肿胀麻醉,Tumescent anesthesia
1)Tumescent anesthesia肿胀麻醉
1.The application of local infiltration and tumescent anesthesia in augmentation mammoplasty;局部浸润联合肿胀麻醉在隆乳术中的应用
2.Clinical analysis of liposuction with tumescent anesthesia technique for the middle-aged and elderly of 800 cases;中老年人肿胀麻醉吸脂术800例临床分析
3.Methods The tumescent anesthesia was carried on two stages.目的:回顾性研究两步肿胀麻醉方法在经腋窝胸大肌后隆乳术中的应用效果。

1.The Clinical Applications of Tumescent Liposuction Technique;肿胀麻醉下负压脂肪抽吸术的临床应用
2.Clinical experience report for the surgical treatment of nape-fat-pad肿胀麻醉下经小切口剪吸法治疗项部脂肪垫
3.Application of tumescent anesthesia in the treatment of superficial neurofibroma肿胀麻醉技术在治疗体表神经纤维瘤中的应用
4.Tumescent Anesthesia Used in Orthopedic Surgery Under Local Anesthesia Clinical Observation肿胀麻醉应用于整形外科手术的临床观察
5.Treatment of postmastectomy upper limb lymphedema by liposuction in tumesucent solution肿胀麻醉下负压抽吸法治疗乳腺癌术后上肢淋巴水肿
6.Variant temperature tumescent solutions’impact on lidocaine plasma concentration不同温度肿胀麻醉液对利多卡因血药浓度的影响
7.Surgical treatment of moderate or serious gynecomastia via micro-incision with tumescent anesthesia technique应用肿胀麻醉技术微创小切口治疗中重度男性乳房发育症
8.The tumescent technique with shunt refiller and liposuction for cervicodorsal fat pad应用分流注水器行肿胀麻醉及脂肪抽吸术治疗颈背脂肪垫
9.Conclusion Tumescent technique is effective and safe, and can be applied in the treatment of obesity.结论麻醉满意,操作得当,肿胀法吸脂术对局部肥胖者的减肥是安全有效的。
10.BIS monitoring in major tumor surgery anesthesiaBIS监测在重大肿瘤手术麻醉中的应用
11.The state of being turgid.膨胀,肿胀,肿大膨胀、肿胀,肿大的状态
12.The clinic effect on Etomidate-anesthesia for adrenalectomy依托咪酯在肾上腺肿瘤切除术麻醉的临床观察
13.The value of remifentanil combined with propofol anesthesia applied in cerebral tumor surgery瑞芬太尼复合丙泊酚麻醉在脑肿瘤术中的应用
14.Anesthesia manipulation for 20 cancer patients with whole body hyperthermia肿瘤全身高温疗法的20例临床麻醉管理
15.The anaesthetist gave the patient an anaesthetic.麻醉师给病人施麻醉剂。
16.anesthetic ventilator麻醉呼吸器,麻醉通气机
17.Relating to or resembling anesthesia.麻醉的与麻醉有关的或类似麻醉的
18.become bloated or swollen or puff up.变得发胀、肿胀或膨胀。

tumescent anaesthesia肿胀麻醉
1.The clinical application of tumescent anaesthesia in augmentation mammaplasty;肿胀麻醉技术在假体置入隆乳术中的应用
2.Surgical therapy of bromidrosis with tumescent anaesthesia through a small incision;肿胀麻醉下小切口治疗腋臭
3.Methods: During January 2006 and September 2007, we use vibro-liposuction technique under tumescent anaesthesia in the different part of 15 patients, during operation, monitoring their pulse and blood pressure, and seeing their tolerance level toward anaesthesia.方法:从2006年1月~2007年9月在肿胀麻醉下应用振动脂肪抽吸术,对15名患者的不同部位进行脂肪抽吸,术中对其脉搏,血压等生命征进行监测,并观察他们对疼痛的耐受程度及麻醉效果。
3)Tumescent technique肿胀麻醉
1.The tumescent technique with shunt refiller and liposuction for cervicodorsal fat pad应用分流注水器行肿胀麻醉及脂肪抽吸术治疗颈背脂肪垫
2.Methods The hypertrophic mammary tissues were resected through a small opening around areola and the tumescent technique was used.方法:在肿胀麻醉下经乳晕边缘小切口切除增生肥大的乳腺组织。
4)tumescent technique肿胀麻醉技术
1.MethodsAll 135 patients aged ≥50 years undergoing liposuction using the electric and tumescent techniques were analyzed retrospectively.方法回顾性分析和总结1997-2006年应用高频吸脂机结合肿胀麻醉技术行脂肪抽吸术的50岁以上患者135例,对其年龄、部位、手术时间、麻醉用药量、吸出物总量、效果评价等指标综合分析。
2.Methods Liposuction was applied to treatment of gynecomastia under tumescent technique,and resection was used for correction of gland with a micro-incision of areol edge.方法:应用肿胀麻醉技术,在局麻下作男性发育乳房的脂肪抽吸,同时取乳晕缘小切口切除增生肥大的腺体。
1.Effects of yangyintongnao particle on cerebral blood flow in anaesthetized dog;养阴通脑颗粒对麻醉犬脑血流量的影响
2.The mechanical properties of spider dragline silk reeled to the different spiders to be anaesthetized were investigated.研究了不同麻醉深度下 ,人工卷取的蜘蛛牵引丝的力学性能 ,并从人工纺丝的角度出发 ,探索了成丝过程中的张力和湿度对牵引丝力学性能的影响。
3.Objective To discuss the reasons for complications caused by indwelling urethral catheter after anaesthetize and prevention measures.目的探讨麻醉后留置尿管引起并发症的原因及预防措施。
1.Comparison of two anaesthesia of laparoscopic varicocelectomy for treatment of varicocele;不同麻醉方式下腹腔镜精索静脉高位结扎术疗效比较
2.Observation of the Anaesthesia Effect and Nursing to Operation Patients;手术患者麻醉观察与护理
3.Effects of Tramadol Compound Jingan and Pethidine Prevented Gynecology Department Cervical Cancer Root Governing Skill on Controlling of Shivering During Operation Under Epiduial Cervicalral Anaesthesia Period;曲马多复合静安预防妇科宫颈癌根治术在硬膜外麻醉期间寒颤反应的临床观察

麻醉依打 ,麻醉乙醚药物名称:乙醚英文名:Ether别名: 麻醉醚;麻醉依打 ,麻醉乙醚外文名:Anaesthetic Ether适应症: 适用于外科手术。 用量用法: 常用开放点滴法,通过麻醉面罩吸入。用量视病人情况和手术而定。 注意事项: 1.不能过量,否则会出现毒性反应。 2.在施用前1小时,皮下注射阿托品0.3mg与吗啡15mg,可抑制呼吸道的多量分泌,并可减少乙醚的用量。 3.为预防呕吐,麻醉前必须空腹6小时以上。 4.极易燃烧爆炸,使用场合不可有开放火焰或电火花。 5.遇日光、空气、湿气等易变质,又易挥发,引火和爆炸。 6.本品如已氧化,可生成过氧过物,不仅不适于药用,而且更易爆炸。故若有变质可疑时,用前必须检查,合格才用。 7.糖尿病、肝功能严重损害、呼吸道感染或梗阻、消化道梗阻病人忌用。 规格: 液体:100ml/瓶,150ml/瓶、250ml/瓶。类别:全身麻醉药\吸入麻醉药