麻醉性镇痛药,narcotic analgesic
1)narcotic analgesic麻醉性镇痛药
1.An Analysis for the Problems of Using Narcotic Analgesics in Our Hospital;对我院麻醉性镇痛药使用中存在问题的分析
2.A new potent and ultra short acting narcotic analgesic remifentanil hydrochloride was prepared from N benzyl 4 piperidinone through the Strecker reaction,hydrolysis,propionylation,debenzylation and the Micheal additive reaction in 7 5% total yield.以 1 苄基 4 哌啶酮为起始原料 ,经Strecker反应、水解、酯化、丙酰化、脱苄基、Micheal加成及成盐反应合成了新型麻醉性镇痛药盐酸瑞芬太尼 ,总收率 7 5 %。
3.RESULTS:Narcotic analgesic used in our hospital during 2003~2006 showed an upward trend year-on-year in both consumption quantity and consumption sum,much as in the consumption of morphine preparation.目的:了解我院麻醉性镇痛药的应用情况及趋势。

1."Narcotic: Drug that produces analgesia (see analgesic), narcosis (stupor or sleep), and drug addiction."麻醉性镇痛药:能产生止痛(麻醉(麻木或入睡)以及药物成瘾的药物。
2.Utilization of Narcotic Analgesics in Our Hospital During the Period 2002~20082002~2008年我院麻醉性镇痛药应用分析
3.In 2005~2007 Year My Courtyard Stupefactive Analgesic Applied Analysis2005~2007年我院麻醉性镇痛药应用分析
4."Morphine: Heterocyclic compound, narcotic analgesic alkaloid originally isolated from opium."吗啡:杂环化合物,从鸦片分离出的麻醉性镇痛药镇痛药生物碱。
5.Analysis on Usage of Narcotic Analgesics in Special Wards of Our Hospital我院特需病房麻醉性镇痛药使用情况分析
6.Analysis on outpatient prescriptions of narcotic analgesics in 2008 in our hospital我院2008年门诊麻醉性镇痛药使用调查分析
7."Some, including antibiotics, stimulants, tranquilizers, antidepressants, analgesics, narcotics, and hormones, have generalized effects."常用药包括有抗生素、兴奋剂、安定剂、抗抑郁药、镇痛药、麻醉性镇痛药、荷尔蒙
8.Application of Narcotic Analgesics in Four Hospitals in Xinjiang Area During 2006~2008新疆地区4家医院2006~2008年麻醉性镇痛药利用分析
9.Utilization of Narcotic Analgesics in Patients with Cancer in Our Hospital from 2005 to 2008我院2005~2008年癌症住院患者麻醉性镇痛药利用分析
10.Application research of the fentanyl category narcotic analgesics medicines in the surgical operation of the peritoneoscope biliary tract芬太尼类麻醉性镇痛药在腹腔镜胆道手术中应用研究
11."Heroin: Heterocyclic compound, a highly addictive alkaloid derivative of morphine (chemically, it is diacetylmorphine) that makes up a large portion of illicit narcotics traffic."海洛因:杂环化合物,一种从吗啡衍生而来的高成瘾性生物碱,为非法贩运麻醉性镇痛药中之大宗。
12." Opium: Organic compound, a narcotic drug known since ancient Greek times, obtained from exuded juice of immature fruit capsules of the opium poppy."鸦片:有机化合物,自古希腊时代即是麻醉性镇痛药。从罂粟未成熟蒴果中提取。
13."Opium: Organic compound, a narcotic drug known since ancient Greek times, obtained from exuded juice of immature fruit capsules of the opium poppy."鸦片:有机化合物,自古希腊时代即是麻醉性镇痛药。从罂粟未成熟蒴果中提
14.Effects of narcotics on adenyl cyclase and phosphodiesterase activity in rabbit bronchial smooth muscle.常用麻醉性镇痛药对家兔支气管平滑肌腺苷酸环化酶和磷酸二酯酶活力的影响
15.A synthetic narcotic drug, C19H27NO, used as a nonaddictive analgesic, often in place of morphine.镇痛新一种麻醉止痛药,C19H27NO,可用作不上瘾性止痛剂,常代替吗啡
16."Its analgesic, fever-reducing, and anti-inflammatory effects make it useful in treating headaches, muscle and joint aches, arthritis pain, and the symptoms of mild fevers and infections."阿司匹林是一种缓和的非麻醉性解热镇痛药,可治疗头痛、肌肉痛、关节痛、退热、消炎、消肿。
17.Inhaled and intravenous anesthetics, narcotics, and muscle relaxants should be selected with specific pharmacologic goals in mind.应该注意根据特殊的药理学目的来选择吸入或静脉麻醉剂、醉性镇痛药和肌肉松弛剂。
18.A nonnarcotic analgesic drug, C22H29NO2.丙氧芬一种没有麻醉的镇痛药,化学式为

Narcotic analgesics麻醉性镇痛药
1.The comparison of target-controlled propofol infusion combined with different narcotic analgesics during induced abortion;靶控输注异丙酚配伍不同的麻醉性镇痛药用于人工流产术的比较
2.Analysis of the situation of narcotic analgesics used in Shanghai People s Hospital of Pudong New Area;上海浦东新区人民医院麻醉性镇痛药使用情况分析
3.OBJECTIVE:To analyze the use of narcotic analgesics,in order to provide an evidence for rational use of narcotic analgesics in the clinic.目的:分析我院麻醉性镇痛药的应用情况,为临床合理使用麻醉药品提供依据。
1.Analysis of narcotics utilization during the period of 2001—2006 in our hospital;2001—2006年我院麻醉性镇痛药使用分析
2.Investigation on Narcotics and Polycyclic Morphinanes with Kappa Opioid "Address" Components;麻醉性镇痛药物研究历史久远、在临床上用于缓解疼痛疗效可靠。
4)narcotic analgetics麻醉性镇痛药
1.OBJECTIVE:To survey and analyze the usage of narcotic analgetics in outpatient department of our hospital.目的 :调查分析我院门诊麻醉性镇痛药应用情况。
5)anesthetic sedative agents麻醉性镇痛药
1.Objective: To give evidence of rationality in clinic drug usage,we evaluate the application situation of anesthetic sedative agents in our hospital.目的:了解麻醉性镇痛药品应用情况,为临床合理用药提供依据。
6)non-narcotic analgesics非麻醉性镇痛药
1.Analysis of dependence of non-narcotic analgesics in 34 cases;34例滥用非麻醉性镇痛药浅析

麻醉性镇痛药麻醉性镇痛药narcotic analgesic  能解除或减轻疼痛并改变对疼痛情绪反应的药物。可作为术前用药、麻醉主要用药或辅助用药或术后镇痛等。反复使用可产生成瘾性。该类药的经典代表是吗啡。1963年我国邹岗等首次提出吗啡的作用部位在第三脑室和导水管周围灰质。1973年国外学者相继发现脑内、脊髓存在阿片受体,1975年又发现了内源性阿片样物质。这些发现为解释吗啡类药的镇痛作用和成瘾性提供了理论依据。按其来源可分为三大类:①天然阿片生物碱,如吗啡;②半合成衍生物,如海洛因;③合成的麻醉镇痛药,如哌替啶等。按药理作用分为两大类:①纯粹的激动药,如吗啡、哌替啶等;②部分激动药或混合型激动-拮抗药,如镇痛新等。