血流动力学反应,hemodynamic responses
1)hemodynamic responses血流动力学反应
1.Objective To compare the hemodynamic responses to nasotracheal intubation with GlideScope videolaryngoscope (GSVL), Macintosh direct laryngoscope (MDLS), and fiberoptic bronchoscope (FOB).目的比较采用GlideScope视频喉镜(GSVL)、Macintosh型直接喉镜(MDLS)和光导纤维支气管镜(FOB)实施经鼻气管插管时的血流动力学反应

1.Comparison of Hemodynamic Responses to Three Different Ways of Intubation;三种气管插管方法下血流动力学反应的比较
2.The Effects of Propofol and Sevoflurane Anesthesia in Hemodynamics during Skin Incision七氟醚、异丙酚全麻患者对切皮刺激血流动力学反应的比较
3.Immediately Hemodynamic Effects of Enhanced External Counterpulsation:Comparing with Those of Intraaortic Balloon Pumping体外反搏的即时血流动力学效应:与主动脉球囊反搏装置的比较
4.Alterations in Arterial Reactivity of Various Arteries in Rats under Two Haemodynamic States;两种血流动力学状态下大鼠动脉血管反应性变化及其机理的研究
5.Influence of Esmolol on Haemodynamics、Plasma Endothelin、ThromboxaneA_2 in the Stress Reaction of Trachea Cannula;艾司洛尔对气管插管应激反应中血流动力学、血浆内皮素及血栓素A_2的影响
6.Changes and Mechanisms of Hemodynamics and Cardiovascular Reactivity on Multiple Trauma Rats Headed by SCI during Acute Stage;脊柱脊髓型严重多发伤大鼠急性期血流动力学及治疗过程中心血管反应性变化及其机制
7.Hemodynamic Effect of Optimized Double Intra-aortic Balloon Pumping优化主动脉内气囊反搏的血液动力学效应
8.Effects of Different Doses of Fentanyl and Remifentanil on the Stress Responses and Hemodynamics During Open-heart Surgery under Cardiopulmonary Bypass;不同剂量芬太尼和瑞芬太尼麻醉对心脏直视手术应激反应、血流动力学的影响
9.Effects of Sulfentanyl and Remifentanil by Target-controlled Infusion on Stress Reaction and Hemodynamics during Induction;舒芬太尼和瑞芬太尼TCI对全麻诱导期应激反应及血流动力学的影响
10.Development and application of micro kinetic analyzer for fluidized bed gas-solid reactions微型流化床反应动力学分析仪的研制与应用
11.The Study on High-frequency Ultrasound in Thoracodosal Artery Haemodynamics高频超声在胸背动脉血流动力学研究中的应用
12.Relationship between Hemodynamics Changes of Ductus Venous and Inflammatory Mediators in the Ovine Fetus with Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome胎羊炎症反应综合征静脉导管血流动力学变化与炎性介质关系的研究
14.Kinetic Study on Polymer Chain Extension and Interfacial Reaction under Shear Flow;剪切流场下聚合物扩链及界面反应动力学研究
15.Issues on the Applications of Chaos in the Hemodynamics;混沌在血流动力学应用中的若干问题研究
16.soil chemical reaction kinetics土壤化学反应动力学
17.Effect of preventive treatment for bone cement implantation reaction on haemodynamics and blood gas changes预防性处理骨水泥反应对血液动力学和血气参数的影响
18.Molecular reaction dynamics is a branch of chemical reaction dynamics.分子反应动力学是化学反应动力学的一个分支。

Hemodynamic response血液动力学反应
1.Influence of double segment technique of combined spinal-epidural anesthesia on recipients' hemodynamics during kidney transplantation;双穿刺点法联合腰麻-硬膜外麻醉对肾移植受者术中血流动力学影响
2.Effects of Laryngeal Mask Airway on Hemodynamics During Ambulatory Anesthesia;门诊麻醉时喉罩对血流动力学的影响
3.Effects on biomechanics、hemodynamics and plasma levels of brain natriuretic peptide(BNP)when pacing in right ventricular septum;右心室间隔部起搏的生物力学效应及其对血流动力学和血脑肽的影响
1.Color Doppler ultrasoundgrap-hic observation on central retinal artery hemodynamics of diabetic retinopathy;糖尿病视网膜病变视网膜血流动力学变化的超声观察
2.Parameters for hemodynamic monitoring in septic shock;感染性休克血流动力学的监测指标
5)blood flow dynamics血流动力学
1.Changes of blood flow dynamics of spleen vein and number of blood cells in circulation after liver transplant in patients with hepatocirrhosis and hypersplenism;肝硬化合并脾功能亢进病人肝移植术后脾静脉血流动力学及外周血细胞变化的观察
2.Comparison study of blood flow dynamics of gastroduodenal artery with 2D and color Doppler ultrasonography;二维及彩色多普勒超声观察胃十二指肠动脉血流动力学参数
3.Objective To study changes of the venous blood flow dynamics in patients with lower extremity ulceration.目的 探讨下肢静脉性溃疡的血流动力学变化情况。
6)Blood dynamics血流动力学
1.The influence of oxygen-enriched room to human blood dynamics at the altitude of 3700m;富氧室在海拔3700m对人体血流动力学的影响
2.Objective To research the influence of Qiangxin Tongmai capsule on blood dynamics, neural endocine hornmone and the expression of AQP2 mRNA in kidney of rat models with congestive heart failure (CHF).目的探讨强心通脉胶囊对充血性心力衰竭(CHF)大鼠模型血流动力学、神经内分泌及肾脏水通道蛋白-2(AQP2)基因表达的影响。

血流动力学血流动力学hemodynamics  是生物力学的一个分支,其主要任务是用流体力学的理论、技术和方法研究血液在血管内循环流动的基本规律、生理意义及其与疾病的关系。表示血流动力学的参量主要有流态、流速、流量、压力、黏度和阻力等。