastatin Interfered直肠癌患者围术期血液高凝状态及乌司他丁干预的临床研究
3.Study on the Intervention of Hypercoagulabale State in Hip Fracture of Aged People with Jiawei Taohong Siwutang加味桃红四物汤干预老年髋部骨折血液高凝状态的研究
4.Relationship Between Hypercoagulability and Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus with Microalbuminuria2型糖尿病微蛋白尿与血液高凝状态、胰岛素抵抗的关系
5.Effects of maintenance hemodialysis with low-calcium dialysis solutions on blood coagulation system in hypercoagulable patients低钙透析对高凝血液透析患者凝血系统的影响
6.Clotting is efficient because of the high value of surface tension of water.由于水的表面张力很高,血液得以凝固。
7.Surface Modification of the Blood-Contacting Polymers for Improvement of Antithrombogenic and Antimicrobial Properties;与血液接触高分子材料的抗凝/抗菌改性研究
8.The Effect of Acute Hypervolemic Hemodilution on Hemodynamics、Constitution Oxygenation and Blood Coagulation and It s Significance on Saving Blood;急性高容量血液稀释对血液动力学、组织氧合和凝血功能的影响及在节约用血中的意义
9.Immediate Coagulation Mornitoring in Anticoagulation of Nephrotic Syndrome and Hemodialysis-dependent Patients;即时凝血监测在肾病综合征高凝状态及血液透析患者抗凝治疗中的应用
10.the administration of an anticoagulant drug to retard coagulation of the blood.用凝血剂延迟血液的凝结的治疗方法。
11.A substance that prevents the clotting of blood.抗凝血剂防止血液凝结的物质
12.The Effect of Acute Hypervolemic Hemodilution on Blood Coagulation and Renal Function in Geriatric Patients;术前急性高容量血液稀释对老年手术病人凝血功能、肾功能的影响
13.Effects of Acute Hypervolemic Hemodilution with Synthetic Colloids Differently on Blood Coagulation Functions of the Elderly Patients不同胶体用于急性高容量血液稀释对老年患者凝血功能的影响
14.The effect of regional heparin anticoagulation in continuous blood purification in patients with high risk of bleeding局部肝素抗凝在高危出血倾向患者连续性血液净化中的应用
15.Blood coagulates in air.血液遇到空气就凝结.
16.Blood coagulates when it meets air.血液接触空气就会凝结。
17.The precursor of any of various blood factors necessary for coagulation.前凝血剂血液凝结所必须的凝血因子的凝血酶原
18.Effect of acute hypervolemic hemodilution(AHH)combined with deliberate hypotension on coagulation and hemorheology急性高容量血液稀释与控制性降压对老年患者凝血功能和血液流变学的影响

Hypercoagulable state血液高凝状态
1.Based on recent decades studies,the article mainly reviewed its effects on coagulation,thrombosis,hypertension,and atherosclerosis.近年来的研究表明,柯里拉京在防治血液凝固、血栓形成、高血压和动脉粥样硬化等方面有一定作用。
4)blood coagulation血液凝结
5)Blood coagulation血液凝固
1.Observation of blood coagulation in an inherited FⅦ deficiency pedigree;先天性因子Ⅶ缺乏的血液凝固调节改变
2.Methods The indexes on blood coagulation and fibrinolysis system were determined after Agacutin was administerted intravenously, with blood samples taken by cardiac puncture.与给药前比较,各实验组兔血纤维蛋白原含量和血黏度在给药后有不同程度的降低,这与血液凝固时间缩短一致。
3.Blood coagulation time (CT).目的研究海带胞壁多糖对血栓形成和血液凝固的影响。
6)coagulated blood凝固血液
1.Measures the electrical conductivity and phase shift of normal and coagulated blood sampled from 10 pigs using LCR meter and Agilent 4285A.在低于800kHz的情况下,正常血液和凝固血液的电导率之差保持在4。

凝血致活酶 ,血液凝固因子Ⅲ,凝血质药物名称:凝血因数Ⅲ英文名:Thromboplastin别名: 凝血活素;凝血酶原激酶;凝血因数Ⅲ;凝血致活酶 ,血液凝固因子Ⅲ,凝血质 外文名:Thromboplastin 适应症: 用于各种出血、止血。 用量用法: 肌注:每次7.5~15mg,Qd或Bid。局部止血时可湿敷。 注意事项: 1.肌注以前要摇匀。 2.不可静注(可引起血栓形成)。 规格: 注射液:15mg(2ml)。 类别:促凝血药