临床解剖,clinical anatomy
1)clinical anatomy临床解剖
1.Study on clinical anatomy and histological characters of internal mammary artery and radial artery;内乳动脉和桡动脉的临床解剖与组织学研究
2.Clinical Anatomy Obseration and Study of Trigeminal Nerve Root;三叉神经根的临床解剖学观察与研究
3.Clinical anatomy and surgical treatment of Ebstein's anomalyEbstein心脏畸形的临床解剖及外科治疗

1.Chinese Journal of Clinical Anatomy中国临床解剖学杂志
2.The Study of Clinical Anatomy and Classification for Rolando Fracture;Rolando骨折的临床解剖及分型研究
3.Series of Clinical Anatomy Study on Endoscope-assisted Keyhole Approach;内窥镜辅助锁孔入路临床解剖学研究
4.Clinical anatomy and surgical treatment of Ebstein's anomalyEbstein心脏畸形的临床解剖及外科治疗
5.Clinical Anatomy Study of Screw Placement Into Posterior Column of Acetabulum Security髋臼后柱安全置钉的临床解剖学研究
6.Clinical anatomy of the right hepatic vein for living donor liver transplantation活体肝移植肝右静脉的临床解剖研究
7.Microsurgical anatomy and clinical significance of paraclinoid region前床突旁区的显微解剖及其临床意义
8.Microanatomical and Clinical Application Anatomical Study of the Upper Esophageal Sphincter;食管上括约肌的显微解剖与临床应用解剖研究
9.CT Evaluation of Ethmoid Variations and Its Clinical Significance筛骨解剖变异的CT评价及其临床意义
10.An anatomical investigation relating to the stapes elevation surgery镫骨提高术的解剖学研究与临床观察
11.Research in Microanatomy on the Area of the Third Ventricle and Its Clinical Utilization;三脑室区显微解剖及其临床应用研究
12.Clinical Anatomical Study on the Cutaneous Branches of the Digital Arteries and Its Clinical Significance;指动脉皮支解剖学研究及其临床意义
13.Clinical Applied Anatomy of Intercavernous Sinuses and Correlative Structures;海绵间窦及相关结构的临床应用解剖
14.Clinical Applied Anatomy of Middle Hepatic Veins;肝中静脉及主要属支的临床应用解剖
15.Study on the Methodology, Anatomy and Clinical Applications with MRU;MRU的方法、解剖及临床应用研究
16.Establishing of 3D Anatomical Model for the Finger and It s Clinical Application;手指解剖结构的三维建模及临床应用
17.Microsurgical Anatomy and Clinical Application of Trigeminal Nerve三叉神经的显微解剖和临床应用研究
18.Anatomical Characteristics and Clinical Features in Human Impacted Canines埋伏阻生尖牙的解剖特点及临床表现

clinic anatomy临床解剖
3)Clinical anatomy临床解剖学
1.The clinical anatomy study on malar and maxillary sinus in facial contour plastic surgery;颧骨及上颌窦在面部轮廓整复中的临床解剖学研究
2.Inferior mesenteric vessels related clinical anatomy in laparoscopy;腹腔镜下肠系膜下血管的临床解剖
3.Thickening and ptosis of the lateral upper eyelid:clinical anatomy;上睑外侧肥厚臃肿下垂的临床解剖学研究
4)Clinical and anatomic factor临床和解剖因素
5)anatomy and clinical application解剖与临床应用
6)clinic applied anatomy临床应用解剖学
