1.Treatment of 18 Cases of Chyloperitoneum by"Xiaozhongling Granule"and Western Drugs消肿灵结合西医疗法治疗乳糜腹18例

1.Diagnosis and management of chylous ascites:a report of 11 cases损伤性乳糜腹的治疗:附11例报告
2.Treatment of 18 Cases of Chyloperitoneum by"Xiaozhongling Granule"and Western Drugs消肿灵结合西医疗法治疗乳糜腹18例
3.Treatment of chylous ascites after esophageal cancer(15 cases)食管癌胸导管结扎术后乳糜腹5例并文献复习
4.Chylous Ascites Secondary to Radical Gastrectomy:A clinical report of 3 cases胃癌根治术后并发乳糜腹三例治疗体会
5.The milky white fluid shown here in the peritoneal cavity represents a chylous ascites.图示:腹膜腔乳糜性腹水,呈乳白色。
6.Experiences in Laparoscopic Ligation of Renal Lymphatic Vessels for the Treatment of Chyluria腹腔镜肾蒂淋巴管结扎术治疗乳糜尿
7.Parenteral nutrition and laparoscopic therapy in chylous ascites肠外营养和腹腔镜下手术治疗乳糜性腹水
8.consisting of chyle or having the properties of chyle.含有乳糜或有乳糜特性。
9.Retroperitoneoscopic renal pedicle lymphatic disconnection in the management of chyluria经后腹腔镜肾蒂淋巴管结扎术治疗乳糜尿
10.Nursing care of patients with severe chyluria underwent renal pedicle lymphatic vessels ligature via pone laparoscope重症乳糜尿病人行后腹腔镜肾蒂淋巴管结扎术治疗的护理
11.In this case, lymphoma involving the lymphatics of the chest and abdomen led to the collection of chylous fluid.该淋巴瘤病人病变累及胸部和腹部淋巴管引起乳糜液聚集。
12.Retroperitoneoscopic ligation of renal lymphatic vessels for the treatment of chyluria(report of 19 cases)后腹腔镜肾蒂淋巴管结扎术治疗乳糜尿19例报告
13.Comparative Study of Retroperitoneoscopic Renal Pedicle Lymphatic Disconnection and Open Surgery for the Treatment of Chyluria后腹腔镜与开放式两种肾蒂淋巴管结扎术治疗乳糜尿的疗效比较
14.Comparative Study of High Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU) and Retroperitoneoscopy Renal Pedicle Lymphatic Vessels Disconnection in Treating Filarial Chyluria;高能聚焦超声(HIFU)和后腹腔镜肾蒂淋巴管结扎治疗丝虫性乳糜尿的比较研究
15.nonfilarial chylocele of tunica vaginalis非丝虫性鞘膜乳糜囊肿
16.Comparative observation on the results of six methods in treament of chluria and hemotochyluria六种主要措施治疗乳糜尿和乳糜血尿的比较研究
17.Effect of Xiaozhongrumiqing preparations on chyluria and lymphaedema消肿乳糜清系列制剂治疗乳糜尿和淋巴水肿的临床研究
18.The lacteals of villi are part of the lymphatic system.绒毛的乳糜管是淋巴系统的一部分。

chylous ascites乳糜腹水
1.Clinical observation and nursing care of postoperative patient with chylous ascites;手术后乳糜腹水的临床观察和护理
3)chylous ascites乳糜性腹水
5)chyle peritonitis乳糜性腹膜炎
6)Chylous Ascites/surg乳糜性腹水/外科学

乳糜腹乳糜腹chyloperitoneum 腹腔内积存大量乳糜。乳糜系回肠上部吸收且已消化的脂肪,通过肠系膜淋巴管流入腹淋巴总管、胸导管而进入颈部无名静脉。当胸导管或腹淋巴管发生梗阻时,远端淋巴管发生扩张,淋巴管内瓣膜功能不全,淋巴管可逆流,且淋巴管壁脆弱,轻微损伤即可穿孔,淋巴外溢形成乳糜腹。临床上可见腹胀,有腹水征,穿刺可得牛奶样乳糜,即可确诊为乳糜腹。乳糜腹如不能吸收自愈则预后差。若确定为恶性肿瘤引起,则可试用放射线照射治疗;若乳糜增长过快而威胁生命,可考虑外科治疗。