气管内插管,Endotracheal intubation
1)Endotracheal intubation气管内插管
1.Study on release behaviour of tetracaine hydrochlooride injection in the cuff of endotracheal intubation in vitro;盐酸丁卡因注射液在气管内插管气囊中的释放
2.Clinical application of submental endotracheal intubation to treatment of patients with complex facial fractures;颏下进路气管内插管在复杂面部骨折治疗中的应用
3.Clinical experience of 103 cases painless esophagus endoscopic ultrasonography with endotracheal intubation气管内插管用于无痛食管超声内镜检查103例临床应用体会

1.Nursing Cooperation in the General Anesthesia in Blind Nasotracheal Intubation经鼻盲探气管内插管全麻的护理配合
2.We continue our discussion of airway management today. Proper endotracheal tube insertion is important to avoid mainstem bronchial intubation. Today's questions concern proper positioning of an ETT within the trachea.恰当的气管内插管对避免主支气管插管非常重要,本周我们讨论ETT在气管内的恰当位置。
3.The aplication of shikani optical stylet in tracheal intubation of cervical vertebrae operationShikani可视喉镜在颈椎手术气管内插管中的应用
4.Preoperative evaluation of difficult endotracheal intubation for cleft palate patients腭裂手术麻醉困难气管内插管的术前评估
5.Clinical experience of 103 cases painless esophagus endoscopic ultrasonography with endotracheal intubation气管内插管用于无痛食管超声内镜检查103例临床应用体会
6.Possitive Pressure of mechanical ventilation may impede the movement of villi, Intubation may obstruct the secretions from coughing out.正压机械通气妨碍纤毛运动,气管内插管阻止痰液的排出。
7.Comparison of the Tracheal and Intravenous Lidocaine on Preventing Cardiovascular Response in the Children with General Anesthesia and Tracheal Intubation气管内和静脉应用利多卡因预防小儿全麻气管内插管心血管反应的效果比较
8.Such subglottic ulcers are produced with prolonged endotracheal intubation in which the cuff of the endotracheal tube fits too tight.这样的声门下溃疡是可由长期的气管内插管造成的,往往见于插管过紧。
9.What is the effect of head position changes on the depth of an endotracheal tube?头部位置的变化对气管内插管深度有何影响?请详细描述。
10.Use of WA-Ⅰ Fibre-optic Laryngoscope in Endotracheal IntubationWA-I型光学纤维直接喉镜用于气管内插管的研究
11.Preoperative Pain Sensitivity: A Feasible Way to Predict Patients Responses during Intubation and Skin Incision;术前疼痛敏感度与气管内插管、切皮反应的相关性研究
12.Clinical Research of Rapid Tracheal Intubation with the Priming Vecuronium预注维库溴铵行快速诱导气管内插管的临床观察研究
13.Comparison of Laryngeal Mask and Tracheal Intubation Anesthesia Apply in Lower Extremity's Operation Under the Patient Lying on the Side喉罩与气管内插管在侧卧位下肢全麻手术病人中的应用比较
14.Response of endo-tracheal intubation with Shikani optical stylet by different induction不同麻醉诱导对视可尼可视喉镜辅助气管内插管反应的影响
15.Application of oro-pharyngeal airway cap laryngeal mask with endotracheal intubation in patients with breast cancer undergoing radical mastectomy欧普乐喉罩与气管内插管在乳腺癌根治术病人全麻中的应用
16.Study of the Related Factors for Reintubation of None COPD Patients in ICU Within 24 Hours after Extubation;ICU非COPD病人24小时内气管重插管相关因素分析
17.The Experimental Study on Performance of Feed-Tube Evacuated Tubular Solar Air Heater;内插管式全玻璃真空管空气集热器性能研究
18.death from first aid in hospital: 2029 cases, 7.8% of people had endotracheal intubarion carried out; 9.2% of people had operation;院内急救死亡2029例,院内急救气管插管率为7.8%,手术率为9.2%。

Tracheal intubation气管内插管
1.Clinical observation of propofor induction by tracheal intubation;异丙酚静脉诱导气管内插管的临床观察
2.The effects of Metoprolol on haemodynamic change in tracheal intubation during induction of anaesthesia;美托络尔对气管内插管时血流动力学的影响
3.Objective To observe the success rate and reliability of the shikani seeing stylet (SSS) introducing tracheal intubation after tachyinduced intravenous anesthesia.方法196例ASAⅠ~Ⅱ级择期手术患者,在快速静脉全麻诱导后采用SSS引导经口腔气管内插管,测量麻醉诱导前(T1)、气管插管开始时(T2)、导管插入时(T3)及气管插管后5min(T4)的HR、SBP、DBP、MAP、SpO2,并记录插管操作时间(T2~T3)、次数和并发症。
3)Orotracheal intubation经口气管内插管
4)Intratracheal intubation anesthesia气管内插管麻醉
1.Methods Potentiated surface anesthesia and intratracheal intubation anesthesia were applied in operations to103 cases of foreign bodies in esophagus,and comparative observations were done to these cases.方法 对 10 3例食道异物患者采用强化表面麻醉法和气管内插管麻醉法进行手术和对比观察。
5)intratrcheal intubation盲探气管内插管
6)nontracheal intubation非气管内插管
1.Objective: To observe the feasibility of nontracheal intubation anesthesia in patients undergoing the amputation of glottal tumor.目的 :探讨非气管内插管麻醉行声带肿物摘除术的可行性。

气管内插管气管内插管endotracheal intubation 是麻醉工作者必需掌握的技术。将特制的气管导管由口或鼻腔插入经过声门置入气管内。作气管内麻醉和急救复苏用。藉以保持气道通畅、有效的机械通气和吸入麻醉气体。应在咽、喉、气管局部表面麻醉或全身麻醉下进行。主要并发症有插管径路中各器官组织的损伤、心血管不良反应、误入食管而未能及时发现等。有急性喉炎、喉水肿者禁忌插管。有出血素质或凝血机制严重紊乱者需慎重考虑。