1.The Therapeutic Evaluation on TongLiGongXiaFa(通里攻下法)in SIRS/MODS——a Multiple Center Clinical Analysis;通里攻下法对SIRS/MODS的治疗价值——多中心临床分析

1.Experimental Study on Influences of Purgative Therapy upon High Intracranial Pressure of Rabbits;“通里攻下法”对家兔颅内高压影响的实验研究
2.Clinical Research on Acute Pancreatitis Treated with Bestoring Normal Bowel Movement;通里攻下法治疗急性胰腺炎的临床观察与研究
3.Systematic evaluation of the therapeutic efficacy of Tongli Gongxia herbs on severe acute pancreatitis早期通里攻下法对重症急性胰腺炎结局影响的系统评价
4.Experimental Study on Intensive Effecrs of Herbs of Activating Blood Circulation and Dispersing Stasis on Pergative Herbs;活血化瘀中药对通里攻下中药增效作用的实验研究(二)
5.Experimental Study on Intensive Effects of Herbs of Activating Blood Circulation and Dispersing Stasis on Purgative Herbs;活血化瘀中药对通里攻下中药增效作用的实验研究
6.and the worst policy of all is to Besiege walled cities. The rule is, not to Besiege walled cities if it can possibly be avoided.其下攻城。攻城之法为不得已。
7.Ordinary families don't have military assault rifles at home.普通的家庭里不会有攻击性的枪支的
8.Synergic Effects of Activating Blood Circulation and Dispersing Stasis on Purgative Herbs in Treating Incomplete Intestinal Obstruction;活血化瘀中药对通里攻下中药治疗大鼠不完全性肠梗阻增效作用的研究
9.A Study on Chaos Attacking Communication Systems;混沌信号对通信系统攻击方法的研究
10.Slight perturbation attack on spatiotemporal chaotic cryptosystem时空混沌保密通信系统的微扰攻击法
11.The city defied the enemy for three years.3 年来敌人无法攻下这座城市。
12.The right of self - defense is only available against unlawful attack在被非法攻击下才可使用自卫权
13.Weave attack" 8"字形进攻法(一般切向篮下)
14.Research on RPC Attack Detection in Windows Network;Windows网络下的RPC攻击检测方法研究
15.Hey, Cummings, how many hours will you need to take Richmond?嗨,卡明斯,你攻下里士满需要几个小时呀?
16.After capturing a city, Mongol armies would test the sincerity of the inhabitants' surrender.蒙古军攻下一座城后,会考验城里居民的诚信。
17.Arcane Shot benefits from ranged attack power.秘法射击现在可以从远程攻击力里得到加强。
18.Delay normalization method of defending against timing-based attacks on anonymous communication systems匿名通信系统时间攻击的时延规范化防御方法

Tongli gongxia herbs通里攻下
1.Objective: To observe multi-effects of Huoxue chengqi decoction on acute bacterial peritonitis in order to verify that Huoxue huayu herbs can enhance the effects of Tongli gongxia herbs.目的:通过建立急性细菌性腹膜炎动物模型,观察活血承气汤的多靶点治疗效果,证明活血化瘀中药对通里攻下中药的增效作用。
2.Objects: To observe effects of Huoxue huayu or/and Tongli gongxia traditional Chinese herbs on microcirculation and PO2 of intestinal tissue in rabbit for exploring the matching dosage of these traditional Chinese herbs and confirming the fact that Huoxue huayu herbs can increase the value of the effects of Tongli gongxia herbs.目的:观察活血化瘀中药、通里攻下中药对小肠微循环血流和组织氧分压的影响,探索两种药物配比的最佳剂量,研究活血化瘀中药对通里攻下中药的增效作用。
3)Qingre Jiedu通理攻下
1.Objectives: To investigate the different single or combined effects of the three classes of Chinese herbs(Qingre Jiedu, Tongli Gongxia, Huoxue Huayu) on severe acute pancreatitis(SAP) in rats.目的:采用正交实验法,通过动物实验了解清热解毒类、通理攻下类、活血化瘀类中药对急性胰腺炎治疗的作用规律,了解这三类中药各自、以及三类中药之间的交互作用;特别是不同类中药对胰腺炎发展过程中某些重要指标的不同影响,探讨临床常用中药对不同类型急性胰腺炎的作用规律,指导临床上根据急性胰腺炎的不同症型进行处方用药。
4)downward method攻下治法
5)purgation method[攻]下法
6)removing dampness and purgative method利湿攻下法
