乳腺区段切除,segmental mastectomy
1)segmental mastectomy乳腺区段切除
1.Methods\ 26 patients with stage Ⅰ and Ⅱ breast cancer were treated with preoperative transarterial infusion chemotherapy followed by segmental mastectomy since 1995 to 1997.方法 1995 - 1997年采用术前动脉插管化疗加乳腺区段切除治疗Ⅰ、Ⅱ期乳腺癌共 2 6例 ,并随访 5年以上。

1.Comparison of anaesthetic potency between chloroprocaine and xylocaine in segmental mastectomy氯普鲁卡因与利多卡因在乳腺区段切除术中的麻醉性能对比
2.An intravenous bolus injection of 20 mg nefopam as a preemptive analgesia in mastectomy盐酸奈福泮超前镇痛在乳腺区段切除术的临床研究
3.A clinical study on the resection of breast fibroadenoma by circum-areola incision环乳晕切口切除乳腺纤维腺瘤的临床研究
4.Analysis of the Mammotome system minimally invasive excision of breast lesions in 1081 patientsMammotome微创旋切术切除乳腺肿块1081例分析
5.The clinical analysis of resection mammary benign tumor by mammary arcola arc incision in 450 cases乳晕弧形切口切除乳腺良性肿物450例临床分析
6.Periareolar areolar incision in treatment of benign tumor of breast经乳晕切口行乳腺良性肿块切除术的临床应用
7.Periareolar Incision in the Treatment of Multiple or Giant Fibroadenoma of the Breast乳晕边缘小切口切除乳房多发或巨纤维腺瘤
8.Treatment of gynecomastia by liposuction assisted excision with conservation of thin layer of areolar and lateral inferior mammary gland保留乳晕及外下侧薄层乳腺瓣的男性乳腺切除术
9.Immediate Breast augmentation following entire gland removal in the patients with cystic mastopathy乳腺囊性增生病乳腺全切除同期假体置入乳房整形术
10.Breast Conserved Mastectomy VS Prophylactic Mastectomy;对保乳手术及预防性乳腺切除术的思考
11.The Research on the Application of Middle Segmental Pancreatectomy in Pancreatic Surgery中段胰腺切除术在胰腺外科中应用的研究
12.Objective To evaluate the clinical feasibility of skin sparing mastectomy in the treatment of early breast cancer.目的探讨节约皮肤的乳腺切除术治疗早期乳腺癌的可行性。
13.Clinical Application of Ultrasound-Guided Needle Placement in Mammary Gland Resection of Small Lesions in the Breast经超声引导置入乳腺定位针切除乳腺微小病灶的临床应用
14.Method To resect tumor and some gland through inferolateral fold and areola mammae incision and to implant prosthesis to the posterior pectoralis major space.方法乳房下皱襞、乳晕切口切除肿瘤及腺体,胸大肌后间隙植入假体。
15.surgical removal of a tumor without removing much of the surrounding tissue or lymph nodes; performed in some cases of breast cancer.切除肿瘤而不影响周围其他器官的手术;切除乳腺肿瘤的手术。
16.Clinical significance of regional parotidectomy and reconstruction with sternomastoid muscle flap in benign tumor of parotid gland in superficial lobe区域性切除术及胸锁乳突肌瓣转移修复术在腮腺浅叶良性肿瘤手术中的临床应用
17.Clinical Application Analysis of Endonasal Transsphenoidal Prolactinoma;经蝶窦切除垂体泌乳素性腺瘤的临床疗效分析
18.The Technique and Application of Local Resction of Nonpalpable Mammary Lesion with the Guidance of Indwelling Wire Placed in by Puncture;乳腺隐匿性病灶定位穿刺切除技术及应用

section removed of mammary gland乳腺腺体区段切除
1.The psychosocial reaction and nursing care of the patients after mastectomy;乳腺切除患者的心理反应和护理对策
1.Objective To evaluate the clinical feasibility of skin sparing mastectomy in the treatment of early breast cancer.目的 探讨节约皮肤的乳腺切除术治疗早期乳腺癌的可行性。
5)lobectomy of breast乳腺腺叶切除术
6)subcutaneous mammectomy皮下乳腺切除
1.Objective To explore the methods and significance of subcutaneous mammectomy and mammoplasty by one-stage.目的:探讨皮下乳腺切除后同时行乳房美容手术的方法及意义。
