1.ObjectiveTo investigate the application of electronic bronchoscopy replacing thoracoscopy to detect the causes of pleural effusion.结论电子支气管镜代替胸腔镜检查具有诊断阳性率高、安全、损伤小、操作简单等优点。

1.Examination of medical thoracoscopy of nine patients with pneumothorax and review the literatures9例气胸内科胸腔镜检查并文献复习
2.Analysis of thoracoscopy in the pleural effusion of unknown reason胸腔镜检查诊断不明原因的胸腔积液临床分析
3.Flexible electron-assisted thoracoscopy for diagnosis of 285 patients with pleural effusions of unknown causes285例原因不明胸腔积液可弯曲电子胸腔镜检查结果分析
4.Monitoring and prevention and treatment of complications in medical electron-assisted thoracoscopic surgery内科电子胸腔镜检查监护和并发症防治
5.Application of electronic bronchoscopy replacing thoracoscopy to the diagnosis of pleural effusion with unclear causes电子支气管镜胸腔检查在不明原因胸腔积液诊断中的应用
6.Pipe with needle guiding electronic bronchoscope in the diagnosis of complicate pleural effusion;套管针引入电子支气管镜检查在疑难性胸腔积液诊断中的应用
7.Analysis of Laparoscopy in 120 Cases of Liver Diseases Using Chinamade Laparoscope or Gastroscope.国产胃镜及腹腔镜检查肝脏120例分析
8.Laparoscopy (or peritoneoscopy): Procedure for inspecting the abdominal cavity using a laparoscope; also surgery requiring use of a laparoscope.腹腔镜检查:使用腹腔镜检查腹腔的处置过程;过程中需使用腹腔镜的手术也可称之。
9.For instance, a colonoscope is used to detect growths inside the colon, and a laparoscope is used to examine the abdominal cavity.例如,结肠镜被用于检查结肠,腹腔镜被用于检查腹腔。
10.Sufentanil in the video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery biopsy舒芬太尼在电视胸腔镜活检术中的应用
11.Fibroptic endoscopy will almost certainly become the standard.内腔镜检查将必然成为标准方法。
12.Clinical Analysis: 475 Cases of Hysteroscopy and Hysteroscopic Surgery宫腔镜检查及手术475例临床分析
13.Clinical analysis of laparoscopy in 4519 cases with female infertility腹腔镜检查不孕4519例结果分析
14.Clinical application of medical thoracoscopy in unknown pleural effusion胸腔镜在不明原因胸腔积液中的应用
15.An operation in which a laparoscope is used, as in an examination of the liver or the surgical treatment of endometriosis.腹腔镜检查利用腹腔镜实施的检查,例如检查肝脏或实施外科子宫手术
16.Cervical Mediastinoscopy for Diagnosis of Thoracic Diseases in 281 Patients经颈部纵隔镜检查在胸部疾病诊断中的价值
17.Vedio-assisted Thoracoscopic Apical Parietal Pleurectomy for Spontaneous Pneumothorax胸腔镜下胸顶壁层胸膜切除术治疗自发性气胸
18.Diagnostic Value of Video-assisted Thoracoscopic Surgery(VATS): Comparison with Clinical and Radiological Diagnosis电视胸腔镜肺活检和临床及影像学诊断价值的比较研究

1.ObjectiveTo investigate the application of electronic bronchoscopy replacing thoracoscopy to detect the causes of pleural effusion.结论电子支气管镜代替胸腔镜检查具有诊断阳性率高、安全、损伤小、操作简单等优点。

胸腔镜检查胸腔镜检查thoracoscopy examination 1910年Jacobaeus首用于肺结核患者检查施行胸膜粘连烙断术。20世纪70年代后使用于检查胸膜和肺部病变。早年使用的胸腔镜是在已建立人工气胸的部位经两个粗套针分别放入窥察镜和电烙刀,寻找胸膜粘连并在视野下烙断粘连。目前,仅需经一个套针放入胸腔镜或光导纤维支气管镜进行检查。胸腔镜主要适用于诊断胸膜病变、采取组织作病理切片检查,诊断的阳性率可达90%,也可经胸腔镜喷注药物治疗胸腔积液。近年来也用于浅表的肺部病变采取组织切片及作肺大疱切除结扎、肺叶切除及纵隔肿瘤切除。还常在局部麻醉或全身麻醉下在选定的部位作短的肋间切口,建立气胸,放入胸腔镜即可进行检查,并发症发生率很低。