1.Effects of Propoful or Ketamine on Oxygen Saturation and Airway Pressure in Patients With Bronchial Asthma;异丙芬、氯胺酮对支气管哮喘病人的氧饱合度及平均气道压的影响
2)ketoprofen isopropyl ester酮洛芬异丙酯
1.Analgesic effect and pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen isopropyl ester lipid microsphere in rats;酮洛芬异丙酯脂质微球的镇痛作用及大鼠体内药动学研究
2.Studies on metabolism of ketoprofen isopropyl ester in HaCaT cells;酮洛芬异丙酯在HaCaT细胞中的代谢
3.Metabolism of ketoprofen isopropyl ester in skin cells;酮洛芬异丙酯在皮肤细胞中的代谢

1.Ketoprofen isopropyl ester was hydrolyzed into ketoprofen when penetrated through the cultured skin, which resembled in the skin cell homogenates metabolism.同皮肤细胞匀浆代谢相似,酮洛芬异丙酯被代谢成原药酮洛芬。
2.Percutaneous Penetration and Metabolism of Ketoprofen Isopropyl Ester Through a Tissue Engineering Skin Reconstructed with HaCaT Cells and Its Molecule Mechanism;酮洛芬异丙酯经HaCaT细胞构建的组织工程皮肤的渗透、代谢及分子机制
3.Studies on the Submicron Emulsions of Ketoprofen Ester Prodrugs;酮洛芬酯类前体药物亚微乳剂的研究
4.Determination of residual acetone in Loxoprofen sodium by capillary column gas chromatography气相色谱法测定洛索洛芬钠中丙酮的残留量
5.Studies on Preparation of the Ketoprofen-Ploybutylcyanoacrylate-Nanoparticles and It's Pharmacokinetics;酮洛芬聚氰基丙烯酸正丁酯毫微粒制备工艺及其药代动力学初步研究
6.Enantioseparation of ketoprofen esters of enzyme promoting asymmetry synthesis.酶促不对称合成酮洛芬糖酯对映体的分离
7.Preventive Effect of Flurbiprofen Axetil on the Pain of Propofol Injection氟比洛芬酯用于防治丙泊酚注射痛的临床观察
8.Propofol Combined Flurbiprofen Ester in Colonoscopy Application丙泊酚联合氟比洛芬酯在肠镜检查中的应用
9.Study on the Ketoprofen Release from Control-released Tablets Made from Poly(acrylamide-acrylacide) and Guar Gum酮洛芬瓜耳胶-g-丙烯酰胺-丙烯酸控释片释药性质研究
10.The Clinical Study of Propofol Combined with Different Dose of Flurbiprofen Axetil on Analgesia Artifical Abortion无痛人流术中丙泊酚复合不同剂量氟比洛芬酯的临床研究
11.Effect of flurbiprofen on the depth of anesthesia with target-controlled infusion of propofol氟比洛芬酯对丙泊酚靶控输注时麻醉深度的影响
12.Propofol combined with flurbiprofen in artificial abortion.丙泊酚复合氟比洛芬酯实施人工流产术30例临床观察
13.Clinical observation of propofol combined with flurbiprofen axetil for venous anesthesia during electronic colonoscopy丙泊酚复合氟比洛芬酯在无痛电子结肠镜检查中的应用
14.Clinical Application of Flurbiprofen Injection in the Prevention and Treatment of Pain Induced by Propofol氟比洛芬酯注射液在防治丙泊酚注射性疼痛中的临床应用
15.Effect of propofol with flurbiprofen axetil on postoperative pain of dilatation and curettage丙泊酚-氟比洛芬酯镇痛对清宫术后子宫收缩痛的影响
16.Clinical observation of combined propofol and flurbiprofen axetil in fiberoptic bronchoscopy氟比洛芬酯复合丙泊酚在无痛纤维支气管镜检查中的应用
17.Synthesis and Applications of UV-Curable Epoxy Acrylate Modified by Isophorone Diisocyanate紫外光固化异佛尔酮二异氰酸酯改性环氧丙烯酸酯的合成与应用
18.Enantiomers Separation of Ketoprofen Sustained Release Capsules奥丁尼酮洛芬缓释胶囊中酮洛芬的手性拆分

ketoprofen isopropyl ester酮洛芬异丙酯
1.Analgesic effect and pharmacokinetics of ketoprofen isopropyl ester lipid microsphere in rats;酮洛芬异丙酯脂质微球的镇痛作用及大鼠体内药动学研究
2.Studies on metabolism of ketoprofen isopropyl ester in HaCaT cells;酮洛芬异丙酯在HaCaT细胞中的代谢
3.Metabolism of ketoprofen isopropyl ester in skin cells;酮洛芬异丙酯在皮肤细胞中的代谢
4)propofol with fentanyl balanced anesthesia异丙酚-芬太尼
1.Objective To study the sedative and analgesic effects and safety of remifentanil-propofol in gastroscopy for patients.目的研究异丙酚-瑞芬太尼在胃镜检查中应用的镇静效果及安全性。
6)Ketoprofen isopropylamine salt酮基布洛芬异丙胺氨盐

比丙芬药物名称:比丙芬英文名:Pirprofen别名: 比丙芬;灵加消 ,吡洛芬,吡丙芬,吡咯布洛芬,吡洛布洛芬, 吡氯布洛芬外文名:Pirprofen, Rangasil, Rengasil适应症: 用于类风湿性关节炎、骨关节炎、强直性关节炎、非关节性风湿病、急性疼痛、术后疼痛及癌性痛等。 用量用法: 口服:开始每日800mg,1日2次分服。症状改善后,每日600mg维持。类风湿关节炎、强直性关节炎开始每日1000mg,分3次服,持续1~2周。镇痛:每次200~400mg,每日1200mg。肌注:每次400mg。数小时后可重复用。 急性痛风发作时:400mg/次,深部臀肌注射。注意事项: 1.胃肠道反应、耳鸣较乙酰水杨酸发生较少。 2.有服后可引起肝炎。 规格: 胶囊:200mg,400mg。 针剂:400mg.类别:抗炎镇痛药