2)lethal drought resistance致死抗旱性
3)lincomycin-resistant lethal mutation抗药性致死突变
4)resistance-chemical mutational label抗药性致死突变标志
1.Study on NTG mutation screening of resistance-chemical mutational label of protoplasts from streptomyces 702;链霉菌702菌株原生质体抗药性致死突变标志NTG诱变筛选研究
1.Whether with the natural infection method or the injection infection method,Sl infected significantly more Galleria hosts than Hb or Sc,and Sc caused higher larval mortality than Hb.结果表明,无论是注射侵染还是自然侵染法,对大蜡螟幼虫个体的致死竞争能力最强的是长尾斯氏线虫,其次是小卷蛾斯氏线虫,嗜菌异小杆线虫的致死能力最弱。
2.Effects of ionizing irradiation of γ ray on mortality and growth of one year-old Pacific oysters (Crassotrea gigas) were studied.电离辐射的生物学效应包括高剂量条件下的致死、致突、致畸效应和低剂量条件下的刺激效应。

1.Capable of causing death.致死的,会致死的能导致死亡的
2.execution by lethal injection;致死性注射的死刑;
3.lethal concentration(LC50)半致死浓度(LC50)
4.To smother(a newborn infant or an animal)by lying upon.覆闷致死把(新生婴儿或动物)覆闷致死
5.More die by food than famine. --Thomas fuller食物致死多于饥饿致死。——富勒
6.Of, relating to, or causing death.致命的死亡的、与死亡有关的,或导致死亡的
7.University of Michigan student dies from drinking binge密伊根大学生饮酒致死
8.A lethal dose of barbiturates.巴比妥酸盐的致死药量
9.The bite of a mad dog is fatal.疯狗的咬伤会致死的。
10.He was beaten to death by thugs.他被暴徒殴打致死.
11.Hard work never killed any body.努力工作不会导致死亡。
12.kill by smashing someone's skull.粉碎某人的头颅而致死
13.Don't be afraid of killing yourself with overwork.别害怕会过劳致死
14.He overdosed and died.他服用安眠药过量致死.
15.He overdosed (on sleeping-pills) and died.他服用安眠药过量致死
16.He died by the cruelty of his enemies.他被敌人残酷行为致死
17.The serf was trod to death.这个农奴被蹂躏致死
18.He died of the burns that he received in the fird.他在火灾中烧伤致死

lethal drought resistance致死抗旱性
3)lincomycin-resistant lethal mutation抗药性致死突变
4)resistance-chemical mutational label抗药性致死突变标志
1.Study on NTG mutation screening of resistance-chemical mutational label of protoplasts from streptomyces 702;链霉菌702菌株原生质体抗药性致死突变标志NTG诱变筛选研究
1.Whether with the natural infection method or the injection infection method,Sl infected significantly more Galleria hosts than Hb or Sc,and Sc caused higher larval mortality than Hb.结果表明,无论是注射侵染还是自然侵染法,对大蜡螟幼虫个体的致死竞争能力最强的是长尾斯氏线虫,其次是小卷蛾斯氏线虫,嗜菌异小杆线虫的致死能力最弱。
2.Effects of ionizing irradiation of γ ray on mortality and growth of one year-old Pacific oysters (Crassotrea gigas) were studied.电离辐射的生物学效应包括高剂量条件下的致死、致突、致畸效应和低剂量条件下的刺激效应。
1.Expression of lethal gene mRNA on placenta villi in patients with spontaneous abortion;自然流产患者绒毛组织中致死基因mRNA的表达
2.Research on the lethal reason of radiation to Escherichia coli and Lactobacillus;大肠杆菌及乳酸杆菌的辐射致死机理初探
