脑代谢,Cerebral metabolism
1)Cerebral metabolism脑代谢
1.Objective: To observe the change of cerebral metabolism in long-term drug abuser by positron emission tomography(PET) with 2-deoxy-2[18F]fluoro-D-glucose (18FDG), and to provide the information of molecular imaging for the study of drug addiction.目的:使用PET观察长期吸毒者脑代谢变化,为研究吸毒者神经生理和行为改变以及吸毒治疗提供分子影像学资料。
2.Purpose: To discuss the feasibility of controlled hypotension and effect of cerebral metabolism with combination of remifentanil and nitroglycerine.目的:探讨瑞芬太尼及其联合硝酸甘油用于控制性降压的可行性及其对脑氧供需平衡和脑代谢的影响。
3.Objective:To evaluate the effects of Xingnaojing Injection on postoperative cerebral metabolism in patients with cerebral hemorrhage.目的:探讨醒脑静注射液对脑出血术后患者脑代谢的影响。

1.Dynamic Changes of Regional Metabolic Profiles in Chick Embryo Brain during Development Studied by An NMR-based Metabonomic Approach代谢组学方法分析鸡胚胎发育过程中脑代谢
2.The Effects of Xingnaojing Injection on Postoperative Cerebral Metabolism in Patients with Cerebral Hemorrhage醒脑静注射液对脑出血术后病人脑代谢的影响
3.Quantification of Brain Metabolite Concentrations in Acute Hypoxia Ischemic Brain Injury;急性缺氧缺血性脑损伤脑代谢物定量研究
4.Proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy Study on Cerebral Metabolism before and after Infarction in Rats;活体脑梗死前后脑代谢的磁共振波谱研究
5.Regional Cerebral Metabolism Changes after Brain Injury: A Microdialysis Study脑损伤后局部脑代谢变化的微透析实验研究
6.Study on MR Spectroscopy Quantification of Brain Metabolites Method;磁共振频谱定量脑代谢物方法的研究
7.Brain Regional Metabolite in Mild Cognitive Impairment: A ~1H-MRS Study;轻度认知障碍局部脑代谢的~1H-MRS分析
8.Effects of Dengzhan Xixin on blood-brain barrier permeability and metabolites after cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injuries灯盏细辛对脑缺血再灌注后血脑屏障通透性及脑代谢物质的影响
9.Brain Tissue Oxygenation Monitoring and Effect of Acupuncture on Brain Oxygen Metabolism in Patients during Craniotomy;开颅术中患者脑组织氧代谢监测及针刺对脑氧代谢的影响
10.Effect of Endotracheal Suctioning on Cerebral Oxygen Metabolism after Traumatic Brain Injury;颅脑外伤后气管内吸引术对脑氧代谢的影响
11.The Influence of Acetylcholine (ACh) on the Metabolism of Serotonin (5-HT) in the Brain乙酰胆碱对脑内5-羟色胺代谢的影响
12.Novel Roles of LXR in Lipid Metabolism of Liver and Brain;LXR在肝脏和脑组织脂质代谢中的作用
13.Effects Of Exercise On The Metabolism Of MDA And NO In Cerebral Cortex Of Rats;运动对大鼠大脑皮层MDA及NO代谢的影响
14.Effects of avermectine on nerve metabolic enzyme in cerebellum of rats阿维菌素对大鼠小脑神经代谢酶影响
15.The Research of Effect on Daixiean of TCM on Metabolic Syndrome and Its Detriment of Neuron, Microvessel in Aged Rat Background;代谢安对代谢综合征老龄大鼠脑神经元和微血管损伤的保护作用
16.Effects of Methionine on Arsenic Methylation and Glu, NO Metabolism in Mice Exposed to Arsenite Through Drinking Water外源性Met对砷暴露小鼠体内砷甲基代谢和脑Glu及NO代谢影响的研究
17.Effects of Exogenous GSH on Metabolism of Inorganic Arsenic, Glu and NO in Mice Exposed to Arsenite Through Drinking Water外源性GSH对砷暴露小鼠体内砷甲基代谢和脑Glu及NO代谢影响的研究
18.The Study of Changes in Microcirculation, Metabolism and Antithrombus Therapy Following Acute Brain Injury急性颅脑损伤后脑微循环、脑组织代谢变化及抗栓治疗研究

brain metabolism脑代谢
4)Cerebral oxygen metabolism脑氧代谢
1.Effects of hypothermia on cerebral oxygen metabolism in patients with mitral valve replacement;不同低温对二尖瓣置换病人脑氧代谢的影响
2.Objective To observe the changes of cerebral oxygen metabolism during the process of reperfusion after resuscitation from cardiac arrest (CA) in dogs and the effects of hypertensive reperfusion.目的 观察犬心脏停搏 (cardiacarrest,CA)复苏后再灌流期间脑氧代谢情况变化及高血压性再灌流的影响。
3.Objective To observe the effects of propofol infusion on the cerebral oxygen metabolism during the early period after cardiopulmonary bypass(CPB).目的 观察异丙酚对体外循环 (CPB)后早期脑氧代谢的影响。
5)Brain iron metabolism脑铁代谢
1.To research the relationship between the proteins involved in brain iron metabolism,brain iron homeostasis and neurodegenerative diseases.目的:研究大鼠侧脑室注射脂多糖对脑皮质和海马膜铁转运蛋白1(ferroportin,FP1)、铜蓝蛋白(ceruloplasmin,CP)和二价金属离子转运体1(divalent metal transporter 1,DMT1)及此三种蛋白mRNA表达的变化,进而了解脑部炎症引起的脑铁代谢紊乱及其导致的神经退行性疾病,为临床诊断和治疗神经退行性疾病提供理论依据。
2.Recently, the brain iron metabolism research becomes very hot.目前,脑铁代谢已成为一个非常热门的研究领域。

快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐药物名称:芬那露片英文名:Chlormezanone别名: 非脑尔;快宁脑 ,芬那露,非脑乐外文名:Chlormezanone适应症: 1.精神紧张、恐惧、精神性神经病、慢性疲劳以及由焦虑、激动和某些疾病引起的烦躁、失眠等。 2.配合镇痛药治疗背酸、颈硬、骨痛、四肢酸痛、风湿性关节痛等。 3.其他:震颤性麻痹、震颤、瘫痪、血管硬化及脑震荡出血等。 用量用法: 口服:成人每次0.2g,1日3次;儿童用量酌减。 注意事项: 1.有嗜睡、潮红、药疹、厌食、抑郁等不良反应。 2.不宜与氯丙嗪类、单胺氧化酶抑制剂等合用。 规格: 片剂:每片0.2g。 注:参见"芬那露"类别:抗精神失常药