
1.Improvement of Devices and Instruments Facilitates the Development of Scarless Abdominal Surgery器械与设备的进步促进腹壁无瘢痕手术的发展
2.Surgical Treatment for Release of Severe Chin-Thorax Cicatricial Contracture Deformity (Report of 177 cases)严重颏胸瘢痕粘连畸形177例手术治疗
3.Evaluation on plastic surgery for cervico-mandibular scar contracture deformity after burn烧伤后颌颈部瘢痕畸形手术方式评价
4.Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammaplasty Without Vertical Scar;无垂直瘢痕的下蒂瓣乳房缩小成形术
5.Manipulative Exercises for Patients Suffering from Severe Cicatrical Deformity of Hands手部瘢痕性歪扭畸形整复术后的手法功能锻炼
6.The reason that was failure is scar of between sclera lamella and bulbe r conjunctiva.手术失败的主要原因是巩膜瓣间、球结膜瘢痕化。
7.Postoperative Electron Beam Irradiation Therapy for Keloid: A Follow-up Study of 257 Patients;手术联合电子线放射治疗瘢痕疙瘩257例分析
8.Clinical Observation on Curative Result for Keliod with Surgical Excision Combined with Postoperative Electron Beam Radiotherapy手术联合电子线治疗瘢痕疙瘩临床疗效观察
9.Experimental study on inhibiting operative incision scar formation using medical invisible antimicrobial film医用隐形抗菌膜抑制手术切口瘢痕形成的实验
10.Surgical management of palpebra frontalis cicatricial entropion with self free skin graft transplant operation自体皮片移植手术治疗上睑瘢痕性睑内翻
11.The clinical analysis of scar uterus painless artificial abortion in 52 cases.瘢痕子宫无痛人工流产术52例临床分析
12.Clinical Study of Treating Hypertrophic Scar and Keloid by Surgical Management and Triamcinolone Acetonide Injection Therapy;手术切除和曲安缩松注射术治疗增生性瘢痕和瘢痕疙瘩的初步临床分析
13.A Clinical Study on the Treatment Findings of Scar and Blemish Removal Arisen from Cesarean Section and Breast Implant Procedures Using the Electron Beams;应用电子线对瘢痕疙瘩术后治疗效果的临床研究—去除剖腹产及隆乳手术造成之瘢痕疙瘩
14.Clinical Research of Operation and Convalescent Care on Deformed Fingers after Burn Injury;手部烧伤后瘢痕挛缩的手术及康复治疗的临床研究
15.Application of Skin Expander Implanted under Scars to Treating Scars on Body Surface瘢痕下直接扩张术治疗体表中小面积瘢痕
16.Objictive To reduce the formation of cicatrization of filtering bleb and elevate the suc cessful rate of filtration surgery of glaucoma.目的减少抗青光眼术后滤过泡的瘢痕形成,提高手术成功率。
17.Laparoscopy for acute appendicitis via scar on abdominal wall after cesarean section经剖宫产术后腹壁瘢痕做切口行腹腔镜手术治疗急性阑尾炎
18.The main cause of operative failures was relating to the excessive periretinal fibrosis and scarring around optic disc.手术失败的首要原因是视盘周围增生膜广泛瘢痕化

surgical cicatrix手术瘢痕
1.Research progress of fetal wound scarless healing;胎儿伤口无瘢痕愈合机制
4)"Non-scarring moxibustion无瘢痕灸
5)scar-free skin resurfacing无瘢痕皮肤磨削术
6)scar-free healing无瘢痕愈合

[英文]:Addison keloid[解释]:硬斑病。结缔组织取代皮肤形成的淡红色或象牙白的隆起或斑块。